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You're right, but...

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  • You're right, but...

    I don't really agree. I mean, if you know you're going for another job, it makes perfect sense to level that jobs weapon (as long as it's not a weapon the warrior is awful with). Like the other guys have said, it doesn't make that much of a difference in the early part of game, and the skill will help when you get that adv job.

    I also don't understand why some people get so upset over guys using weapons that aren't the best option possible, or using gimped subjobs. Relax everyone, its just a game. Everyone's paying for it, and if they have more fun with a mediocre weapon or subjob, more power to them.

    Whats that? You're paying to, so its still unfair to you you say? I don't agree at all. If you don't like a war/whm who is using a scythe (lol), then you know what you can do? Not invite him to your party. No one is forceing you to spend ANY time with him. As for him, that means he might get a few less invites. It's up to him to decide if that price is worth paying for the extra fun he gets. He'll still get invites though, because while some people are extremely picky about this sort of stuff, there are plent of others who don't care all that much, as long as the guy is polite.

    I'd much rather have a poliite war/whm with a scythe in my party than some of the pld/wars that I've had.

    Well, end of rant. And obviously I'm not contesting that axe/gaxe is best for warrior - I agree with your basic point completely. I just had to get this rant out. It's not really even directed against this post - I've just read so many other posts saying stuff like "you have no right to use any combo but the best" that I felt I had to speak out. And this post was addressed to new players, so I wanted them to know that there are plenty of people who will invite them no matter what they equip, or choose as a subjob.
    Aelith - 75 Whm/ 37 Smn

  • #2
    Just do it.

    There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


    • #3
      Omg. I'm sorry guys....

      This was supposed to be a replyl to SDDarkdragons thread on warrior gear for new players. I have no idea why it didn't post there, and chose to post as a new topic instead. I guess its probably my fault though.

      Aelith - 75 Whm/ 37 Smn


      • #4
        I understand this, but the main reason I(or many others that I have talked to), do not like to level many of our alt. jobs is because of crazy new players and their belief of weapon choice(beit scythe/polearm/sword/h2h(there it is again, pesky skeletons)/dagger(yuck)/Whatever) and that their gods gift to their job(had a few, PLD/WHM in a valkurm party, couldn't hold hate worth a damn). Like I said in my post, if your going to play a job(anything), play it right. Everyone may have their own opinions about what a specific job should do or use(have a friend who won't stop talking about being completely balanced as a RDM("When I reach high levels my sword will be capped and my mnd and int will be the same as my other stats", almost made me kill him, and, "This is how it was in FFWhatever, and it should hold true in this game"))

        As it currently is at the time I play(which is alot), there are not many players seeking parties and finding that last warrior to only find out he is subbing something less desired or he's using level 1 weapon/armor/whatever(had it once, our warrior was wearing nomad's gear(the Lv15 HP recovered while healing +1 stuff) at level 25. Told him to switch within 10 sec or he would be kicked. Needless to say, he was kicked. Another time with a Lv1 sword(eww), same proceedure as above, he was kicked.)

        I understand that you have a choice, and S-E is somewhat to blame(sp?), giving some jobs their choice on weapon when they know very well that they are going to choose something other than axe/G.axe without atleast pointing what your caps are for each level. Another reason for moogles to be placed in Selbina/Mhuara, an option to change job/subjob quickly for whatever reason.

        These are not the only reasons for mine(or anyone elses) decision to not level our lower level alt. jobs. New players almost always are stubbern and again, think they are god's gift to their job. Quick messege to all new players who might not even read this, and those who do, please consider nation rank or if they listed their jobs in their bazaar messege(or wherever), when you are being told the correct way of things(macroes/commands/exp(ooo I hate when players diss BSTs because of the exp cut rumor), they might know something you do not.
        WHM:57 | BLM:42 | BRD:43 | DRG:35 | THF:21 | WAR:19 | BST:22 | SMN:17 | DRK:16 | RDM:11 | SAM:12 | MNK:10 | RNG:04 | PLD:21 | NIN:01


        • #5
          Wow, I'm not surprised to hear new players doing that bad. However some of the stuff said I can't completly agree with. Even though RDM isn't going to be extreemly balanced out with melee and magic like a member on your LS thinks it will be, RDMs however are one of the two known jobs that can Solo stuff that many other jobs can't do effectivly.

          So as a result that does kind of make RDM quite strong like the person is expecting. However in future updates that may end up changing. As far as job combinations which ever a person does doesn't bother me as long as they know it's usefulness and play on it very well. A PLD/WHM I do know is capable of holding hate quite well, but if they arn't taking the needed steps to do so then even if they are PLD/WAR they arn't going to hold hate that supperior amount better.

          Other then that I do have to agree if they are using the healing +1 items at lv. 25 in actual battle then that is quite terrible. However if they do have a second set of gear to switch between then I would have say that is quite good, but quite expensive to do as well and not to mention that a melee depending on what type it is doing that may be quite useless also.

          As far a job using various weapons at the lower levels which ever they choose to use really is going to have little to no effect to their ability with them. As they start to approach the 35's and higher then raising skills do start to become very steep and then continuing to raise a weapon that your job isn't especially skilled in will get quite difficult and will then make that weapon less desired for that job to be using.

          Other then that a player that wants to get various weapons to a certain skill I see no reason they should be persuaded against it, as long as they are using their logic on what weapons will raise the most effectively and still be usefull to an EXP party (All being considered at low level cases, higher level to accomplish this in an EXP party is almost unthinkable, skill up parties are needed for raising at higher levels)

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