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Damage Log results, suprise!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
    He was consistantly bursting for 350-600, but the program does not process magic bursts.
    If you're using the same parser I use (which by your log it seems you do), you simply need to get the newest version, which corrects this problem. I believe the newest version is 1.8, but the magic burst issue was fixed in version 1.4.

    Just make sure you aren't filtering any of your parties damages or misses and your results should be mostly accurate, although if there is a party nearby you fighting the same monster type, your parser may have problems decoding when your specific monster died. I've had this happen a few times in Cape Terrigan, where sometimes it'd record our Cockatrice as having only a few hundred hit points or up to three times the normal hit points (around 3500 hit points seems to be normal). :sweat:
    Rhayn ~ Windurst Rank 8
    PLD75 WAR37 THF37 NIN22
    Profile: Paladin (EXP) ~ Paladin (HNM) ~ Thief
    LS: Unleashed


    • #17
      Yeah I have party misses and attacks on. Just turn off "Others".

      Thanks will check for the update.
      - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
      Rank 6-1, Windurst
      Genkai 4 completed
      Attack Gear
      Tank Gear

      Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mithrael

        I don't generally hear SAM and DRG ruffling their tail feathers every time another melee comes by because they understand their party roles.
        That's because neither of them can even match the damage output of the other melee classes, so they have no choice but to stay quiet :spin:


        • #19

          I Dark Knights.

          Yes, War will own most melee (cept mnk and rng) with double attack, zerk, aggressor, sturmwind, rampage and raging rush, for quite a few lvl's. Even Guillotine isnt that impressive if u cant get all hits to land. BUT Drk/thf get thier heyday at lvl 66 with Cross Reaper and Spinning Slash. They ARE the stongest lvl3 SC closers.

          I've found my self tanking a lot these days, so I look for a drk if i want the mob dead fast. My setup is usually something like war drk mnk brd rdm blm. Spinning Axe-> Howling Fist -> SA/TA Spinning Slash is insane. If the chain isnt resisted the drk ends with ~1k WS + ~1.5k light, killing the mob instantly. His high was like 1.3k+1.7k... talk about killing a Crawler in one hit. :spin:

          I've found new fun in the level grind now with the immense power we have now... chain#5 on IT for ~250-280xp is easy... we try for #6 on VT... and its hella fun... drk goes nut's and doesnt cancel souleater @_@; ~300 per hit and dying fast... I tank like a champ tho... zerk aggressor + Rampage for ~600 all hate on me, mob doesnt last b4 2 blinks wears off....rdm converts and we're good to go again.

          I feel a bit lacking in the dmg department recently... mistral axe's dmg is streaky... ~200-600 lol.. and no new good axe to buy, But then again I'm tanking and I know i own the other tanking classes in dmg. Its fun managing blink, defender, zerk, aggressor, to make the most of my tanking. Oh yeah... and mithra parry like the dicken's...3x parry and blink still on =


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
            Just turn off "Others".
            I have all the "Others" off, but for some reason it will occasionally display "X defeats the Sand Cockatrice." in the log, even with everything else filtered. I'm not entirely sure why, but that message seems to sometimes mess up the parser. :\
            Rhayn ~ Windurst Rank 8
            PLD75 WAR37 THF37 NIN22
            Profile: Paladin (EXP) ~ Paladin (HNM) ~ Thief
            LS: Unleashed


            • #21
              May I ask where you got the program to record damage?

              In my party last night I was with a SAM and I was doing a lot more than him (although he had a few ws a fight I could pull of atleast 2 sturmwinds).

              On normal hits I was doing maybe 54, while he would do 40ish, I was shocked :\, but then I thought, his ws had to count for something so I wanted to see who did more.


              • #22
                Level 57-58 on Teriggan crabs.

