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nOOb question

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  • nOOb question

    ok only lvl 7 WAR/Elvan but i was wondering what is the first armour and sword/axe i should buy?

  • #2
    For the aspiring war

    You can solo somewhat well until you hit 10, by then you should have gotten enough crystals farmed to sell and buy the scale set.

    Scale mail, scale cuisses, scale greaves, Faceguard, Scale Finger gauntlets, Aspis (lvl9) and Brass Axe (lvl8) will last you until lizard gear, if you want.

    Might want to upgrade the axe at 13 tho, to Bone Axe. Another tip is to keep a greataxe with you and skilled up, incase you're not tanking. You can get a good one at level 12, funnily called "great axe". If you want to start skilling it a bit earlier, there's always "inferno axe" at level 8.

    Good luck, and safe journeys through vana'diel.

    Edit: You should get a Leather armor (only) to bump def up at level 7, it helps, + you can just sell it back right afterwards. The body piece offers most def up, the others don't give enough defense to justify the upgrade, since you'll level to 10 so fast.


    • #3
      one more question sorry :sweat:

      i no how to get cryals with the sig net, but what do you do with them, just sell them or somthing?


      • #4
        There's a thing called stacking. Crystals stack. That means that they'll combine to form a stack of 12 crystals. Sell them at the AH, mainly fire crystals. Fire Crystals go for 2200 a stack on my server. It's a good way to make money at low levels.
        Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
        90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

        Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


        • #5

          thats great, so they just combine automaticly then off to ah to sell, sweet

          thanx alot


          • #6
            At lvl 7 you can buy the leather armor set like I did if you wish...



            • #7
              thanx alot ppl


              • #8

                Originally posted by kira_blade
                At lvl 7 you can buy the leather armor set like I did if you wish...
                Originally posted by DrSerpico
                Edit: You should get a Leather armor (only) to bump def up at level 7, it helps, + you can just sell it back right afterwards. The body piece offers most def up, the others don't give enough defense to justify the upgrade, since you'll level to 10 so fast.
                Did this come out with invisible ink?

                Anyways, crystals do not "automatically" combine to stacks, you have to "sort" them with the sort function... For me it's accessed by opening inven and then pressing NumpadAdd (+ on numpad), then selecting auto, and then yes to autosort it.

                This might work for you, or might not work due to "compact keyboard setting"... If you're on ps2 I have no idea how you should get to the sort function, consult your manual... (RTFM, giggles)


                • #9
                  lol ok mate thanx


                  • #10
                    Great Axe is better for tanking in my opinion, higher damage, higher hate, and Shield Break is extremely useful. Provoke every 30 seconds and you should hold hate just fine. You should also pick up a Great Sword for the sole purpose of starting a Distortion with Thieves after 15 (Power Slash > Sneak Attack + Fast Blade does crazy damage.) Only do this if you don't have a DRG or DRK (or another WAR with a Great Sword/Polearm that can do Power Slash/Thunder Thrust,) since Great Axes are MUCH better than Great Swords all-around.

                    As for armor, at 10, if you can pay for it, I'd encourage you to buy the Royal Footman (leather look)/Legionnaire's (metal harness look) set, particularly the gloves/mitts (Attack +3) and the bandana (AGI +1 I believe). As a Warrior tank you hold damage through hate, so more attack is always better. And if you're not tanking you'll be doing damage anyways. And AGI IS important for tanking, it increases your evasion and how often you block/parry attacks, and reduces the chances of having the mob scoring a critical hit on you. I'm not saying you should focus on it, but it's a good stat to raise and you definetely shouldn't reduce it, especially as an Elvaan. You can get the whole set if you want, it has pretty much the same defense as scale, and the body/feet pieces give you elemental resistances as well, which never hurt. It's gonna be expensive, yes, but at least get the gloves and bandana if you can. Also, go to the cathedral and quest for the Winged Pendant, that's another +1 AGI and elemental resists, all you gotta do is get some water from the river at East Ronfaure.

