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/NIN vs. /THF (or 1h-Axe vs. GAX)

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  • /NIN vs. /THF (or 1h-Axe vs. GAX)

    In the mindset of a damagedealer (pre-55):

    I'm a believer that when using a 1h-axe, you should be subbing NIN and if you're using a GAX, subbing THF. With that in mind:

    /NIN (or 1-H Axe)
    - Dual Wield
    - Rampage
    - Utsusemi

    /THF (or GaX) (Pre-60)
    - Breaks
    - Sneak Attack
    - Sturmwind

    Let's consider pre-55 since pretty much after Rampage, they're going to want you to close Distortion with it and not Iron Tempest

    Benefits of NIN:
    -Dual Wield II (@50) makes a big difference
    -Since you swing twice, its' more likely you'll hit given a single GAX swing.
    -Viking axes @ 49 (+10 accuracy) dual wield for ultimate +accuracy bonus or swing one in the offhand.

    Benefits of THF:
    -Pretty much guaranteed Critical hit every 1 min
    -Sneak attack makes breaks not miss
    -Sneak attack makes the GAX WSes hit for a lot more.

    Points to consider about NIN:
    - even having one viking axe means having an extra 2 sniper rings
    - Utsusemi can help you save MP from being wasted when you have to pull the enemy from your tank to save him.
    - Dual wield makes you swing more, thus the chance of you hitting is a bit more than twice in the same amount of time the GAX swings once.
    - 2 defense checks when you swing two weapons. So if the defense rids a weapon of 10 dmg, you get a total loss of 20.

    Points to consider about THF:
    -Dmg from crticical hit from a 2h-weapon is very significant.
    -Renkei effect damage is related to how much damage the closing renkei did (ie. you won't see 10 dmg fastblades causing 300 dmg distortion effects) so Sneak+WS increases this.
    -Double attacking once with a GAX would mean your axe double attacked TWICE.
    -On the same note, criticalling once on the GAX would more likely equal your axe criticaling TWICE in a row.

    What I think:
    - Axes for low def mobs (flies, beetles, crawlers)
    - GAXes for high def mobs (Crabs, Anticans, Scorpions)
    - Lvl both (I mean both NIN and THF and both GAX and Axe)
    - Being gimp in +accuracy equipment hurts GAX a lot


  • #2
    As you said, level both.

    Then, when you get a party invite, ask them what they want you to sub.


    • #3
      Great points.

      Viking axe is a big plus for /nin - coupled with the safety net of utsusemi.
      I like /thf better when playing with a bard.
      75 Brd/Whm
      Aurora - Bismarck


      • #4
        so far its been really difficult for me to tell which is "better" overall, in terms of dmg dealer.

        granted, ive been a war / nin since forever and only just recently (since i hit 60) have i subbed /thf.
        but believe me when i say a sneak atk + raging rush quad digit ws is a thing of beauty

        i would say if there is a difference in overall dmg output between the two its so insignificant that you should really just consider what you enjoy doing more
        -being a dmg dealer with trick attack avail
        -being a dmg dealer who can backup tank or even main tank (albeit not perfectly)



        • #5
          Question, when you do sneak+trick to the mob will the enimty be transfered? I belive so.

          Elvaan have the sexy Raging Rush :p.
          Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

          Merits - 98
          Goldsmith - 85.2


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rico
            Question, when you do sneak+trick to the mob will the enimty be transfered? I belive so.

            Elvaan have the sexy Raging Rush :p.
            If you're talking about the +Enmity if our AF, yes, I believe so. This is probably the reason why THF's AF2 set has so much +Enmity of them. Still, it's no reason to use our +8 enmity armour. Thf's can get away with it because their normal damage is rather weak but make up for it somewhat with their gigantic WS damage. With out normal damage being quite decent, that +enmity's probably going to pose some problem.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Xien
              If you're talking about the +Enmity if our AF, yes, I believe so. This is probably the reason why THF's AF2 set has so much +Enmity of them. Still, it's no reason to use our +8 enmity armour. Thf's can get away with it because their normal damage is rather weak but make up for it somewhat with their gigantic WS damage. With out normal damage being quite decent, that +enmity's probably going to pose some problem.

              Or be like THFs and have a "TP-buliding" equip set and a "Fuidama" set.