                Was fighting at the same spot tonight - did only a small amount of logging, as the program kept crashing. ><
                Great group tho - 26k xp in one streak _(._.)/ Didnt have any level 59 logs.
                75 Brd/Whm
                Aurora - Bismarck


                • #23
                  Good stuff lupine. Looks like you guys were ripping it up, and swapping around with who was doing the damage. (Impressive since thief is normally consistantly high)

                  I will say that I bet the ranger was hating life. I hate being on the low end of a group like that when you're pulling 200+ xp mobs, so hard to hit consistantly as the log very well shows(apparently even with ninja sub).


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by tomiko
                    I Dark Knights.

                    Yes, War will own most melee (cept mnk and rng) with double attack, zerk, aggressor, sturmwind, rampage and raging rush, for quite a few lvl's. Even Guillotine isnt that impressive if u cant get all hits to land. BUT Drk/thf get thier heyday at lvl 66 with Cross Reaper and Spinning Slash. They ARE the stongest lvl3 SC closers.

                    I've found my self tanking a lot these days, so I look for a drk if i want the mob dead fast. My setup is usually something like war drk mnk brd rdm blm. Spinning Axe-> Howling Fist -> SA/TA Spinning Slash is insane. If the chain isnt resisted the drk ends with ~1k WS + ~1.5k light, killing the mob instantly. His high was like 1.3k+1.7k... talk about killing a Crawler in one hit. :spin:

                    I've found new fun in the level grind now with the immense power we have now... chain#5 on IT for ~250-280xp is easy... we try for #6 on VT... and its hella fun... drk goes nut's and doesnt cancel souleater @_@; ~300 per hit and dying fast... I tank like a champ tho... zerk aggressor + Rampage for ~600 all hate on me, mob doesnt last b4 2 blinks wears off....rdm converts and we're good to go again.

                    I feel a bit lacking in the dmg department recently... mistral axe's dmg is streaky... ~200-600 lol.. and no new good axe to buy, But then again I'm tanking and I know i own the other tanking classes in dmg. Its fun managing blink, defender, zerk, aggressor, to make the most of my tanking. Oh yeah... and mithra parry like the dicken's...3x parry and blink still on =
                    I agree on the axe part, WARs are kinda gimped post 60 cause the good axe either belong to BSTs or are really really expensive/hard to get.. >.>
                    WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
                    Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
                    No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
                    Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
                    Sandoria is gay.

                    I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

                    ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


                    • #25
                      This is my 1st test with the log parser so i got only 3 fights in it, this was with a 54-55 group in kuftal killing crabs and mostly lizards.

                      0 The Robber Crab(168 exp)
                      Firionx 662 36,96% 100,00% 0
                      Aeloras 162 09,05% 100,00% 204
                      Shann 375 20,94% 90,00% 0
                      Sekaroo 4 00,22% 100,00% 0
                      Skillchain: Distortion 46 02,57% 100,00% 0
                      Kadiana 542 30,26% 00.00% 0
                      Total Damage: 1791 100.00% 96,30% 204

                      1 The Sand Lizard(180 exp)
                      Aeloras 389 11,56% 100,00% 806
                      Shann 894 26,58% 57,14% 0
                      Firionx 503 14,95% 100,00% 0
                      Kadiana 1458 43,34% 00.00% 0
                      Sekaroo 19 00,56% 100,00% 0
                      Skillchain: Distortion 101 03,00% 100,00% 0
                      Total Damage: 3364 100.00% 78,57% 806

                      2 The Sand Lizard(210 exp)
                      Shann 1039 34,67% 90,00% 0
                      Aeloras 513 17,12% 100,00% 308
                      Firionx 529 17,65% 100,00% 0
                      Kadiana 723 24,12% 00.00% 0
                      Sekaroo 193 06,44% 100,00% 0
                      Total Damage: 2997 100.00% 95,24% 308

