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Attack / Defense Up Passive Traits

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  • Attack / Defense Up Passive Traits


    Just a quick clarification.

    I believe the attack / defense up traits are fixed values (10 points I think) instead of percentage increases (like the Berserk JA). Can someone please confirm this.

    Thanks in advance!

    (I'll test for myself later by switching subs, buit it'd be nice to know asap )
    [ THF75 NIN37 WAR36 BLM35 WHM30 ]
    [ Alch83.2 Wood59.x GS50.x ]
    tp sata 2005/07/04

  • #2
    Yes they are fixed values. The first Attack Boost is 10 points to Attack. The first Defense Boost is 10 points to Defense.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      [ THF75 NIN37 WAR36 BLM35 WHM30 ]
      [ Alch83.2 Wood59.x GS50.x ]
      tp sata 2005/07/04


      • #4
        Whats the second attack boost?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Baradak
          Whats the second attack boost?
          We get a second ATK boost?


          • #6
            No, we don't. But <R3515T V1RU5> <D0 j00 H4V3 1T?>x999



            • #7
              Hmm, thought there was one at 60 for some reason. Must have been thinking MNK/WAR getting at 60.


              • #8
                DRKs get 3 Attack Boosts, at lv. 10, 30, 60. As far as I know the boosts are 10 first one, 11 second one, 12 third one. So at lv. 60 a DRK will have +33 Attack.

                PLDs get 3 Defense Boosts again at 10, 30, 60. Also at lv. 60 I hear it's +33 Defense, I don't have either one of them that high to very though only what my PLD and DRK friends have claimed.

                As far as I can verify is that the first Attack boost and Defense boost is 10.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  10, 30, 50, and 70 I thought.
                  I've read that each bonus gives a different sized bonus.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #10
                    Unless the developers have flat-out stated that you get 10 points for a Attack, Evasion or Defense Bonus, its realistically impossible to know how big of a bonus you get.

                    They are never actually reflected in your stats, so its all rumors for me.

                    I present GuyIncorporated Theater:
                    "hrm, I'll bet they give you a nice, round 10 point bump."
                    "hey, that sounds about right."
                    "I hear evasion boost gives 10 evasion"
                    "of course it does, everyone knows that."
                    "um, how can you really know for sure if its not reflected in your stats? Are you sure its a flat 10 points?"
                    'N00B!! EVERYONE KNOWS IT IS A 10 POINT BUMP!"

           conclusion, I really hate unfounded rumors. This isn't meant as a flame, more as a statement of principles.
                    You know I'm right.


                    • #11
                      Unless the developers have flat-out stated that you get 10 points for a Attack, Evasion or Defense Bonus, its realistically impossible to know how big of a bonus you get.
                      No they're not.

                      You can check attack and defense in the equipment window. You have to factor strength changes, but it is doable.

