Well I'm level 39 and 3k tnl ^^
but Im stuck on what to buy. Once all my junk sells I'll have around 700k-1M(depending if I want to sell my plds gear and if I can still get 300k+ from it) so money isnt to much of an issue.
My first though was a Sniper Ring, any thoughts? My LS said at 48 x2 Viking Axes + Lifebelt will fix acc, so I should get Pussiance rings(the +1 lv 36 str ones) which ones should I get?
Belts.....I also caught my eye on Sasari Belt, enhance dual wield affect, but then I cant use leftbelt on 48, Sasari is 500k on searph.....which one is more worth it?
Earrings I use Beetle+1 and a Pigeon(used this because I had it =P) should I sell the pigeon and get something else?
My Problem is what is worth my money to get at levell 40 if I have this much to spare? {help me out!}
but Im stuck on what to buy. Once all my junk sells I'll have around 700k-1M(depending if I want to sell my plds gear and if I can still get 300k+ from it) so money isnt to much of an issue.
My first though was a Sniper Ring, any thoughts? My LS said at 48 x2 Viking Axes + Lifebelt will fix acc, so I should get Pussiance rings(the +1 lv 36 str ones) which ones should I get?
Belts.....I also caught my eye on Sasari Belt, enhance dual wield affect, but then I cant use leftbelt on 48, Sasari is 500k on searph.....which one is more worth it?
Earrings I use Beetle+1 and a Pigeon(used this because I had it =P) should I sell the pigeon and get something else?
My Problem is what is worth my money to get at levell 40 if I have this much to spare? {help me out!}