is ninja a good sub job 4 a warrior?
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is ninja a good sub job 4 a warrior?
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Yes /nin is the most ideal sub for war post lvl 30.YES ninja is a good sub for warrior especially if you plan on takeing warrior all the way the ability to dual weld axes will be a great thing in the future...
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Sub job path of a WAR >>
lvl 1-30 /mnk using Gaxe
30-48 /thf using Gaxe
48-60 /nin using Axe
60-65 /thf using Gaxe
66-73 /nin using Axe, /thf using Gaxe, /sam using Gaxe
74-75 /nin using Axe
1-30 Why /mnk...only really useful job to help with both melee and tanking at those low lvls
30-48 Why /thf...SA >> Sturmwind insane damage and to close for Fragmentation.
48-60 Why /nin...because as WAR, our acc sucks monkey balls. Need to use Duel Viking Axe to kill those high evade mobs at lvl 50-60. And at lvl 55, we get Rampage...
60-65 Why /thf...SA/TA >> Raging Rush = 1000+ damage.
66-73 Hmm this area is a little iffy. Our roles change so much depending on PT set up. /nin sub to open Light SC, /thf for hate management, /sam for Fullbreak spams.
74-75 Blink Tank....then again...Utsusemi Nerf...who knows what we'll sub.WAR 75/THF 37/NIN 38/RNG 49
Sandoria Rank 10
ZM 12
Smithing: 63
Cloth: 60
Alchemy: 60
Cooking: 60
Woodworking: 60
Maat beaten in 3mins 51sec. The fight itself didn't last more than 12secs. Double Attack, Raging Rush, Raging Rush, Fragmentation, Double Attack= Dead Maat @.@
NA PS2 beta tester. LVL55, Rank5 at end of beta.
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Sub job path of a WAR >>
lvl 1-30 /mnk using Gaxe
30-48 /thf using Gaxe
48-60 /nin using Axe
60-65 /thf using Gaxe
66-73 /nin using Axe, /thf using Gaxe, /sam using Gaxe
74-75 /nin using Axe
1-30 Why /mnk...only really useful job to help with both melee and tanking at those low lvls
30-48 Why /thf...SA >> Sturmwind insane damage and to close for Fragmentation.
48-60 Why /nin...because as WAR, our acc sucks monkey balls. Need to use Duel Viking Axe to kill those high evade mobs at lvl 50-60. And at lvl 55, we get Rampage...
60-65 Why /thf...SA/TA >> Raging Rush = 1000+ damage.
66-73 Hmm this area is a little iffy. Our roles change so much depending on PT set up. /nin sub to open Light SC, /thf for hate management, /sam for Fullbreak spams.
74-75 Blink Tank....then again...Utsusemi Nerf...who knows what we'll sub.
From 1-30 WAR/THF can be used defensively in conjunction with a shield and +Evasion gear to avoid more attacks, especially if you can get your hands on an Emperor Hairpin. Yes, MNK has better hate tools and is more solid all-around, but I just thought I'd like to point out that /THF can be useful in some situations...for example, I'd drop my great axe and use my shield in a heartbeat when tanking pugils and beastmen.
From 20-30 WAR/RNG becomes potentially the highest-damaging sub for WAR. The level 10 Accuracy Bonus trait from RNG gives you +10 Accuracy and Ranged Accuracy. That alone makes it worth it. I'm pretty sure +10 accuracy will more than make up for the loss of Counter. Also, you'll gain Widescan, Sharpshot, Scavenge, and access to archery and marksmanship WS. With up-to-date archery, a Power Bow +1 (Ranged Accuracy +2 among other things,) Beetle Arrows (Ranged Accuracy +5) and a pair of Beetle Ring +1's (Acc-3, R.Acc+4) to swap to when shooting you can get some good hate with an arrow here and there, and maybe even use Bow WS effectively. You could even set up Distortion with Piercing Arrow while using a Great Axe. Also, crossbows have very useful bolts that I'd encourage every WAR to use, especially Acid Bolts (Defense -15%) and Sleep Bolts (additional effect: Sleep, goes off almost every time you land a bolt.)
From 30-50, /THF is best for damage dealing because of SA + Sturmwind, but WAR can still tank. Needless to say, /MNK is more helpful for tanking with HP Boost and Dodge than /THF with SA.
Perhaps mobs do become a lot harder to hit, but WAR accuracy doesn't suck. The reason WAR/NIN really shines post-50, as I understand it, is because of Dual Weild II, which reduces your delay while dual-weilding, thus giving you much higher damage output and TP gain with dual axes.
As for the "Utsusemi nerf," it's not like blink tanking's dead. They simply toned it down so that it isn't so powerful. Besides, -ga spells already removed blink, it was only natural that enemy AE attacks also removed it.
That's just my opinion though. In any case, to make the most of the WAR job you need multiple sub jobs and multiple weapons to be able to adapt to any situation.
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