                      Class summary
                      Shann : war/nin - viking axe/TM espadon
                      Aeloras : pld/war - TM espadon
                      Firionx : drk/war - barb scythe
                      Kadiana : blm/whm
                      Sekaroo : brd/whm
                      absent - Reist smn/whm (i have the smn dmg filtered)

                      i have party misses filtered so i you can't see other members acc. I got my lvl 55 in that group and haven't got rampage yet.
                      war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


                      • #26
                        I want to upgrade to Darksteel Axe +1, but I just can't get myself to give up the +10's too good

                        I bought Master Belt and an Assault Earring last night so my ACC is up 7, maybe after I get Fighter's Cuisses and another Sniper's ring, I will be ready to let go...
                        - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                        Rank 6-1, Windurst
                        Genkai 4 completed
                        Attack Gear
                        Tank Gear

                        Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by PhoR
                          I don't understand why Zeige's numbers were so low in that pt.
                          magic bursts alone should have gotten him well over 200 dmg.
                          But according to your parse, he was only doing 250 most battles.
                          Did you have a filter on preventing some of his dmg from showing?
                          Or was he elvaan? :X
                          Crappy gear? :X

                          He should have been doing far more damage than that.
                          If you look at the party lineup, it's likely that Ziege was doing the majority of the enfeebling and possibly a good chunk of the healing as well - and the party had no Refresh.

                          If that's true and Ziege wasn't able to nuke much, you would have been better off replacing him with a RDM. But of course parses like this have a hard time showing any contribution to a party *other* than damage.
                          Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                          RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                          All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                          • #28
                            I wonder how a bst would do, they get most of the "heavy" attack armor that is war/bst/drk only and can do similar damage to a war with 1h axe.

                            With an even match pet (which does quite a bit more damage then them) or a summoned pet in an area without any worthwhile things to charm and just eat the exp loss (30% xp loss is worth it when you consider they get say 2-4k exp an hour in a pt with 30% loss, or 1-3k exp an hour soloing)

                            Basically it would be like adding another 7th party member to do damage except the only person who loses exp is the bst ,and only if there are no viable charmable mobs in the area.

                            Like the damage could be:
                            in a war bst rng rdm blm brd PT

                            war bst bst-pet rng blm rdm brd
                            3000 3200 4100 4400 3500 300 210

                            War is tanking so he uses defender+fishkabob lowering damage.
                            Blm is doing some back-up healing with rdm lowering damage below rng.
                            May be underestimating bst pet..It is able to hold aggro most of a fight from a bst
                            from pure damage while taking constant blows lowering its aggro, Thus it must be doing an amount of damage more than
                            the bst, that gains enough aggro equal to hate lost from being hit.
                            Rdm is main healer so only magicbursting.
                            Brd cast requiem.


                            • #29
                              Heh, interesting log Lupine, especially since Captio is in my LS.

                              Just curious if you checked the ranger's equipment or not. I'm curious because it wasn't uncommon for him to have low accuracy ratings, even as low as 27% even on the monsters that only gave you around 140 exp. Once even the NIN did more damage during the fight. :\

                              I know he was at a level disadvantage, but this still seems a bit extreme to me, especially since he was rng/nin so should have even higher AGI than if he had subbed warrior. The rng/nin in our set averages around 78% accuracy, but is on level with everyone. Just curious if the level gap really makes that huge a difference or if there was other complications as well.
                              Rhayn ~ Windurst Rank 8
                              PLD75 WAR37 THF37 NIN22
                              Profile: Paladin (EXP) ~ Paladin (HNM) ~ Thief
                              LS: Unleashed


                              • #30
                                The level difference like that does make that much of a difference. It is especially brutal for rangers. I go from something like 80% on T-Vt, to 70% on IT, and 40-50% or worse on IT++, etc. This is only level 50 too.

                                Gear can make up a big difference from the T to IT range, but I'm not so sure it does once you start hitting the stuff above IT+.. (Unless you can just pick up rediculous amounts of racc).

                                Edit: So yeah, he shouldn't have had problems with the Vt and maybe even the low IT stuff. Sounds like the gear wasn't helping.

