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New Character, WAR now..

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  • New Character, WAR now..

    okie i got a little prob concerning my sub.
    started a new race, hume. well going to be a rng, so i need to lvl war to lvl 30 to unlock rng. and here is my prob:
    i know later as a rng i will need war and nin sub. but... what should i sub at lvl 18 to my war? since i cant sub nin then..? i dont want to lvl any useless job, i mean one i dont need later as a rng..
    I know, you want one...

  • #2
    I would say level thief as your subjob, it's useful for farming as a ranger I've heard. It won't do a whole lot for your warrior since youre stopping at 30 when you get sneak attack, but I guess the evasion boosts are kinda nice and the gil finder never hurt.

    Alternatively you could sub monk since its pretty easy to solo up to 15, so you wouldnt need to spend too much time leveling it, although it really doesnt have much purpose as a sub for ranger.
    PLD 55 DRG 34 WAR 33 THF 60 NIN 21 RNG 34 SAM 10 MNK 18 WHM 32 BLM 25 DRK 4 all jobs unlocked, all others level 1


    • #3
      If your not gonna sub thf at any time for your rng then I would sub mnk for you war. MNK pre-30 is the best sub for war IMO. Cause mostly pre-30 your gonna be used for tanking and the extra hp bonus, dodge, counter, boost all help when you are a tanking war.
      Pld: 45 War: 34 Mnk: 20 Thf: 18 Whm: 30 Blm: 15
      Bastok: Rank 5
      AF1: Completed


      • #4
        WAR/NIN is fine at 20 and good at 24. It's a lot better then THF pre-30 which gives nothing.


        • #5
          cant sub nin @ lvl 18 <<
          I know, you want one...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mininou
            cant sub nin @ lvl 18 <<
            Sorry, I mis-read "since i cant sub nin then..?" as "can I sub nin then..?", so I thought you already had some other job at 30 :sweat:

            Then MNK is the best option. You can sub THF pre-30, and a lot of people do, but it doesn't actually add anything. MNK on the other gives boost (both good for dealing damage and tanking), HP Boost, and Counter.


            • #7
              for the record, I am aware that thief does nothing pre-30, but I recommended it soley based on the fact that he wanted something that would be useful for ranger
              PLD 55 DRG 34 WAR 33 THF 60 NIN 21 RNG 34 SAM 10 MNK 18 WHM 32 BLM 25 DRK 4 all jobs unlocked, all others level 1


              • #8
                I would say get your MNK to about level 10 or so and then start leveling your WAR. Get him to level 20 or so and get someone to take you to Jueno. Do your Chocobo Quest and start finding a good pty in Qufim. At Qufim stay the hell away from Giant things and dancing weapons. You will be screwed instantly. You mmight also want to go to Buburimu Peninsula or Ordelle's Caves to level. Good spots. I suggest at around level 25-7 of your WAR level your MNK to 13-15 Itll really help with the ability dodge and the job trait raising your max hp in addition at level 15. I know it'll take a long time but its worrth it. Or you could just screw my advice and get on with leveling your WAR only. Yoour decision. DAMN this post is long.
                Quote "Call me the Tuxedo Mask"
                Said by Yoko Kurama Himself.


                • #9
                  why'd you give up a lvl 62 blm? you could have easily used her to lvl rng.

                  but in your current situation, i suppose you could sub thf (15) to war until 30. It's a gimp sub, but at least you'll get some use outta thf with your rng.

                  Thanks Yyg!

