I have a few questions..first off i am wanting take Warrior to 75 however i am NOT a fan of /nin sub at all.Basically my first question is as a War/Mnk and War/Thf will i get a lack of party invites because i do not want to use a /Nin sub?One reason for this is i really am not interested in leveling Ninja until i get warrior till 70+ then i mostly likely WILL level nin,sam ect as subs.But from now till then i mainly want to be a G.axe exclusive warrior as i have always been a fan of them.Of course i will skill up other weapons for versatillity but prefer gaxe.Also,as a mainly War/mnk using gaxe what equip would i mainly shoot for as far as rings/ears ect?Any other advice?Thanks
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High level Warriors?
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WAR/MNK is tank, so you'd want gear that has the most DEF and adds VIT.
As for WAR/THF, 30-55 you'll probably get a good amount on invites (though most will also probably be for tanking). However, at 55-60 though you really need Rampage. Most parties will want it, and it does a lot more damage as a /NIN then /THF.
As for 60+, I forgot to turn /anon off as a WAR/THF when I went to bed and got 6 invites in the 5 hours I was asleep (none of which mentioned tanking or changing my subjob). So I believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel.Originally posted by Luminaire
Fact - WAR has a ton of potential, the only limits on the job are the player
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Sad truth is, you won't be using Gaxe after 66, and by then, the best way to boost your axe damage is to go dual wield. Unless of course you're in a static, then you can play anyway you want as long as your static is fine with it.WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
Sandoria is gay.
I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!
ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.
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From lvl 1-65 war/mnk is pretty good, War/mnk can be a good dmg dealer after 50 cause u get to share aggressor + focus. Also i solo shield break and armor break untill i reach lvl 60 which i will be ask to do raging rush with a darknight. Once you get lvl 66, if you are not using Axe and sub ninja you are probably not going to get an invite. One more thing, if you dont have attacker gears and defensive gears for your warrior, you are not going to do a good job.
Warrior 75
Thief 37
Ninja 37
Samurai 37
Monk 36
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