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The Lives of Warriors Past Level 60

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  • The Lives of Warriors Past Level 60

    I have recently obtained level 60. I've hit no major obstacles so far but now I am kind of wondering what the lives of warriors are like past level 60. Any advise of experienced warriors would be greatly appreciated. For example,

    1) How does our damage or tanking compared to other jobs at level 60 and beyond?

    2) If money is not an issue, what kind of gears should we be striving for?

    3) Are there any special tips and/or advise that other warriors at this level range can give to help myself and other warriors become better at our job, if we not already are.

    Thank you ahead of time for any replies.

  • #2
    Die slowly...

    Although I have yet to reach level 60, I would suggest a Haubergon or Scorpian harness. Scorp just looks cool.


    • #3
      You can see from the various parse results for damage output...

      If money is not an issue, look at the AH for what to buy. It's pretty straightforward in regards to attack gear.

      I can't give you any tips since you're higher than me ^^.
      WAR 60, PLD 48, THF 36, SAM 33, NIN 30, DRK 24, MNK 20, RNG 10, BLM 8, WHM 1, RDM 1, BRD 1, DRG 1, BST 1, SMN 1

      San D'Oria Rank 6

      PLD AF 1/6
      WAR AF 6/6


      • #4
        Damage Dealing equipment you're missing:

        2x Sniper's Ring
        Assault Earring
        Spiked Earring
        Sarashi (or Speed Belt)
        Peacock Charm^^
        2x Darksteel Axe+1 (no need for Viking Axe with Peacock Charm )
        Amemit Mantle+1
        Combat Caster's Boomerang+1
        - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
        Rank 6-1, Windurst
        Genkai 4 completed
        Attack Gear
        Tank Gear

        Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
          Damage Dealing equipment you're missing:

          2x Sniper's Ring
          Assault Earring
          Spiked Earring
          Sarashi (or Speed Belt)
          Peacock Charm^^
          2x Darksteel Axe+1 (no need for Viking Axe with Peacock Charm )
          Amemit Mantle+1
          Combat Caster's Boomerang+1
          Haubergeon-1.5 mil
          2 snipers-900k
          assault earring-100k
          spiked earring-24k
          sarashi-no idea -.-
          peacock charm.....4 mil
          amemit mantle+1-600k

 the hell do you expect people to get this kind of money. If your gonna call someone gimp for not spending 2 months to farm 6 million gil ill quit this game right now...because thats bullshit to expect people to have even 2 snipers..maybe some farming tips on how to get this stuff...because i know no one but the JPs who have such uber gear...

          flame me all you want for being gimp..but this is my first mmporg and i have no idea to make money...and with all these gil sellers it makes money very very difficult to make money...i would like to know how you Bigock made the money for this kinda of stuff (if you really do have it) to farm 4 million gil would take me forever...if you have any tips i would be happy =)


          • #6
            Buy it.


            • #7
              Haubergeon-1.5 mil
              2 snipers-900k
              assault earring-100k
              spiked earring-24k
              sarashi-no idea -.-
              peacock charm.....4 mil
              amemit mantle+1-600k

     the hell do you expect people to get this kind of money. If your gonna call someone gimp for not spending 2 months to farm 6 million gil ill quit this game right now...because thats bullshit to expect people to have even 2 snipers..maybe some farming tips on how to get this stuff...because i know no one but the JPs who have such uber gear...

              flame me all you want for being gimp..but this is my first mmporg and i have no idea to make money...and with all these gil sellers it makes money very very difficult to make money...i would like to know how you Bigock made the money for this kinda of stuff (if you really do have it) to farm 4 million gil would take me forever...if you have any tips i would be happy =)
              Ok, first thing. This was a reply to a level 60 Warrior who said "If money is not an issue, what should I buy"

              I listed the best items possible that you can buy for that level. I wasn't answering a question of "What should I use if I only have 20k?"

              Second: (on Cerberus)
              Haubergeon, 2.5 mil
              2x Sniper's, 1 mil
              Peacock Charm, 5 mil
              Amemit Mantle +1, 900k
              Sarashi, 300k

              Be thankful things are cheaper on your server...

              Third. How I got my money? Well I have 6 jobs 30+, and a 48 THF.

              THF = farm gods. Stealing beast coins worth 1k each, killing mobs that drop high priced ingredients: Slime Oil, Giga Socks (Gigas drop tons of gil also). Lower level jobs can farm fire crystals in Hotoro Ruins off goblins, plus they drop cash. Find a THF 45+ friend and camp Stroper Chimes like I did. I got a few 400k Archer's rings to help me out along the way.

              Farm your angry butt off young one, but if you can't be bothered to take 2 months off of leveling to farm for equipment, you're going to be disapointed when you can't just do a simple quest to get your AF and level limits.

