Originally posted by Ziguld
As war/nin its generally better to focus on being a damage dealer than a tank. You could solo tank, but its just not as effective as a pld or nin tank. If you have a nin + thf in pt you'll be 1st voke and take no damage because of utsusemi. Remember to always blink 5 with the utsus if possible. Saves mp on heals.
As war/nin its generally better to focus on being a damage dealer than a tank. You could solo tank, but its just not as effective as a pld or nin tank. If you have a nin + thf in pt you'll be 1st voke and take no damage because of utsusemi. Remember to always blink 5 with the utsus if possible. Saves mp on heals.
Also, it really depends on your PT setup and where you're fighting which determines what tank does the best. THF + RNG vs Flies, I perfer a WAR. Why? Fights end within seconds even without SC, and the extra damage the a Warrior adds just makes the fights quicker unlike a NIN or PLD could do. Piecing Arrow > Viper Bite (and later Sidewinder > Dancing Edge) with a Blizzaga burst takes out 2/3rds-3/4ths of the mobs health. You'll also probably be alternating tanking with the RNG, since they do so much damage against flies that even fuidama does't help much. :sweat: