Originally posted by Nameless
I've never seen a DRK do a 560 damage sata sturmwind
I've never seen a DRK do a 560 damage sata sturmwind
But as Russta said, it may become tiresome later lvls for Drk.. doing the same thing over and over every battle. I may go Taru War after I get my Drk to 75 (or possibly a mage type job).
Many people are comparing War vs Drk pre 60. Well sure.. but Drk do not get any really good WS before Guillotine. That's the reason why many Drks love guillotine; because it is a good WS that actually does good damage (however 5 lvls later Drks forget about guillotine and love Cross reaper). War gets Sturmwind around 300-600 dmg, Rampage which is around 500-600 pre lvl60.
And of course can't forget Raging Rush at 60 which IMO is very strange dmg wise. Ive seen it get as low as 100dmg to as high as 800-900 dmg (however I think double attack played a roll in the high damage ones). Full Break is around 600 damage max. I however have yet to see Mistral Axe.
As for Drk's.. Pre60 highest damage we would probably get is around 300 Vorpal Scythe. Vorpal Scythe can get around 500-600 though, but Drk would need War Sub, and have Double Attack go off. lvl 60 Drks get Guillotine; Guillotine avgs about 600-700dmg. Guillotine can however also reach 1000 dmg quite easily. You will see lots of people love Drks when fighting lvl 60 monsters because at that lvl the monsters have a pretty low amount of HP. dealing 1000 dmg takes about 1/2 the monsters HP bar.
Drk 225's IMO is where Drks tend to shine most.. however at this point Drk would be subbing Thf and become the hate displacer in PT's. It's fun doing over 1000 damage, and seeing a 1000+ damage renkei bonus... kinda makes you all warm inside (˘д˘)ノ
Actually I think the only way I would lvl War (another melee) is if I was garunteed to have a static PT.
Btw Russta, Taru Cross Reaper just looks awsome :p You should try it at least. Taru basically spin in mid air. Hitting monster once going up and hitting 2nd time as they hit the ground.