              Levels 52-62 took me almost 6 months lol

              I'm not saying you HAVE to do what I did, you asked so I gave you the have to decide what to do with it.
              - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
              Rank 6-1, Windurst
              Genkai 4 completed
              Attack Gear
              Tank Gear

              Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bluejoker1118
                Haubergeon-1.5 mil
                2 snipers-900k
                assault earring-100k
                spiked earring-24k
                sarashi-no idea -.-
                peacock charm.....4 mil
                amemit mantle+1-600k

       the hell do you expect people to get this kind of money. If your gonna call someone gimp for not spending 2 months to farm 6 million gil ill quit this game right now...because thats bullshit to expect people to have even 2 snipers..maybe some farming tips on how to get this stuff...because i know no one but the JPs who have such uber gear...

                flame me all you want for being gimp..but this is my first mmporg and i have no idea to make money...and with all these gil sellers it makes money very very difficult to make money...i would like to know how you Bigock made the money for this kinda of stuff (if you really do have it) to farm 4 million gil would take me forever...if you have any tips i would be happy =)
                I sympathize with you, I do. Fairy is one of the worst servers economy-wise, inflation has grown insane with all the gil-buying and fish-botting. It'd take 2 solid months of farming to buy what I consider good gear at 60. And I'm only halfway there, I'm currently farming for my level 59/60 armor (Haubergeon or Byrnie). Taking the time off is a pain.

                But on the other hand, you WILL be gimp without enough accuracy gear. A DRK by 55 needs 2 snipers and a life belt. WAR can maybe get away with less, I use one and CC+1 boomerang (Bastok sucks so badly that I've not lost the effect in an exp party since I bought it). Ultimately I'll need two.

                If you don't like to farm, be a bard. Damage dealers pay for the "cool factor" by being expected to equip a high level of gear. That's just how it is.
                Nusayb, Galka, Fairy Server- 63WAR,
                70NIN, 37THF, 66MNK, 25DRG, 18RNG, 16SAM, etc. WAR AF Complete. NIN AF Complete. MNK AF Complete.


                ????, Hume Female, Fairy Server- 29BLM, 21WHM, 37THF, 32WAR, 31DRK, etc.


                • #9
                  Yea seriously.

                  2 months just to farm is nothing. 2mil is nothing really when it comes to the equip u need to buy. Im Lv35 Ninja right now and I have all the best gear already until Lv57(Scorp Harn). Its 5mil on Valefor so I'll probably have to farm for how long.

                  You won't be gimp for buying the best of everything but you won't be remembered for having the best.
                  Kenshin of Valefor

                  Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
                  Thats Kendo!
                  It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
                  Level Does Not = Skill!
                  Level = Knowledge


                  • #10
                    If everyone else farms for Haubergeon, so can you. That's what I'm currently doing, on top of Amemit Mantle+1. So far I have accumulated 1 million gil in about 3 weeks. Do some research like the rest of us, and take a look at the AH. There are TONS of ways to make gil.
                    WAR 60, PLD 48, THF 36, SAM 33, NIN 30, DRK 24, MNK 20, RNG 10, BLM 8, WHM 1, RDM 1, BRD 1, DRG 1, BST 1, SMN 1

                    San D'Oria Rank 6

                    PLD AF 1/6
                    WAR AF 6/6


                    • #11
                      Or form a set with a bard. Welcome to the land of leniency.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bluejoker1118
                        Haubergeon-1.5 mil
                        2 snipers-900k
                        assault earring-100k
                        spiked earring-24k
                        sarashi-no idea -.-
                        peacock charm.....4 mil
                        amemit mantle+1-600k

               the hell do you expect people to get this kind of money. If your gonna call someone gimp for not spending 2 months to farm 6 million gil ill quit this game right now...because thats bullshit to expect people to have even 2 snipers..maybe some farming tips on how to get this stuff...because i know no one but the JPs who have such uber gear...

                        flame me all you want for being gimp..but this is my first mmporg and i have no idea to make money...and with all these gil sellers it makes money very very difficult to make money...i would like to know how you Bigock made the money for this kinda of stuff (if you really do have it) to farm 4 million gil would take me forever...if you have any tips i would be happy =)
                        Hahaa...(Its Mez.)

                        Rus be glad you are not on cerberus, wheee EVERYTHING WAR is EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. That is all I can say. =)
                        Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired


                        • #13
                          I bought Viking Axes for 120k each... then people started flooding the market with them, and they're all under 80k. There goes the trade in value I needed to help start me off with good equipment at 55.


                          • #14
                            If your gonna call someone gimp for not spending 2 months to farm 6 million gil ill quit this game right now...
                            Nobody is calling gimp here. Remember, Player > Gear > Job. I don't have the best gear in the game for my level; actually, I'm very far from it. The impression that people retain is regarding how one plays, not what gear they have. I've seen people with the best gear play rather poorly. Why do I remember them? It is because they weren't any good. Personally, I'm limping along without Haubergeon, Sniper's Rings, or Sarashi Belt (oh yeah, Speed Belt was 600k, I believe); I'm not actively leveling but when somebody asks that I join, I often will. Not one person has commented about the gear that I have and I have received numerous compliments about how I play. I do have numerous people offering help and motivating me towards the Haubergeon, however.

                            Others disagree, but I PERSONALLY feel gimp without the gear. They bring me along for me, not my gear. If I were actively seeking groups, I would have all the gear.

                            I would agree with Bigokk on the equipment selection, also keeping around a +STR ring to swap out if you are hitting accurately enough. He also didn't mention Valkyrie's Mask, which I think is worthwhile.


                            • #15
                              /bonk me

                              Yeah, Valkyrie's Mask is also a good addition.

                              We're going to have to PT together sometime Liimhye, imagine the carnage^^
                              - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                              Rank 6-1, Windurst
                              Genkai 4 completed
                              Attack Gear
                              Tank Gear

                              Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.

