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hmmp! the gimped paladin!

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  • hmmp! the gimped paladin!

    As many young noobs in FFXI, I took the warrior as my 1st job class. Being a warrior it tuaght me to sacrifice my warriors life for the party any chance problems happened. So I learned the role of a warrior real fast, to defend the party, be back up tank, or a damage dealer.

    But latley I have seen war/whm everywhere. When I was going through quifim as my Ranger, almost every other party I had there was a Warrior with a white mage subbed. I no this combo might be useful when your soloing around ealier lvs but when you reach partying lvs you should sub something melee. I went with subbing monk and had lots of fun countering enemys and getting a good dmg bonus.

    In a party

    war-tank/back up tank
    mnk-dmg dealer
    thf-dmg dealer
    rdm-support/back up healing
    blm-dmg dealer
    whm- main healer

    taking a job that focus's on taking hits and dishing them out and giving it a sub that weakens attack and defence just for a small amout of MP. Everytime I ask the warrior why he subbed whm he would say something like i'm just trying to help out on teh healer or like i'm trying to be a gimped paladin.:confused: A warrior trying to be a back up healer very scary right now.

    I'm in kahzam and when we fight mandys if my tank has a whm subbed I kick him because that whm weakens his def enough that it cuases my whm to lose more mp curing him . in which more downtime and less xp I get.

    so plz young noob warrior noobs don't sub whm it hurts more than helps! Only a few melee jobs don't suffer from the whm {Bst,Drk,Pal,Drg} But if you like subbing the Whm on yours and its fun to you good then do it if you like just don't expect me or some more expericened players to invite.

    Ranger/Nin: Lv34/23
    Rank: 4
    Country: San D Oria
    Linkshell: SenorKupos (leader)
    Currently: RETIRED!

  • #2
    I honestly think anyone who thinks WAR/WHM is good, and says, "oh, I just wanna help the healer", etc.

    Should die.


    Get cancer and die.


    • #3
      Whoa! A tad harsh don't you think? I mean wishing death and degenerative , debilitating diseases on noob players...but I agree:
      WAR/MNK (tank)
      WAR/THF (Damage)
      WAR/NIN (Damage+Tank)
      Server: Siren
      San D'oria Rank 5
      Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
      Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
      Warrior AF COMPLETE
      Paladin AF 4/6


      • #4
        Yesh I no a bit harsh but when the last 2 partys i was with the tanks (the warrior/whm) tried to heal more than provoke and costed a Black mage friend of mine and my character to die for nothin. then I just had to say someting.

        Ranger/Nin: Lv34/23
        Rank: 4
        Country: San D Oria
        Linkshell: SenorKupos (leader)
        Currently: RETIRED!


        • #5
          For gimp 1 healer groups (qufim, kazham, valkurm come to mind) , /whm isn't too bad if you're a higher MP race (Hume, mithra, taru) and go support it with gear. Even still, it's mostly for assisting healing after the fight is over. You can't really do too much useful with it mid fight. That being said, I wouldn't want to really try it after about 30.

          Only a few melee jobs don't suffer from the whm {Bst,Drk,Pal,Drg}
          I'm not so sure beast really counts when you think "melee" because I rarely if ever group with any...
          But as to the others... Paladin is crippled without war sub. Drk & Dragoon cripple their damage output with it, but they can somewhat ghetto heal. Doable, just not every effecient like.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Funguwari
            I honestly think anyone who thinks WAR/WHM is good, and says, "oh, I just wanna help the healer", etc.

            Should die.


            Get cancer and die.
            I was a WAR/WHM til lvl 30 -_-

            Do I have cancer yet?


            • #7
              A true gimped pal would be Rdm/War tank. However, a rdm would never have to resort to such a thing, with so many melee around.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wings of Icarus
                I was a WAR/WHM til lvl 30 -_-

                Do I have cancer yet?
                Yes, eat shit and die

                The only reason to sub Whm is for coffer hunting or chest hunting. It's really the only time you want to be able to invis or sneak yourself.

                I partied with a 49/24 War/Whm the other day. Totally useless. I hated being healed by him. I mean, you wouldn't want to be healed by another warrior would you? Or if your tanking, you wouldn't want the white mage to start tanking if your low on HP would you? <idiot> That's like Homojobuality or something. </idiot>


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lun4tic
                  <idiot> That's like Homojobuality or something. </idiot>
                  War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3


                  • #10

                    Exactly! Every job has a style or place they fit in at and sending a war to do a whm's job is a bad idea:mad: And don't try and tell some1 that its a bad idea, you'll just get /blacklisted :p which is quite fine by me if they blacklist me, I won't have to party with them forever or till they forget about it.

                    Pal/war (duh)
                    Nin/war <kinda tie for 2nd really

                    Healing and back up type healers:
                    whm/rdm/blm (duh x2)

                    Damage dealers:
                    Rng/war/nin/sam <all work well

                    Hmm i thinks that a bit right. hmm mabe a few mis places but that just the basics of it really. melee needs magic users and magic users need melee. (until blink type spells)

                    so...yeah .. no more war/whm plz unless soloing!:sweat:

                    Ranger/Nin: Lv34/23
                    Rank: 4
                    Country: San D Oria
                    Linkshell: SenorKupos (leader)
                    Currently: RETIRED!


                    • #11
                      You think WAR/WHM is gimped..I hate to see elvaan WHM/WARs in Valkurm with less than 100 MP. I die a little inside every time I see it.

                      Consequently, I've died about 3 dozen times now...

                      I'm honestly afraid to go back to level my subs in Valkurm/Qufim because of these creative's just too scary ; ;
                      Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


                      • #12
                        war/whm evil brother!

                        I have also seen some war/blm running around valkum and quifim also, there a bit rarer then the war/whm but they still suck and should burst into flames.:mad:

                        Ranger/Nin: Lv34/23
                        Rank: 4
                        Country: San D Oria
                        Linkshell: SenorKupos (leader)
                        Currently: RETIRED!


                        • #13
                          I don't know if I've said this already but...

                          The ONLY time War/Whm works is when you're coffer hunting and can use the invis/sneak to get yourself around.

                          Most thieves sub white mage when picking coffers.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by laicram
                            A true gimped pal would be Rdm/War tank. However, a rdm would never have to resort to such a thing, with so many melee around.
                            Actually.. RDM/WAR > WAR/WHM, especially after they get Phalanx. I had a PT once when my PLD had to go AFK for a while then my PT's RDM suggested that he tank while PLD was AFK, RDM/BLM tanked perfectly, needed the help of THF to keep hate though, and we even got chain 4. It was level 63 BTW.
                            WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
                            Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
                            No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
                            Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
                            Sandoria is gay.

                            I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

                            ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


                            • #15
                              Actually, WAR/WHM is very useful for a Taru at dunes. You equip 2 Physical earrings and get about the same HP as an elvaan your same lvl up to 19. You wont be hitting or missing much worse than a /mnk either.

                              I say /whm as Taru WAR can last you until you move to crabs in Qufim at 21-22, then at 24 /nin is your best friend thanks to Utsu. That or you level in PT's where you arent the main tank.
                              PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
                              BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
                              RNG, BRD, SAM 07
                              MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

                              Sandorian Rank 10
                              Zm13 complete

                              Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

                              'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
                              Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
                              /happy Tawu dance. ^-^

