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  • #31
    "is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than mnk/war, drk/war, war/sam, war/thf, and ranger/war?"

    rng/war > war/nin
    mnk/war > war/nin
    war/nin > drk/war
    war/nin > war/sam
    war/nin > war/thf

    "what percentage of parties do you think are going to pick up a war/nin for the damage dealing slot? give a number..."

    More then 80% party expect war/nin to be a damage dealer.


    Warrior 75
    Thief 37
    Ninja 37
    Samurai 37 <retired>
    Monk 15


    • #32
      hmm guess you can't read very well. fine, I'll spell it out.
      is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than mnk/war, drk/war, war/sam, war/thf, and ranger/war?
      can be, can be, can be, can be, no.
      what percentage of parties do you think are going to pick up a war/nin for the damage dealing slot? give a number
      probably 15%, more if the PT already has a PLD. But this proves nothing other than common misconception is at work here (the same exact thing that you were so pissed about with drk vs mnk btw).

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #33
        is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than mnk/war, drk/war, war/sam, war/thf, and ranger/war?
        At my level:
        is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than mnk/war? Yes it can.
        is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than drk/war? Yes it can.
        is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than war/sam? Yes it can.
        is a war/nin a BETTER dmg dealing combo than war/thf? Yes it can.

        No melee can outdamage a properly geared Ranger, ever.

        what percentage of parties do you think are going to pick up a war/nin for the damage dealing slot? give a number...
        It really depends on the situation.
        Every intelligent PT leader must find the answers to these questions:
        What type of monsters will you be hunting? What jobs are in the PT already? What Skillchain do you wish to perform?

        I do not have a problem getting a group, ever.
        I am being asked to tank or damage deal. I rarely get asked to tank lately, but can if needed. I prefer DD.

        I have answered your questions honestly, now answer mine.

        Have you read my parsed logs?

        Your thoughts on how it's possible for me to outdamage those job combos you say I can't outdamage?
        - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
        Rank 6-1, Windurst
        Genkai 4 completed
        Attack Gear
        Tank Gear

        Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


        • #34
          another dumb fuckin war...

          gonna sit and say a war/nin outdamages a drk/war...

          welp, now over to copy and paste on the drk forums

          can i ask u guys one more thing?

          why has this "uber dmg" role of war/nin never been discussed anywhere else (ingame or anywhere) other than the "war" forum?

          since when did war/nin change roles from a tank to a dmg dealer?

          where do u come up with this shit? heh
          mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

          +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


          • #35
            unreal biggok...

            u think a war/nin outdamages everything but ranger

            dude, i'd CRIPPLE your war with my mnk and so would anyone else dmg wise...

            this needs to be a main topic in the main forum...

            everyone's gotta see why the wars on the servers dont get picked...
            mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

            +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


            • #36
              Originally posted by MeleeFighterFF

              why has this "uber dmg" role of war/nin never been discussed anywhere else (ingame or anywhere) other than the "war" forum?
              why has the uber dmg role of mnk/war never been discussed anywhere else other than "mnk" forum? same reason. Other's don't know the job and see the benefits unless they are playing in your shoes.

              See that's your problem. Everything is yes or no to you. Everyone here realizes that this game is not so simple. In certain cases the war/nin will outdamage a drk/war and in others no. The real knowledge in this game comes from knowing what to choose, when and where.

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #37
                I didn't want to resort to this, but you really are a newbie and the reason JP dislike to PT with NA.

                Read my damage logs.

