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Lv 40 Gear. What to get!

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  • Lv 40 Gear. What to get!

    Well I'm level 39 and 3k tnl ^^

    but Im stuck on what to buy. Once all my junk sells I'll have around 700k-1M(depending if I want to sell my plds gear and if I can still get 300k+ from it) so money isnt to much of an issue.

    My first though was a Sniper Ring, any thoughts? My LS said at 48 x2 Viking Axes + Lifebelt will fix acc, so I should get Pussiance rings(the +1 lv 36 str ones) which ones should I get?

    Belts.....I also caught my eye on Sasari Belt, enhance dual wield affect, but then I cant use leftbelt on 48, Sasari is 500k on searph.....which one is more worth it?

    Earrings I use Beetle+1 and a Pigeon(used this because I had it =P) should I sell the pigeon and get something else?

    My Problem is what is worth my money to get at levell 40 if I have this much to spare? {help me out!}
    Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
    WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28

  • #2
    At 40 I had 2 Sniper's Rings and a Tilt Belt, replaced with Life Belt at 48, will wear Sniper's Rings to endgame. I've played a lot with parsing +STR and higher D on weapons versus just keeping ACC as high as possible and going for ACC has always made the most difference for me.

    Sarashi's overrated IMO until you can combine it with the 5 AA earring.


    • #3
      I've never had a problem with ACC since 45 when I got aggressor, and I've always only had around ~30ish.

      I'd suggest getting a second beeltle earring, unless you're asked to tank a lot....then keep pigeon. Tarutarus need HP.


      • #4
        Combat Caster's Axe, Razor Axe, and Combat Caster's Scimitar are all aceptable weapons to use at that level. A good combination is one of CC's Axe and CC's Scimitar.

        CC's Axe bonus +5 Atk
        CC's Scimitar bonus +5 Atk, +3 Acc
        Razor Axe bonus +2 Str, +2 Dex

        You always want an axe though for the WSs.

