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Newb war needing a little help ith renkei

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  • Newb war needing a little help ith renkei

    Hi been searching forums and other websites trying to get alittle knowledge on doing renkei's, studied a number of charts (if any other newbs having trouble i recomend ) And would like to see if this SC would work.

    Shield Break- Burning Blade- Wasp Sting
    with the effects liquefaction- Scission

    If not plz tell me where im going wrong, would try it out or ask in game but currently @ work. PLease feal free to post other possible combos I am a lvl 12 warrior and i am 1 point off iron temp.
    Thank you in advance
    A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.

  • #2
    check out some of the charts here

    keep in mind these precepts:

    1. you want the most damaging WS to close the chain for maximized damage
    2. you want the element the mob is weak against to maximize damage
    3. the more ppl in the chain, the more damage. However, having too many ppl to wait for makes things very slow

    that said, WaspSting is a sucky WS to close on (but it would work).

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Ty for advice and i'll bare the dmg in mind next time, just wanted to make sure i'd got the colour bit of each ws right. And @ my lvl thf and mnk seem to be the melee's im pt'ing with.
      A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.


      • #4
        in that case, wasp sting -> red lotus/burning -> combo would be one of the nicest SC you can do.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Thanks for info, if you have any more plz feel free to post and I use a g axe as main wep (although any wep ws's are welcome)
          A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.


          • #6
            Power Slash/Thunder Thrust/**Piercing Arrow** -> Sneak Attack + Fast Blade for Distortion is by far my fave skillchain. You'll need a THF with a sword (daggers are pretty bad at these levels) and preferrably a DRK/DRG/RNG so you don't have to switch to a weapon that isn't your Great Axe. As for you, Shield Break the mob at the beginning of the fight, although you might be doing so much damage you'd be better off saving it for another mob.

            Another favorite is Burning/Red Lotus Blade/Flaming Arrow -> Sneak Attack + Combo for Fusion. Again, this requires a THF with hand-to-hand (somewhat rarer than sword THFs) and preferrably a RNG to Flaming Arrow, since swords are so weak I really wouldn't want to touch one while tanking, or have a DD using one. This can be preceded by Scission or Impaction WS to lengthen the chain and get an extra fire burst. In fact, this would fit you quite well in the skillchain, as you can do Shield Break before Flaming Arrow not only to lengthen the chain, but to help ensure the RNG WS landing, since they have lower accuracy than the average WS.

            Yes, THF are VERY nice skillchain closers. I always party with my THF girlfriend, so we generally have fairly powerful skillchains.

            Which skillchain is more effective depends on a number of factors, but it basically boils down to the total damage you'll do with both the skillchain and Magic Bursts. And don't forget to factor in the skillchain effect, which'll be roughly half the damage of the closing WS. Needless to say, you don't wanna close with Wasp Sting, even if the THF does SA it, you'll be better off with Fast Blade or Combo.


            • #7
              Im getting the hang of it now and I think im going to start taking a sword with me just for sc purposes, as g axe skills are harder to chain.
              A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.


              • #8
                If you use a sword your damage and hate will decline sharply. I'd recommend a Great Sword because it has Power Slash, which is Transfixion and can be used to start Distortion (Power Slash -> Sneak Attack + Fast Blade.) Great Axe skills aren't that hard to chain...Shield Break is Impaction, you can use it to start chains and the following WS are almost sure to hit; Iron Tempest is Scission, works just like Fast Blade, Double Thrust, Slice, Hard Slash, and Heavy Swing. When you get Sturmwind you can use it to form Fragmentation, or chain to Impaction.


                • #9
                  Yeah getting into it abit more now, still abit green with them but nothing practice wont cure, just need to sort my filters out as I miss alot of important stuff.

                  Thank you for info u've all been a big help.
                  A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.


                  • #10
                    If you have problems actually performing the chain, try this macro:

                    /p Using <insert WS name here> in 3 seconds!
                    /wait 3
                    /p Usign <insert Ws name here>! <call>
                    /ws "<insert WS name here>" <t>

                    The timing between WS is 3 seconds, so by activating that macro when you see the person that goes before you "ready" his WS, the game will time it for you and it's practically impossible for it to slip up. You can also trigger berserk just before physical WS to boost its damage, then remove the effect immediately afterwards.

                    PS. You're welcome ;3

