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Stats question

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  • Stats question

    Just to double check on stats.

    STR=Raises minimum and maximum damage you can do.
    ATK=Raises the curve within your min and max damage.

    Axe has a smaller difference between min and max damage then Great Axe, correct? So one should focus more on STR with using an axe and attack when using a great axe?

    Also, how bad does the -dex hurt from the Bracelets series? Would it be better to stick with the Hume RSE hands that give less str but give dex instead of a penalty?

    I'll probably have more questions many gear choices between ACC, ATK, and STR. :sweat:

  • #2
    Originally posted by tomiko
    Bumping this over that horrid war vs drk thread I glimpsed at...


    • #3
      Your gear is very similar to mine when i was at that level. :sweat:

      Dual Wield with Viking Axe is awesome for so long. +Str rings is great for this, and from what I've seen... +str is better than +atk, unless its an item that adds like 20atk.

      For Great Axe... there is only one thing really: +Acc.
      You will hate the miss rate going from dual axe to great axe. /sam or /thf are better for great axe.

      As a mithra...I don't think +dex add THAT much to acc. The bracelets will probably hurt your crit rate, however. Just wait for your +4str AF gloves =).


      • #4
        Thanks a lot for the post, helps me choose which gear to get.

        Regarding the AF hands though, I want as little +emnity as possible. I'm in a set with a NIN, and those add the second most eminty of WAR AF set.


        • #5
          I'm jealous of your valk mask ; ;

          300k on my server, and, it's impossible to camp without getting linked And hopping you get the drop too...


          • #6
            I was able to get it for 275k. for Archer Rings, got 3 to drop a couple days ago while camping with my friend, 600k each.


            • #7
              if you are sub /nin and dual wielding axes or axe / sword, then STR should be your #1 main priority.

              as i believe you referred to, the popular theory nowadays is that str is better for lower dmg lower delay weapons (mnk, thf, /nin sub,) and ATK is better for high dmg high delay (drk, war gaxe, drg)

              if anyone has any doubts, i highly recommend checking this series of posts. very convincing, also very interesting read for anyone of those min / max'ers who like to get behind the game mechanics


              as for dex, i completely agree with the above mentioned - if it has any affect on accuracy its very minor. so the only other possible benefit is it affects crits? again, minor. not to mention /nin gives as much dex stat boost as anything other than /thf


              • #8
                Axe: STR > ACC > ATK
                Gaxe: ACC > ATK > STR

                That's how I'm looking at the stats now for the weapons, any differet opinions?

                I'll try out the Bracelets once I hit 50 and run a paser for like 50 fights with one and 50 fights with the other to decide which to wear.


                • #9
                  I would say in both cases it should be:
                  ACC > x > y > z
                  - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                  Rank 6-1, Windurst
                  Genkai 4 completed
                  Attack Gear
                  Tank Gear

                  Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                  • #10
                    I thought I would just point this interview out...

                    Raises your standard damage variance and increases the average damage given.

                    STR raises the damage curve itself and increases the maximum amount of damage given.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
                      I would say in both cases it should be:
                      ACC > x > y > z
                      And I have to disagree.

                      I'm personally not very fond of anything that's percentage base. The more you raise it, the less you get back in return. However, you always get the same (and great) output back from STR. Plus, with more STR, your ATK means that much more.

                      I was in a party with a DRK that had +22 ACC (Snipers*2, lifebelt, R.S. gauntlets) while I had +4 (he was 48, I was 47, so that's another +3-4 acc he had in weapon skill level). I gained TP just as fast as he did, some times faster. In his defense, he did cast absorb-str and -vit (RDM in PT) at the start of every battle, but he did that when I was brining in pull so I didn't get that many more hits in before him.

                      And do to the fact that I was more ATK and STR geared, I did better DOT most of the time.

                      And getting 400+ damage Raging Axes is also fun.

                      (Thanks for the link Guile, good read)

