would a taru WAR work mainly because i am going to level my MNK for a while and i was wondering if a taru WAR would be able to get into parties in thye dunes... ive heard they are sometimes needed in bad parties (extra vokes) ive also heard that as a taru WAR they arent wanted mainly because they have low HP (i would be subbing MNK). but ive heard they are also wanted cause they hit a lot so would a taru WAR work till level 15?? then make switch to MNK (i hasve other jobs 22RDM 13WHM 5BLM 5THF)
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My Taru Warrior is Lv16 and I main tank in the dunes. and I hold hate very well too. Just spam boost and provoke very time its up. Yea our HP drops fast but with a good healer we can do well. I always carry my Courage Rings and Great Axe do Back up voke and DD when theres a "good" equiped tank. I use Stamina Rings and Axe + shield for tanking.
Xaier - Lv66 Sam/War
Shuyuo - Lv50 Drg/War
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It will work, but your instincts are right, it will be tough. I've PTed with many taru wars and it's aint pretty when things get rough as they usually do in dunes.
In brutal honesty, I don't think taru wars can function well as main tanks unless in the best armor possible and using some def up food. I've had plenty die on me with the usual assortment of bad NA players. Especially when your PT has a few subjob-less members.
Sub monk if you can, the vit and hp boost help a lot. Soloing monk sub should be easy enough till lvl 10 so that can take your war main to lvl 20.
In a good PT you'll not have any problems, but unfortunatly that isn't the norm. You'll just have to gear up as best as possible and bear the pain...
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I got my war to 37 quite easily, subbed nin and tried to only invite other war/nin or nin/war to make it so very little damage was taken, used hairpin, leaping etc, all top gear.
Nin currently 52, so if anyone doubts tell them to stfu :-]55% Skill
35% Equipment
10% Race
White Mage - 75 - Completed
Ninja - 75 - Completed
Summoner - 75 - Completed
My Livejournal
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Excuse Gryff who sometimes likes to type with his ass.
You dont get Utsu until lvl 24 as WAR. He is asking how he will do at Dunes. He just wants to take war to 15.
Lvl 12-19 WAR as taru can be real tough if you have to be the main tank. Mostly because you really need a good WHM(not many at Dunes). I suggest:
1) Buy 2 Physical earrings and sub WHM. You will have about same HP as an Elvaan WAR your level.
2) Have a friend PL you to 15, not that hard. Just dont expect to make it in one session.
3) Make the PT's so you dont have to be main tank.
Having said this, I highly advise against a meele job as tawu when its your first job. Us Tawu need resources to be effective as meele or tanks. For example, last night there was a Taru DRK in the PT next to us. No Amemit+1, Haubergeon or Snipers, I was like "Dude! You are putting us Tarus to shame!" and it even turns out he was JPN.:sweat:
So first invest in a mage job to support a meele one. RDM are good farmers (slow but solid), BRD at 40 can net you a good penny (just also invest in a Signa for BCNM), WHM or BLM are bad farmers, but at least lvl them to 32 so you can safely mine at Yughott or log at Jugner, what have you. Just please dont be cheap on the spells and some armor while leveling a mage job.
Then you can do what other Taru like Gryff did and be able to tell others to 'stfu'. ^^PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01
Sandorian Rank 10
Zm13 complete
Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55
'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
/happy Tawu dance. ^-^
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Even Taru can be good tanks if you ask me. The difference is that as a Taru you pretty much need to know what you're doing and have proper gear (yes, I know that's a must for every job but some races can play a bit more half-assedly than others and still get away with it.) Sub /MNK for HP, Boost every 15 seconds and Voke every 30 seconds for hate, Use a Great Axe or Axe-Shield (I'd probably go with axe-shield for the deadlier stuff like Pugils, just because I can avoid attacks more often.) Eat your kabobs (meat or fish, your choice) and get a good party or don't party at all if you don't want to end up face-down in the dirt. Not easy, I know, but if you see the party's destined for doom, just leave politely. Forming your own parties can remedy this often, just don't limit yourself to searching for mages just in the dunes.
Also, posters, I know Taru ain't exactly built for tanking but don't bring it down so much. The STR loss should be an insignificant factor for a good WAR (hell, if n00bs can get away with using swords I'm pretty sure a Taru WAR/MNK with a Great Axe or Axe will do fine in the damage department) and Taru DO have the second highest base AGI. AGI is an important stat for tanking (I'm not saying you should prioritize it, I'm just pointing out) as it not only increases your evasion stat but it also increases how often you block and parry and reduces the number of critical hits enemies will score on you. Again, with proper gear, a decent party, and a good player, a Taru WAR is easily feasable.
PS: For the love of God, don't take on Great Sword as your main weapon. GS are for DRKs, use G Axes as a WAR. Only reason I'd use Great Sword is to do Power Slash > Sneak Attack + Fast Blade to do a killer distortion, but since you're only taking it up to 15 then there's not much reason to use one.
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Indeed, Armando is an elvaan, but his words ring with wisdom.
What you'll find is that playing as a Taru melee is funny. Pointed out was our very great AGI. Quite frankly, while our damage IS crap, we can survive. But for what its worth, i think its easier being a Taru MNK than being a Taru WAR, but w/e.
Armor, not weapons, should be first priority as a WAR. As a main tank, you'll want to do damage, of course. Yet, if you can only survive 3 hits, then its generally not news that you're bad ^^
In any case, you need to be able to survive until the bad BLM in the dunes kill the enemies. For one, i suggest getting a RDM, and because of the limited def, ask them to do Bio. This is one case where I'll advocate Bio over Dia.:sweat:
I hope you can survive to 15. As long as you do a bang-up job, you can let the n00bs in the Dunes understand how deep the game is.
On a side note, ppl are noobs, due to their limited overall playtime. "n00bs" are the ppl that just make the game or whoever they represent look bad. Like the NA ppl who shouted for free money when the game first officially came to our shores. If you can get through the dunes w/o being a n00b, you'll have a lot of respect.The Tao of Ren
FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011
If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?Originally posted by KaekoAs hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.
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Another way to avoid being a noob inside Valkurm is do to /cm l and unequip Linkshell. It can help reputation greatly depending on the type of person you are.There is no knowledge without experience.
San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8
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Originally posted by Fuse_Kazuki
heck, even a 75 taru DRK has less STR than a 65 elvaan WAROriginally posted by Luminaire
Fact - WAR has a ton of potential, the only limits on the job are the player
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By now the person who started this thread should already be level 15 anyway, but.... :sweat:
Seriously, if you already levelled up MNK high enough to do the subjob quest, you know how to play a taru melee. In Valkurm up to level 15 you should have no problem. Make sure you have good armor.... but, for 10-15 that's just Scale armor, really. There's not much you can do between level 10-15 besides hitting things with your weapon and provoking when appropriate.
Maybe bring a bow and a lot of arrows and volunteer to pull things. That way you'll have a built in place in the party, hardly anyone at that level has a ranged weapon. And you'll be setting yourself up as a job that's a not Main Tank.
If all else fails, just go solo level 10-15. You'll get more loot that way. Just wander around tahrongi canyon killing things. It's boring, but it works.
Mangotaru on midgardsormr
The world's most dangerous taru.
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Originally posted by Fuse_Kazuki
at 65, a taru war has base 65 str, a elvaan war has 72 base STR,
heck, even a 75 taru DRK has less STR than a 65 elvaan WAR
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