                How many times do I have to say:
                I have outdamaged Drks, Thfs, Drgs, Sams but not the Rng (although I was tanking at the time so I didn't use offensive abilities, but I doubt I could surpass him).
                - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                Rank 6-1, Windurst
                Genkai 4 completed
                Attack Gear
                Tank Gear

                Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                • #38

                  wtf are u war's smoking?

                  everyone is aware of what a mnk does..

                  nobody compares mnks and wars when it comes to dmg...a mnk is SOOO superior to a war in dmg it's unreal

                  all i ever hear about my job choice (mnk) online is people telling me to stick with it and start telling me about the UUUUUUBBBBEERRRR dmg ill be doing for the rest of the game....

                  who ever said nobody was aware of what a mnk does?

                  dont turn this into a "we're in the same boat thing" no we're not...i know what my job does...

                  take your war/nin and tank...besides...a GALKA war/nin dmg dealing?! come on man...
                  mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

                  +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


                  • #39
                    unreal biggok...

                    u think a war/nin outdamages everything but ranger

                    dude, i'd CRIPPLE your war with my mnk and so would anyone else dmg wise...

                    this needs to be a main topic in the main forum...

                    everyone's gotta see why the wars on the servers dont get picked...
                    You're level 36.
                    I could outdamage you with a single club (1 skill).

                    You have a LOT to learn about this game.

                    How do you think you know so much at such a low level?

                    You obviously cannot read damage logs or use logic, I will not reply to you any longer.

                    I think we've just been trolled, no one could possibly be that stupid and be serious.
                    - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                    Rank 6-1, Windurst
                    Genkai 4 completed
                    Attack Gear
                    Tank Gear

                    Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                    • #40
                      enough with this here...

                      this belongs on a stage, you'll see where i posted "war vs drk HAVE TO READ" in the main topics under job type discussions...
                      mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

                      +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


                      • #41
                        "another dumb fuckin war..."

                        LOL ya another lvl 75 dumb fucking war

                        and tell you what (drk > war) yes it's correct, but the drk has sub thf so they can do 900 dmg spining slash + 1300 light. A dark/war, no they can not

                        And tell you what MeelefighterFF is just an idiot, ingore what he said


                        Warrior 75
                        Thief 37
                        Ninja 37
                        Samurai 37 <retired>
                        Monk 15


                        • #42
                          like i said take it to the main forum, cause im online right now and my LS is f'in HYSTERICAL about u're claims

                          a few of them said war/nin sucks i dont agree...i think it's a great tank...but NOBODY else has ever heard of it being the highest dmg dealing melee in the

                          like i said, take it to the stage let everyone see what you think of war/nin...heh
                          mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

                          +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by MeleeFighterFF
                            everyone is aware of what a mnk does..
                            Was this always the case? Err, no.

                            nobody compares mnks and wars when it comes to dmg...a mnk is SOOO superior to a war in dmg it's unreal

                            all i ever hear about my job choice (mnk) online is people telling me to stick with it and start telling me about the UUUUUUBBBBEERRRR dmg ill be doing for the rest of the game....

                            ...besides...a GALKA war/nin dmg dealing?! come on man...
                            your arrogance is astounding!
                            who ever said nobody was aware of what a mnk does?

                            dont turn this into a "we're in the same boat thing" no we're not...i know what my job does...
                            Good for you, but you don't know what a WAR does.

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #44
                              Melee, equipment is what matters a hell of a lot. Its possible for a warrior to outdamage about any DD, if that DD is underequiped and the warrior is properly equiped.

                              I don't know why you have to continue flaming here, if you can't handle the facts like Bigokk's dmg parser, than its pretty sad. You have obviously have no idea what you are talking about, because your yelling at people telling them they are playing their job wrong! Ex = your telling people that war/nin is not a DD, its a tank.... when EVERYONE knows that warrior is versitile, and CAN perform both.

                              There is a lot of research in these forums and the warrior forums on other site like killingifrit, where the discussion of what is the best dmg dealer War/thf or War/nin is talked about. I suggest you examine Bigokks damage parser, and look deeper in these forums, or go here and look into the warrior section.


                              • #45
                                yup...notice nothing but replies from defensive wars...

                                i love it...

                                and im so sick of hearing this crap about no matter what lvl someone is they're LOW ...36? you dont think at 36, and where my other jobs are, with months into the game, i know what the jobs are for?

                                maybe you didnt but hey you're the guy who thinks war/nin is the highest dmg dealer in the game.

                                obviously my intelligence gives me a push in the right direction, where yours flushes the toilet for ya.
                                mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

                                +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++

