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Sarashi - test results

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  • #16
    100 delay = 1 second.
    If this is true, the results will be almost double the swings I reported earlier, and an extra Rampage every 3 battles instead of 6.


    In the scenerio, the average battle lasted 2 minutes. Weapons were 2 * Viking Axes (276 delay)

    (2 * 276) * .75 = 469.2 (without Sarashi)
    (2 * 276) * .80 = 441.6 (with Sarashi)

    25 attack rounds per battle without Sarashi.
    27 attack rounds per battle with Sarashi.


    4 extra swings and "double attack chance" + 26 TP and "double attack chance" TP, each battle.

    It doesn't look like much "per battle", but it starts adding up looking at it from an XP PT perspective.

    Every 4 battles, using Sarashi will net you an extra Rampage (not counting any double attacks from the extra attacks).

    It averages out to about an extra WS every 3 battles if you count on about a 30% double attack rate, also counting the 16+ TP return for the WS itself. (Note: The first extra WS will take 4 battles to attain, but with the 16+ TP gained from the first Rampage, every 3 battles after that you will be able to perform an extra Rampage).

    Let's go one step further here and analyze the *possible damage increase. (*possible damage increase denotes the highest possible increase of damage, not including misses or defensive spells/abilities perfomed by the mobs.)


    Accuracy = +43
    Average hit = 40 dmg
    Average Rampage = 400 dmg
    Double attack rate = 30%
    Extra swinges per battle = 5
    (There are 4 extra swings per battle, and we will give 1 extra swing for double attack per battle so 5 is what will be used.)

    5 x 40 = 200 extra damage per battle in swings.

    In 10 battles you will have performed 3 extra Rampages, at 3 * 400 = 1200 extra damage.

    Average damage increase per battle comes out to be 320 extra damage created by using Sarashi.

    If PT kills 50 mobs, that's an extra 16,000 damage over the course of the PT.
    - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
    Rank 6-1, Windurst
    Genkai 4 completed
    Attack Gear
    Tank Gear

    Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


    • #17
      That is kind of funny as that coincides with my theoretical numbers. Now I just need to get my haubergeon so I can afford the accuracy to play with the life belt and the sarashi.

      Thanks for the effort put into this.


      • #18
        I once macroed a /wait command followed by an echo. Then I would hit the macro when I swung with my Great Axe. If I swung again at the same time that I saw my echo, then I was right on. I tried /wait 5 first since it was a ~500 delay axe, fired way too early. I think wait 7 or 8 did it for me but this was a long time ago and at the time I was more interested in something else.
        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


        • #19
          the /wait function is buggy and unreliable at best.

          use a stopwatch, do it bout 20 times and you'll have a much more accurate guess. is it correct? no, its going to still be off but its alot better than using /wait.

          anyway, went and redid the numbers since I had time. 1sec = aprox 57-58.5 delay... so 60 sounds bout right.


          • #20
            Take a look at this thread in the RDM forum, Apple Pie explains about delay/seconds:


            • #21
              the value of Delay is the number of frames at 60 fps. thus, Delay of 60 = 1 sec.

              i don't know why so many ppl on this forum say Delay of 100 = 1 sec...

              EDIT: Atendias, in this kinda case, many ppl don't care to click on the link, especially those who believe "Delay of 100 = 1 sec" so i rather just put the fact instead. btw, didn't realize there's actually someone else on this forum who knew about this, which was good to know.


              • #22
                Just out of curiosity does anyone know if your attack delay totally resets if you are casting a spell at the time of your next attack or is it delayed slightly? Sometimes I think it resets your attack so you basically lose a swing and sometimes it seems that you only get delayed. :confused: :confused:

                36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                • #23
                  It does appear that Apple Pie knows what he's talking about. Correction noted.
                  - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                  Rank 6-1, Windurst
                  Genkai 4 completed
                  Attack Gear
                  Tank Gear

                  Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                  • #24
                    Be a bug or working as intended, there is a timing issue with recasts and melee. If you time properly you will swing through your casts and it won't or rather won't effect your melee cooldown as greatly as normal. It is sorta like using ranged attack and melee. If you time it right you get no additional cooldown time, if you screw it up, the cooldowns stack up.


                    • #25
                      My apologies for incorrect information. In looking back, my internal clock is way wrong. It makes sense that 60 delay coincides with 1 second from a programming perspective. Perhaps it was just my reluctance to believe that it takes 8.4 seconds to swing my great axe.

