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Best place for level 11 WAR?

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  • Best place for level 11 WAR?

    I'm a level 11 WAR wondering where I should level. Right now I'm in Tahrongi Canyon. Should I solo the stuff in the canyon, party in the dunes or the maze, or something else I haven't thought of?

    I'm decked out in Scale armor and have an Inferno Axe.

  • #2
    I've never been in that area where you are, but I started lvling in the dunes at lvl 10 WAR and it worked OK for me. Just a piece of advice, PT near a zone so you can zone a mob if it gets too tough.


    • #3
      From my experience, subbing Rdm or Whm at 6, and soloing until 12 is the best way to go. Switch to a Mnk sub, then move onto the dunes until level 19.

      You probably don't have a sub job yet, so don't worry about it.

      Most people stay in the dunes until level 20, but if you go to Jeuno at 19 you might be able to find a party willing to kill beetles in Saru for a couple quick levels. You can stay there until 23.

      If you're rich, you solo with meat mithkabobs because they help out a lot. You should be targeting Even Match with low defense monsters, or maybe Even Match if you've got some TP built up. With a Rdm or Whm sub you can heal yourself and debuff the monsters which makes up for more then the lack of whatever else you'd be missing from subbing monk.


      • #4
        get a party and go to the maze until 14 or 15 then go to valkrum or buburi pennisula.
        TaruKabob <Can I have it>


        • #5
          At the moment, you have three good choices:
          1) Valkurm Dunes
          2) Buburimu Peninsula
          3) Maze of Shakhrami

          Valkurm Dunes would be the easiest choice if you take a passive approach to partying; that is, you go to the place and just wait for an invite. Do beware though - the place is crawling with n00bs, so expect the worse out of random parties. Valkurm can also be good if you take an active approach and form your own parties as most everyone within your level range goes there anyways. Like I said before though, do be careful with who you invite, and expect crowded camping spots.

          Buburimu Peninsula, in my opinion, is a better levelling zone than Valkurm, but it's usually desolate for reasons that I won't cover here. Basically the mobs are the same levels, but the mobs that Buburimu doesn't share with Valkurm tend to be weaker than their Valkurm counterparts. If you have a tendency to form your own parties, and you make good use of the /sea command, Buburimu is definetely a great alternative, especially since it's completely empty, you'll have most of the mobs to yourself and you get to pick any of the camping spots. It's also a lot closer to your home nation, and you can use Mhaura as a haven.

          Maze of Shakhrami is good, but under very specific conditions. For instance, you can't go much higher than 14 there since by then the MMs will start checking VT. Also, MMs will be hitting you extremely hard from levels 10-14. You have very little odds of actually surviving direct confontations with them. This is the main reason why I say Shakhrami is good under very specific conditions. Ideally, you'll want everyone in your party to have ranged attacks, and get as many mages as you can. You go up to an MM and Provoke it, then go as far away as possible from it, in the opposite direction as the other 5 people in the party. They'll be attacking it from a distance, so you'll be at twice the distance from them as the MM is to you. Because MMs don't cast spells back to back, the healer shouldn't have too much trouble keeping you alive, and because you're so far away only you'll get hit when it does Stonega.

          Hope this helped.


          • #6
            Thanks, I think I've decided on Valkrum. I'm already back to Bastok anyway. Heheh...


            • #7
              Yuggot Grotto (sp) with 5 people at the range of lvl 11. You can win 125+ exp if you have a good setup . Just need to watch out with your tank he must be 100% HP as best as you can because if that Orc does Jump it can kill your tank with one hit if possible.
              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

              Merits - 98
              Goldsmith - 85.2

