Ok I am new to FFXI (just got it yesterday) and am wondering if a Tarutaru warrior would be a good class to play? Thanks.
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Tarutaru Warrior?
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I think tarutaru is capable of doing every job, but Tarutaru Warrior has some problems from the get - go.
Their highest Stat will be INT.
Their HP is pretty low. Some say this is offset with a /nin sub and Utsusemi.
I would suggest race change to Galka or Elvaan as a happy medium, if there is a thing Taru excel at, it's mage classes.
Reason I suggest race change:
1) Even with massively high STR gear, you'll still have less HP than an Elvaan. You'll barely be equal to an elvaan and you only have 4 dex on them.
2) Mithra will have every melee stat higher than you and still have more HP.
3) Galka don't even need to try to really outshine you.
4) pretty much the same as Mithra.
I am a Tarutaru warrior, 1-50 you'll have no problems tanking as a war/mnk. I'll give you several advice since you seem like a new player.
1) Solo play - unless you're getting healed by powerful friend, stick to easy prey mobs. Also the level 1 newbie mobs will give you exp all the way to level 7, you may want to exp on some of the level 2-3 mobs when you hit level 3 to get enough skill in your weapon to start doing WS.
2) Don't group until you're 10, minimum, I always liked to go duo with rdm or whm at ghelsba outpost on toughs to rise skill.
3) Usually, you'll want to get the full set of armor that you can wear for your level, but not +1 yet. (Bronze to Leather to Scale to Lizard to Beetle to Chainmail to the level 30 armor to silver to royal squire's/plate/iron musketeer to brigandine at 45 to mythril)
4) Weapons wise I suggest using Greatsword, Axe, and Great Axe. Greatsword I recommend so you can start and end distortion, they are pretty cheap all around. Axe is pretty cheap too and so is Great Axe. But I do recommend starting off with an Axe.. they are cheap and useable at level 1. First Great Axe is used at level 5, and the first affordable greatsword is at level 10.
5) Gil farming - you will need lots of gil to buy equipment and food. I never used food until level 30 on my main job, but it is VERY helpful in your efficiency. At low levels I farmed crystals and different drops (hare meat, rabbit hides, flint stones, zinc ores, bat wings, goblin drops, crystals) in West and East Ronfaure.. you can turn in the rabbit hides in san d'oria for gil, and the same with batwings, and flint stones. Just save all the stuff I listed and you'll be able to afford most of your weapons/armor.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Taru Warrior is a fine class im doing it more of a side job if anyone knows me i got alot of jobs =/ im lvl 43war/21sam atm and have tank just about all my PTs. the main drop of being taru war doesnt show till your lvl 60+ when your stats dont raise as much inless its from the main stat of your race. and Keep your Beastmen Seals they are used later on for BCNMs that are great ways of making money. GL on Warrior!
Also your 2 main weapons will be Axe and Great Axe try to keep these both up to date . any high lvl warriors useing Greatsword should be slap.
Cactuar beta :drg36 blm 52 whm 25 nin17 smn 11
midgar Rakyu: DRG 65 WHM 19 BLM 75 SAM 32 WAR 75 BST 30 RDM 75 RNG 35 NIN 37 PLD 40
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Originally posted by Rakyu
Taru Warrior is a fine class im doing it more of a side job if anyone knows me i got alot of jobs =/ im lvl 43war/21sam atm and have tank just about all my PTs. the main drop of being taru war doesnt show till your lvl 60+ when your stats dont raise as much inless its from the main stat of your race. and Keep your Beastmen Seals they are used later on for BCNMs that are great ways of making money. GL on Warrior!
Also your 2 main weapons will be Axe and Great Axe try to keep these both up to date . any high lvl warriors useing Greatsword should be slap.
Anyways.. it is true, a few people will say things about tarutaru melee. At times it may get frustrating.. but really You will find that there isn't much difference between you and them. Biggest difference is HP. The loss in Str can easily be made up in equip. Of course I am Taru Drk (67).. but still taru melee
Heh also remember one time around lvl 53-55 A Drk leader (Elvaan) had invited me to PT without knowing I was taru. When he saw I was taru he started talking about how horrible Taru was for melee. Weird part was.. his Taru Pld friend was saying the same thing. Anyways it turned out that I was outdamaging the Elvaan Drk due to the fact I was using a much stronger weapon (Barbarian Scythe) that he didnt bother to get.
