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War/Nin & Hate Control

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  • War/Nin & Hate Control

    33/16 War/Nin atm and I am having a lot of fun with this combo. I was thinking about takin it all the way but I will be playing a tank for most of the trip. I have no trouble holding hate atm but am I going to have trouble holding hate at higher levels?

    I dont wanna take the Pld route but I will if hate control for a War/Nin is hard.

    If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

  • #2
    At 60 you will have complete Warrior Artifact, which gives a grand total of +15 enmity. I believe you should have no problem holding aggro after AF. 40-60 shouldnt too hard unless you have spam happy BLM and RNG in the PT. A good THF will be your best friend.


    • #3
      Thats good to hear. Had a couple of my LS guys tell me that I should go Pld cuz they had a War/Nin tank and the mobs were bouncin all around the camp.

      On the other hand I had a PLD tank last night that couldnt hold hate that well. Maybe it is just player skills.

      Thanks much
      If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


      • #4
        When tanking as a WAR, a THF helps a lot. TA helps stick the mob to you very well.

        Also make sure your other group mates can control their own hate, IE: Mob is pulled, you provoke, then the DRK uses Soul Eater, Berserk, Last Resort and shoves a WS up the mobs rear...that's gonna steal agro no matter how good of a player you are.

        Tanking relies heavily on the competency of your party as well as your gear.

        1. Add 2 lines in your provoke hotkey /wait 30 and /echo PROVOKE READY. This will send you a message that only you can see, telling you when provoke is up.
        2. Try to end skillchains
        3. Always have seperate gear for tanking and damage dealing. IE: VIT rings tanking and STR rings damage dealing, Phalanx Rings later on for tanking.
        4. Warcry often acts as a mini provoke in situations where provoke isn't up yet and some one else over-agrod the mob.
        5. Learn to deal with rejection. A lot of NA players think "warriors suck" and will overlook you.
        - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
        Rank 6-1, Windurst
        Genkai 4 completed
        Attack Gear
        Tank Gear

        Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
          5. Learn to deal with rejection. A lot of NA players think "warriors suck" and will overlook you.
          Funny how Warrior is by far the most over-powered melee (What other class can tank and be a damage dealer at the same time? What other class is the standard subjob for every single melee job?) yet NAs think of them as a third-rate tank and no place as a damage dealer.


          • #6
            I was playing a 25WAR/12NIN in the Jungle the other day. Since Mandys double attack, I wasn't blinking too much. Hate control wasn't much of a problem, and we had two ranges. I would Blink before the battle, provoke and defender whenever they were up. Hate was on me unless the ranger started spamming attacks.

            As a DRK I've noticed that WAR and PLD keep hate the best. Ninjas usually have a harder time, and I steal aggro easily if I don't watch what I'm doing. WAR/NIN that I've parties with have no problem holding aggro. Their dual weilding axes can do a nice amount of damage, and with Provoke, Defender, Warcry, etc., they can keep hate off of all good players, and some damage happy ones.

            And yes, generalize the NAs into thinking WARs are a third rate tank. WAR are as sought after as BRDs, when I'm a leader. I think they're better than PLD, since they can actually do some damage, and tank. Ninjas can deal damage, but alot of times those Ninjas are more focused on trying to deal damage than keep hate. PLDs are nice tanks, but they lack in damage, and I know they're not really damage dealers, but it just makes WARs more appealing. Come to think of it, alot of my LS loves WARs. There are few WARs ever seeking, and when they are, they get invited quickly (from what I have seen, at higher levels).


            • #7
              I generally try to avoid giving advice, because i see so much misinformation and downright bullshit spread by people who are pedantic or blindly egotistical.
              in this case i can speak directly from personal experience, and hopefully help you out a bit
              i am a 59 hume war / nin, war is my main ever since i quit pld at 45 (that sentence alone should explain alot to those who "get it").
              from 35 to the late 40s as a war / nin i absolutely dominated. no problem holding hate, taking damage, even dealing damage when using fish or crab.
              around 48 things got rough, specially against certain mob types like anticans and the jet stream happy bats in garlaige.
              48-55 wasnt very pleasant for me to be honest, alot of times i came close to quitting.
              the very second i hit 55, got the royal knights armor (very nice gear with + str and +atk), a musketeer commander's sword in my offhand, and most importantly RAMPAGE, it was a total reversal. i was back to owning,
              i have been the tank in my perma since 55, and we get chain 4-5 on ITS no problem
              and o course the more AF you get, the easier it is


              • #8
                Off topic, but...

                And yes, generalize the NAs into thinking WARs are a third rate tank. WAR are as sought after as BRDs, when I'm a leader. I think they're better than PLD, since they can actually do some damage, and tank.
                I sooo agree with me crazy

                There are few WARs ever seeking, and when they are, they get invited quickly (from what I have seen, at higher levels).
                This one THF on my server said something like this: "You guys can replace me easily. It'll be harder to replace Zeiken, though."

                Nice little layout in leveling, Snowveil. Least I have an idea of what to expect 40+.

                Right now, leveling monk, so I won't look too gimp. :sweat:
                Be who you are because those who mind don't matter; those who matter don't mind.
                75 RDM | 37 BLM | 37 WHM | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 37 BLU | 37 DRK | 31 THF | 30 MNK | 17 BST | 15 PLD | 10 SAM


                • #9

                  Aye, I can relate to Snowveil's experience.
                  After Rampage and AF, war/nin becomes an awesome tank again. No need for thf with Rampage = self fui lol.
                  Even better at lvl 59 brd's get Carnage Elegy, a slow song that will let u recast blink1 inbetween hits anytime. So i go 100% offensive.

                  And yeah, I get invites all the time without seek, but I'm in an uber 1/2 static with a brd and a rng.


                  • #10
                    one thing that can really help with your hate control during the 40-50 range before you start getting AF is to make sure your ninjutsu is capped for your /nin sub and use Kurayami: Ichi starting at 38. Then at 46 use Hojo: Ichi as well. You'd be suprised how using a small debuff like this at the start of every battle can help you to hold hate... it really helps alot.

