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WAR/NIN duel swords?...

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  • WAR/NIN duel swords?...

    I'm aware that the best duel wield weapon for a war/nin to do massive damage, is the 1 handed axe. However, in my opinion, Im not real fond of axes so I wanna duel wield swords....

    Is this acceptable?.... The sword rating is what, B+? (guess, dont flame)

    I am REALLY fond of duel wielding swords, but it would seem that if I continued my ninja road, it would:
    1) be uber expensive again
    2) can't use swords anyways cuz they use katanas

    So in your experience, if I were to duel wield swords what would:

    1) Be my damage ratio? If axe was 100%, would sword be... 90%?
    2) Get party invites as often? Or would people just overlook it...

    Thanks...And if this isn't acceptable, what job CAN duel wield swords and be acceptable...and don't you dare say rdm/nin.
    ★ RDM 51 / BLM 37 ★
    DRK 52 … THF 45 … WAR 37 … NIN 31

  • #2
    I hate using Axe while lvling my war, but I do it ; ;
    I get better dmg and better stats later on.

    Pld/Nin can dual wield swords
    •70 Samurai•

    too many assholes choosing money over friends


    • #3
      you can just have one sword and one axe but if your taking warrior far you will want to keep your axe skill maxed for rampage
      >_> genkai 1234 done lvling ninja for some fun in ballista <_<


      • #4
        Aye great idea... I was thinking of this as I was driving home from my friends house, (i wrote last post at my friends)...

        So it would be ok to have axe in main hand, and sword in off hand?... People wouldn't be like 'wtf are you doing?'...
        ★ RDM 51 / BLM 37 ★
        DRK 52 … THF 45 … WAR 37 … NIN 31


        • #5
          no they wouldn't, actually you can even do that at some higher levels, my lvl 69 last I saw, war/nin friend does that, he has francisca as his main(for rampage) and blood sword as his sub (cuz it's unbelievably strong and awesome)
          [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


          • #6
            Re: WAR/NIN duel swords?...

            Originally posted by Drynavere
            2) can't use swords anyways cuz they use katanas

            Ninja can dual wield swords just fine. So can warrior, but bear in mind people will expect you to have Great Axe / Axe levelled for Skillchains.

            Some WAR's even use Gluttony sword in their offhand whilst tanking as WAR/NIN, it makes you absorb less damage once Utsusemi wears off. :spin:


            • #7
              I find ninjas are stronger with dual swords...

              I used Axe/Sword combo at 40. CC's axe and sword both had +5 atk each, but the sword had +3 Acc. I was able to switch back and forth for different weapon skills that were needed.


              • #8
                I just wanted to ask what you guys thought about this:

                I'm 34 war/nin and currently i have 2 warrior axes (+1str +1dex). I like this, but I was also wondering, there are two swords that catch my eye at this level. The centurion's sword (19dmg +4acc +5att i think, something like that) and the hunting sword which is 27dmg, actually higher than my axe. Would the stat boost from the centurion's sword be enough to offset the higher damage of the hunting sword, since the stats would affect my axe as well? Or should i just stick with my 2 warrior axes? Thanks for any replies, id like to hear any opinions.

                Thf-22 War-37 Mnk-13 Whm-10 Blm-6 Rng-26 Drk-10 Nin-18 Rdm-16


                • #9
                  In my opinion, go with the Hunting Sword. 8 dmg is a LOT, and I honestly don't think +5 Attk and +3 Accuracy will offset that much extra damage per swing. I wouldn't recommend dual swords since axes are just plain stronger, but axe-sword would be ok. Also, I'm not sure if it works in high levels, but I know early on NIN can dual weild swords just fine, it's sorta like THF before 30; you could say katana are just cool-looking daggers, swords just hit harder and the gap in skill isn't that big at those levels...also, I hear katana WS in general are pretty weak. I could be wrong about the NIN parts though, 'cuz I'm definetely no expert on being a NIN.


                  • #10
                    I always used Axe(mainhand)-Sword(offhand).

                    34-36: Warrior's Axe - Hunting Sword
                    37-39: Mithryl Axe - Hunting Sword
                    40-43: C.C. Axe - C.C. Scimitar
                    44-47: C.C. Axe - Falchion
                    48-51: Viking Axe - T.M. Espadon
                    52-55: Viking Axe - T.M. Espadon+1

                    At 56, I'll use Darksteel Axe+1 - Viking Axe

                    Dual wielding swords is not a good idea imo. Sword WSs are pretty crappy until Vorpal Blade. And skillchain wise, they suck.
                    Sheng ~ WAR/NIN 70 ~ Clothcraft 61,1 · Fishing 56,4 · Cooking 50 ~
                    Rank 7-1 · 234 quests · AF : 1·2·3 ~ Genkai :1·2·3·4·5 ~ ZM13 · Promyvion :Dem·Mea·Holla
                    Melusine ~ BLM/WHM 52 ~
                    Rank 5 · 6 quests

