As many young noobs in FFXI, I took the warrior as my 1st job class. Being a warrior it tuaght me to sacrifice my warriors life for the party any chance problems happened. So I learned the role of a warrior real fast, to defend the party, be back up tank, or a damage dealer.
But latley I have seen war/whm everywhere. When I was going through quifim as my Ranger, almost every other party I had there was a Warrior with a white mage subbed. I no this combo might be useful when your soloing around ealier lvs but when you reach partying lvs you should sub something melee. I went with subbing monk and had lots of fun countering enemys and getting a good dmg bonus.
In a party
war-tank/back up tank
mnk-dmg dealer
thf-dmg dealer
rdm-support/back up healing
blm-dmg dealer
whm- main healer
taking a job that focus's on taking hits and dishing them out and giving it a sub that weakens attack and defence just for a small amout of MP. Everytime I ask the warrior why he subbed whm he would say something like i'm just trying to help out on teh healer or like i'm trying to be a gimped paladin.:confused: A warrior trying to be a back up healer very scary right now.
I'm in kahzam and when we fight mandys if my tank has a whm subbed I kick him because that whm weakens his def enough that it cuases my whm to lose more mp curing him . in which more downtime and less xp I get.
so plz young noob warrior noobs don't sub whm it hurts more than helps! Only a few melee jobs don't suffer from the whm {Bst,Drk,Pal,Drg} But if you like subbing the Whm on yours and its fun to you good then do it if you like just don't expect me or some more expericened players to invite.
But latley I have seen war/whm everywhere. When I was going through quifim as my Ranger, almost every other party I had there was a Warrior with a white mage subbed. I no this combo might be useful when your soloing around ealier lvs but when you reach partying lvs you should sub something melee. I went with subbing monk and had lots of fun countering enemys and getting a good dmg bonus.
In a party
war-tank/back up tank
mnk-dmg dealer
thf-dmg dealer
rdm-support/back up healing
blm-dmg dealer
whm- main healer
taking a job that focus's on taking hits and dishing them out and giving it a sub that weakens attack and defence just for a small amout of MP. Everytime I ask the warrior why he subbed whm he would say something like i'm just trying to help out on teh healer or like i'm trying to be a gimped paladin.:confused: A warrior trying to be a back up healer very scary right now.
I'm in kahzam and when we fight mandys if my tank has a whm subbed I kick him because that whm weakens his def enough that it cuases my whm to lose more mp curing him . in which more downtime and less xp I get.
so plz young noob warrior noobs don't sub whm it hurts more than helps! Only a few melee jobs don't suffer from the whm {Bst,Drk,Pal,Drg} But if you like subbing the Whm on yours and its fun to you good then do it if you like just don't expect me or some more expericened players to invite.