                    Another thing I'd encourage you to buy is a crossbow. Try to keep your marksmanship as high as possible, at level 15 you gain access to Acid Bolts (-15% defense) and that's always useful, as it increases not only your damage, but every other melee's as well. Later on you get other useful bolts such as Sleep Bolts, Bloody Bolts (HP drain effect.) Venom Bolts (Poison,) Blind Bolts, and Holy Bolts (Added effect: Holy damage.) When you reach 16, buy a pair of Bone Ring, +1 if possible (Acc -2, R.Acc +2/3,) and swap them whenever you're shooting with this macro:

                    /equip ring1 "Bone Ring (+1)"
                    /equip ring2 "Bone Ring (+1)"
                    /ra <t>
                    /wait 5 (assuming your Crossbow + Bolts' total delay is 400-ish)
                    /equip ring1 "<insert your other ring>"
                    /equip ring2 "<insert your other ring>"

                    Another good thing you can buy (much more expensive, granted) are the +1 bows (at level 16, Power Bow +1; ~30k). Their damage is absurd. If you ever lose hate, a single shot will generally be enough to get it back at your level. If you're too cheap or just don't think it's worth getting either one, at least buy a Boomerang so you can pull things.

                    As for normal rings, if you get enough money for it or get someone to help you camp it (it's worth ~15k) you can get a Bomb Ring (HP +15, Defense +2, Fire -5) and that STR +1 ring (forgot the name) or its HQ version, Courage Ring (STR +2). You could also replace the Bomb Ring with another STR ring. For earrings, there's no earring that's particularly useful yet; you can grab some element resistances earrings if you want, but it's not really necessary. Oh yeah, you might wanna use this macro if you're about to be hit by a Bomb Toss and you have a Bomb Ring equipped, so you take less damage:

                    /equip ringX
                    /wait 8
                    /equip ringX "Bomb Ring"

                    X is the slot (1 or 2) where your Bomb Ring was. That'll de-equip it, wait 8 seconds, and equip it again. 8 seconds should be enough for the gob to have thrown the bomb.

                    To sum it all up...

                    Ideal setup:
                    - Royal Footman's set (and Scale Greaves 'cuz there's no Royal Footman leg armor until 20)
                    - Winged Pendant for the neck
                    - Bomb and Courage Ring
                    - Warrior Belt (+1 if possible)
                    - Those earrings that give +3 HP and MP (but these are extremely rare and very expensive); otherwise
                    - Great Axe, Great Sword, Axe
                    - Traveller's Mantle (2 Def, +3 Evasion) for the back (~20k)
                    - Crossbow, +1 Bow, Boomerang (if and when you run out of ammo, or if you just don't want to waste ammo)

                    - Scale set
                    - Great Axe

                    I know I'm throwing in a lot of expensive HQ and NM drops, but it's always possible to make big money even at those levels. I know my lowbie friends made like 20k each time they went logging at Ghelsba Outpost.


                    • #11
                      Too Much Info

                      I dont think he needed that much info. I personally think that it

                      will confuse him!

                      I bet you were trying to inspire someone with your theories!(they

                      may be facts, I dont really know)

                      but its when you post your{slightly digressing} theories on a

                      simple message like this, that people with other opinions come

                      along with the instigators, create a topic that doesn't help the

                      original poster!


                      • #12
                        Re: Too Much Info

                        Originally posted by gleneasy
                        I dont think he needed that much info. I personally think that it

                        will confuse him!

                        I bet you were trying to inspire someone with your theories!(they

                        may be facts, I dont really know)

                        but its when you post your{slightly digressing} theories on a

                        simple message like this, that people with other opinions come

                        along with the instigators, create a topic that doesn't help the

                        original poster!
                        Perhaps abit harsh but I do agree, as a new player myself this is rather alot of info to take in right away, but it all helps and thank you for otherposible route to take equip wise.
                        A cowad dies 1000 deaths, a soilder dies but once.


                        • #13
                          I disagree. I wish someone had taken the time to tell me about these things when I was low level. I'm still paying for mistakes I made when I was just starting.

