It seems to me that there is an obvious choice as to which armor should be purchased. The problem with that is I am having a bad time getting the last 1 mil I need for a Haubergeon. My acquisation of my initial 1 mil has come over the course of my entire play career, building up in very small increments. This is my first MMORPG and perhaps that is why I have such difficulty acquiring this money.
Haubergeon is the true choice until lv69. In my SP, I am currently using RK Chainmail instead of my Fighter's Lorica since I cannot afford Haubergeon. We have been leveling often enough that my farming time is restricted to just a few hours each week. I guess this really isn't a question of which is better, Haubergeon or Byrnie, but whether Byrnie is a better alternative to the RK Chainmail when funds are limited. The cost difference between Byrnie and Haubergeon is approximately 700k. While many scoff at that, I consider 700k to be pretty significant when there are Sniper's Rings to buy, Sarashi to play with, consumables to use, weapon upgrades and alternatives, and new armor pieces coming up as I level.
There is a -5 DEX difference between the RK Chainmail and the Byrnie as well as a huge +17 ATK difference (other less relevant stats are ignored). I'm Mithran so DEX isn't much of an issue. As long as I have the STR to back it up, boosting ATK should be very beneficial. Is there really any reason NOT to go with the Byrnie, then?
It isn't a matter of pride in my character preventing me from going with the best equipment possible, but it simply is outside of my reach. The frustration in saving that kind of gil has really got to me and has left me with the mentality to just get by for now. Trying for Haubergeon has removed some of the joy I've had in this game and I don't like the feeling. I've always tried to have "uber" equipment as my first job, but this 2.2 mil piece of equipment (when compared to my next most expensive 225k piece of equipment) is just too much.
Haubergeon is the true choice until lv69. In my SP, I am currently using RK Chainmail instead of my Fighter's Lorica since I cannot afford Haubergeon. We have been leveling often enough that my farming time is restricted to just a few hours each week. I guess this really isn't a question of which is better, Haubergeon or Byrnie, but whether Byrnie is a better alternative to the RK Chainmail when funds are limited. The cost difference between Byrnie and Haubergeon is approximately 700k. While many scoff at that, I consider 700k to be pretty significant when there are Sniper's Rings to buy, Sarashi to play with, consumables to use, weapon upgrades and alternatives, and new armor pieces coming up as I level.
There is a -5 DEX difference between the RK Chainmail and the Byrnie as well as a huge +17 ATK difference (other less relevant stats are ignored). I'm Mithran so DEX isn't much of an issue. As long as I have the STR to back it up, boosting ATK should be very beneficial. Is there really any reason NOT to go with the Byrnie, then?
It isn't a matter of pride in my character preventing me from going with the best equipment possible, but it simply is outside of my reach. The frustration in saving that kind of gil has really got to me and has left me with the mentality to just get by for now. Trying for Haubergeon has removed some of the joy I've had in this game and I don't like the feeling. I've always tried to have "uber" equipment as my first job, but this 2.2 mil piece of equipment (when compared to my next most expensive 225k piece of equipment) is just too much.