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crossroads in war career (pls help)

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  • crossroads in war career (pls help)

    hey guys,

    I am a 27war/13mnk logged out in kazham now and pretty close TNL, so will be 28/14 after just a few battles.

    Ive put alot of time into building this war up, equipping him well etc. but am not too sure about using war as a long term choice due the fact that it doesnt seem to be the most popular past lvl 50 unless it have multiple subjobs lved up to switch back and forth too. (i dont know if im ready to lvl 3 subs up to 30+)

    I just bought the plantbane g.axe and have some other really good equipment for a war (better equipped than most of the other wars i see my lvls) and have my mnk TOP notch equipped (know this is no great feat at lvl 15 lol, but alot of people seem to neglect there subjob).

    Now I'm coming up to lvl 30 and I have been STUMPED on making a long term decision.

    What would be wrong with war/mnk all the way to 75? How is Mnk/war all the way to 75 (like mnk also, and like the fact that making it my main would leave me with a fully lvled sub all the way to 60) how does war/sam perform at higher lvls?

    From what I've seen here and in the game, alot of other people hit this point...but i have ZERO intentions of quitting or "retiring" as ive seen it referred to. My only intention at this point is setting up a good long term character so that when I am lvling for HOURS (lol) in kazham and other places, i know I'm doing it for my longterm choice...not just for a job that I'll be stopping at some point.

    Like I said I've thought about mnk/war that a job combo I could take all the way to the top without worrying about needing other subjobs? and would would be wrong with straight up war/mnk the entire way?

    I'm sure I could go on and on with my thoughts on this, but I think you guys get the jist of what I'm saying...please get back to me, it's appreciated.
    mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

    +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++

  • #2
    oh quick, i left this out...

    is there anything planned in any of the upgrades or in "chains of promethia" that anyone knows about that would give war more of a high lvl purpose? cause it's going to be quite some time before I actually get that far and if that was the case, could keep going on the route im headed now...

    anything anyone can do to help THANKS, because I'm totally stumped
    mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

    +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++


    • #3
      From an endgame standpoint, War/Mnk does not rank high in either tanking or damage dealing roles. For tanking, Pals, Nins, and War74/Nins will be picked before you. As a damage dealer, the sexier War/Nins, War/Sams and War/Thfs will get an invite before you do.

      If you're choosing between War/Mnk and Mnk/War, Mnk/War is a straight-shot and has a better endgame prospects.

      IMO, War has a more fun journey, because of having to use different subjobs to be effective. Check out the sub-job thread stickied at the top of this War forum.

      Edit: Being "4th choice" for tank can't be that bad. Nin/Wars are pretty rare, and so are War74/Nins. Once all the Pals are gone, it's a toss-up between War/Mnks and War/Nins for the tank spot.


      • #4
        well, for versatility, both jobs should have thief sub ready, which is good since you use it for farming anyway.

        For warrior-
        I would drop the mnk sub after you open up the ninja job, and take nin and thief to be your primary subs, if you want to cut down on the number of subs to level up. Nin sub is as good or better than mnk sub for tanking, and thief sub is as good or better than mnk for attacking, jmo.

