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Should i switch?

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  • Should i switch?

    Ok well i got a small problem. I hope someone can help here

    Ok my war is lvl 29 and i have been using axe since lvl 1 with him, but havent used great axe.

    I love war and want to lvl it to 75, so i just wondering should i switch to a galka and lvl both axe and GA or should i just go skill up my GA. I plan to sub nin but i want to keep great axe skilled for maat.

    I am lvling brd to fund my war so i what should i do i can do ether and my galka would have the same equips and everything.

    So over all i want to know would it be hard to skill up great axe or should i just restart my a new war?
    War 32 mnk 28 brd 21 whm 16 rdm 25 Blm 20 Rng 10 Nin 10 Drk 8 Thf 11 Pld 16 smn 10 Bst 10 Drg 16
    Server Ifrit
    Equipment :

    Blm 5 Whm1 Smn N/A
    Server Ifrit
    Equipment :

  • #2
    Skilling up shouldn't be too hard. Basically kill things that check "High Defense" moving to areas where you hunted at various levels.

    At some point you probably won't be able to kill stuff required to raise your skill, but you will probably be close enough to use GAxe in a group.


    • #3
      I was pretty sure i could do that

      Another question Could i kill an easy prey at that lvl with a one handed axe if i had the best armor and capped skill?

      I want to know because i am like 700 tnl and i would like to solo it if possible but if not i can always carry my lvl 30 armor with me when i go to group.
      War 32 mnk 28 brd 21 whm 16 rdm 25 Blm 20 Rng 10 Nin 10 Drk 8 Thf 11 Pld 16 smn 10 Bst 10 Drg 16
      Server Ifrit
      Equipment :

      Blm 5 Whm1 Smn N/A
      Server Ifrit
      Equipment :


      • #4
        I dunno if anyone does this but when I started my WAR I bought Sword, Scythe, Axe, Great Axe, CrowssBow, Great Sword and PoleArms. And I spent basically lvl 1-20 rotating between these weapons. But of course this does cost a bit of money >_> and if you do plan on staying a WAR untill lvl 75 then maybe you should just LVL Sword, Axe, Great Axe.

        I lvled that many peoples because I like variety with skill chains. But that's just me ^-^"

        As for where to train your Weapons, you might want to go back to the places where you lvled before like Dunes, Qufim...things that you can kill easily without getting yourself killed.

        Relinquish you pain... unto me

