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  • Please Help!

    I am a lvl 18 War, currently in Bastok in Valefor. I am truly having trouble grasping the way in which I can select a support job. If someone can please help me along with a little advice, I would be most greatful.

    I would also like some suggestions on which subjob would go well with my warrior.

    Thanks for all the help....

    SoulGuardians BABY!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Honestly I like WAR/PLD if you like to tank (my LS leader uses that) and WAR/NIN is a good tanker too . The most popular one though is WAR/MNK though, try WAR/SAM if you like using WSs!

    Active :: Sub
    43 WHM | 21 BLM | 8 MNK | 17 WAR | 25 THF | 71 SMN | 72 BRD | 20 NIN | 9 RNG | 12 DRG | SAM 31
    All advanced job quests completed. // Carbuncle Mitts: O // Evoker's Ring: O // Opo-Opo Crown: O

    CoP Mission: Three Paths [5-3]

    Avatars: Shiva Titan Garuda Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle Leviathan Fenrir

    Title: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper/Kirin Captivator

    :: Bard AFv2 ::
    Bard's Roundlet: O
    Bard's Justaucorps: O

    :: Bard AF ::
    Paper Knife: O
    Choral Roundlet: O
    Choral Justacorps: O
    Choral Cuffs: O
    Choral Cannions: O
    Choral Slippers: O
    :: Summoner AF ::
    Kukulcan's Staff: O
    Evoker's Horn: x
    Evoker's Doublet: O
    Evoker's Bracers: O
    Evoker's Spats: O
    Evoker's Pigaches: O


    • #3
      The only way to go is Monk sub until level 30. At that time you can continue with it, or switch to THF sub for more offensive power.
      Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mikeb
        switch to THF sub for more offensive power.
        Thf = half-assed tank.

        I'd go with the War/Pld, yur overall attack + DEX will rise, and with yur ability to taunt shit would make ya one of the best tankers in a party.

        But if ya wanna help out yur party, statistically speaking, then u should go with War/Sam because of Meditate and Demon Slayer. Or the large range of WS that the class will give u.


        • #5
          Thanks for all the help guys/gals, but I still hardly have a clue on how to get a subjob.

          Please help me!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Eminem
            Thf = half-assed tank.

            I'd go with the War/Pld, yur overall attack + DEX will rise, and with yur ability to taunt shit would make ya one of the best tankers in a party.

            But if ya wanna help out yur party, statistically speaking, then u should go with War/Sam because of Meditate and Demon Slayer. Or the large range of WS that the class will give u.
            yea... subbing samurai doesnt give you anymore weaponskill range then any other sub. sorry


            • #7
              There are only 4 party acceptable subs fo WAR.

              MNK THF NIN SAM, level all 4, and PLD is a retarded sub.
              WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
              Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
              No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
              Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
              Sandoria is gay.

              I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

              ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Synbios
                There are only 4 party acceptable subs fo WAR.

                MNK THF NIN SAM, level all 4, and PLD is a retarded sub.
                No, pld is a good /sub for a war, all the Act amount is raised aswell as Dex, not to mention the total amount of HP. I've seen people do that before and they get plenty of PT invites mainly because they can take a lot of hits, and have good offensive power. so it's easier for them to protect the whm or make there job as lot easier.

                Join Alpha Designs!


                • #9
                  your question is a little vague, so I'll start my response from the top. First, you need to activate the quest. In Selbina, there's an old guy at the end of the pier that you need to talk to. You must be lvl 18+ for the quest to activate. He asks you to collect 3 items for him: a crab apron - dropped off snippers, a damsel fly worm - dropped off damsel flies and a magicked skull - dropped off ghouls (all these monsters are in Valkurm btw). Give them to him and you can now select a sub job. Head back to your mog house, talk to the mog and you should now see an option under "Change Job" for your sub-job. Tada.

                  and as for WAR/PLD, wtf? That makes no sense, why not just be a PLD/WAR then?

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #10
                    Thank you neighbortaru, that is exactly what i needed!

                    And I think I am going to go with WAR/MNK, thanks for all the suggestions!

