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fishkabobs or meatmithrakabobs?

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  • fishkabobs or meatmithrakabobs?

    As a war tanking is important, but so is dealing great damage.
    so i dont know which to use.
    fish kabobs-25% more def
    meat mithrakabobs 20 % more attack .

  • #2
    At your level, mobs don't hit that hard so I would go with meats. At around 35ish though, you really need to switch to fish and stay with them until 74. They make the difference between getting hit for 100 and getting hit for 50 at around that point. :sweat:


    • #3
      I carry both on me, then use Fish if I'm the parties tank, Meat if another player is tanking... My Warrior is only 19 tho
      Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


      • #4
        thank u guys for these usful tips. im usually the tanker in the pt so imight use the fish


        • #5
          I usually have 3 stacks of mithkabobs and me and 1 stack of fishkabobs on me, this is because I rarely tank.


          • #6
            Yeah, same.

            I never ever tank.

            I actually don't join PTs unless there is a PLD or a NIN already in the PT, whenever I tank, even though I have a whole "tanking" set of equips and food... the EXP is just *MUCH* better with PLD or NIN rather than a WAR tanking...

            Damn crabs hit me for 70+ when I have tanking stuff on... but my damage becomes poop because of the Defender I *MUST* have on to prevent being hit for 120+... >_>

            I tried both MNK and NIN subs for tanking.