So equip plays a big part in Taru Melee. Always looks to see what can help you each lvl you go.Full Cursed= O
Full Str Gear= O
Apocalypse= ; ;
DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O
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let's say you work really hard to get your equipment, if you work really hard and are the IDEAL race to play the job, then it carries over even more so than working really hard on a Tarutaru.
Like I said before, you'll have no problems tanking, pugils may one shot you but hardly anything else will as long as you stay on top of your armor and weaponry.
anyway I highly advise leveling greatsword/polearm or some distortion starter. Distortion is a pretty big deal and you need to have some method of starting it, especially if you have a thf in your party ending the SC with fast blade then viper bite eventually. I leveled thief to 37 and it was very cool having a couple warriors who used Gsword.
At level 50 the difference in skill between a polearm/gsword is only 6 behind great axe.
Please note that I'm not saying exclusively use gsword. You won't even lose that much damage, and may add damage to the party with distortion instead of a crappy scission chain. More or less it's for your versatility, great axe WS doesn't get that good until 23, and even then most of your warriors won't even be using a Neckchopper. Axe WS at that level include raging axe which is ok, smash axe which is situational, and gale axe which I didn't notice too well. Only greatsword or polearm will bring you distortion which works pretty well.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Originally posted by Sasarai
anyway I highly advise leveling greatsword/polearm or some distortion starter.
At level 50 the difference in skill between a polearm/gsword is only 6 behind great axe.
Please note that I'm not saying exclusively use gsword. You won't even lose that much damage, and may add damage to the party with distortion instead of a crappy scission chain. More or less it's for your versatility, great axe WS doesn't get that good until 23, and even then most of your warriors won't even be using a Neckchopper. Axe WS at that level include raging axe which is ok, smash axe which is situational, and gale axe which I didn't notice too well. Only greatsword or polearm will bring you distortion which works pretty well.
Axe/Great axe > Sword / Great Sword
Raging Axe is good damage dealer (especially if using THF sub and sneak attack)
Sturmwind is a good WS for Great Axe and the Breaks are a nice -DEF to the mob.
Later levels with /NIN sub and 2 1h Axes? Rampaging Axe over and over = mass DMG.
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My warrior is currently 35 ( should get 37 this week ).
Levelling it as a SJ for my ninja ( lvl 52 ).
I use steamed crab and a lot of nice equipment and I can tank better than your average warrior.
Equipment/Skill->Race.55% Skill
35% Equipment
10% Race
White Mage - 75 - Completed
Ninja - 75 - Completed
Summoner - 75 - Completed
My Livejournal
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I don't necessarily see why you're rolling your eyes, Axe has crappy skillchain properties when paired with say, a thf.. I'd rather assist the thf in getting distortion off for 50-200 rather than see a crappy 5-100 scission chain. You mention raging axe being good with sneak attack, but that's 30+. How is raging axe to viper bite going to compare with power slash to viper bite? Leveling thief to 37, I can say that I was very pleased to have any distortion starters in the group. RNG SAM NIN DRG or WAR with Gsword/polearm.
Low levels you're going to hardly miss 3 skill, with great axe compared to great sword.
As far as breaks go, I hardly think they are necessary at lower levels. I don't even think you're listening to what I'm saying nygheru, if there's no thf in PT to end distortion then I'd say go with Great Axe or Axe, but I think it's beneficial to have 3 weapons skilled up for that purpose. Skillchains can make a crappy party go to a decent party.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Originally posted by Sasarai
Low levels you're going to hardly miss 3 skill, with great axe compared to great sword.
As far as breaks go, I hardly think they are necessary at lower levels.
if there's no thf in PT to end distortion then I'd say go with Great Axe or Axe, but I think it's beneficial to have 3 weapons skilled up for that purpose. Skillchains can make a crappy party go to a decent party.
Solution to THF in PT? Pick up a RNG/DRK/DRG/SAM/NIN/MNK and spam Shield Break/Rampage/Raging Rush. Better damage output.Originally posted by Luminaire
Fact - WAR has a ton of potential, the only limits on the job are the player
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Most people are assuming that WAR is only a tanking class. Therefore, VIT and HP reigns king. The WAR is not just a tanking class, but the taru is also disadvanted in the other roles a WAR might play.
Tarus work as a PLD due to their huge MP pool and decent AGI, they work as a DRK due to their huge MP pool and high INT, they work as a THF due to decent AGI. A WAR utilizes STR, VIT, DEX, and AGI in varying roles. The taru is not exceptionally strong in any of these attributes. It will be a hard road but if you are good at it, you can make it suceed.
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