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War lvl 17 farming

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  • War lvl 17 farming

    Im currintly in Valkrum(sp) trying to get lvl 18 and the subjob items.

    Im also having troube with money i still need a nother balence ring(14kg), a warrior belt(15kg), and a Power bow(15kg) and i need a good way to get money -_- can someone help me?
    Look at the world through your soul, not your eyes, and you will see the truth.

  • #2
    kill crawlers for silks, I think it's doable with 17.

    or level thf/rdm/mnk if you haven't already, and collect drops from respective regions.
    A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


    • #3
      WAR's belt is 15K now?! Back in December when I bought mine it was 6K!
      Server: Siren
      San D'oria Rank 5
      Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
      Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
      Warrior AF COMPLETE
      Paladin AF 4/6


      • #4
        Crawler? they arent located any where near Sandorita are they?
        Look at the world through your soul, not your eyes, and you will see the truth.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ariesknight
          WAR's belt is 15K now?! Back in December when I bought mine it was 6K!
          Different servers.

          Crawlers are around windurst.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ariesknight
            WAR's belt is 15K now?! Back in December when I bought mine it was 6K!
            ON Bahamut Warrior Belt is 5-6K. The Warrior Belt +1 is about 11K. Maybe he ment +1?
            Pld: 45 War: 34 Mnk: 20 Thf: 18 Whm: 30 Blm: 15
            Bastok: Rank 5
            AF1: Completed


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ryu-Kanjin
              Crawler? they arent located any where near Sandorita are they?
              Crawlers are in the areas near Windurst.
              Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

              THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


              • #8
                :sweat: no the worriors belt is 15k on my server (unicorn) and i was farming Toadstools (in gehlsba outpoast) for the sleepshrooms and dark crystals they drop. They sell for 2-3k each a stack on my server and i was doing quit well...but i was lvl 11 then soooo i wont be able to get the dark crystls know

                Im just wondering if anybody knows any good ways of making money ^^
                Look at the world through your soul, not your eyes, and you will see the truth.


                • #9
                  Before your main job on your main character is lv30+, make a mule and kill nothing but good crystal mobs (easies that drop wind or fire) with that mule on WAR and MNK. Eat meat mithkabob and you'll plow through them, no resting unless you go on an incredible miss spree. After your main job on main character is 30+, level THF to 15 and sub on your main and farm Tahrongi or La Theine or something.


                  • #10
                    best way to make money at early lvls is crawler's silk, stealing cotton from mandragoras in tahrongi, killing yagudo for beads/gil, gobs for gil/wild onion, elementals for crystals (blm only). There are ton of other options, you just gotta look.


                    • #11
                      Hmm i was thinking about starting a Galka mnk in winterdust so i can farm crawler silk or something. i would have to see how much they sell for in a stack in sandy tho. Would something like this be good?
                      Look at the world through your soul, not your eyes, and you will see the truth.


                      • #12
                        Farm fire crystals in Ghelsba; you'll also get money drops.

                        Just keep fighting easies and decent challenges. Keep heading up and up if you need more easy prey, they'll be there.

                        Mining is also good, but risky. Sometimes you'll come out on top, sometimes on the bottom. You can mine in Yughott, in Ghelsba. You just need some picks, and a good way to get around the orcs in there to find the mining spots.


                        • #13
                          I was farming in Gelsba >.< with both my mnk and my war but they are to high of a lvl now.

                          BTW im a lvl 18war/13mnk lol i forgot to mention
                          Look at the world through your soul, not your eyes, and you will see the truth.


                          • #14
                            Have you tried moving up to Fort Ghelsba? Or maybe the botton of the outpost?

                            Fort is at the top of Ghelsba through a hut, you should be able to farm there until ~30.


                            • #15
                              Farming is just going to take time...once u realize that, it's not so bad. A little work for a lot of play.
                              War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3

