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4 the people who like arguing and think they're very bright.

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  • 4 the people who like arguing and think they're very bright.

    look go look at what i posted on the pld not going to sit and argue with fucking assholes like this...

    you totally misunderstood what i wrote, and im not putting the whole bit in here again, u wanna read it, it's on the pld boards.

    you'll also learn what i meant about the "let's box" could have easily been replaced with "let's play chess" or let's "paint a picture"...the point is that you and I both (anyone) would call the painter, boxer, chess player who had 2 years experience an ASSHOLE for jumping all over the newer guy because he's made observations that to you , are inaccurate . they're inaccurate to YOU because you know more....why not just (like a few people did on here) post a msg for me explaining what im wrong about, what im right about, and what i need to know now to help in the future? know why, cause you're the big experienced asshole who's VERY proud of your experience in this game, and this is your way of showing that pride...shitting all over people who (one difference) had the game alot less longer than you. go to the pld boards...more there....and i put my own apology there, but it doesnt apply to you morons on here who really (this is the best part) think you're very bright people. You may be, but my experience in life is I'm usually one of the brighter ones in any circle (not bragging or anything, but truth is truth) so unless this board attracts only people with an IQ above 130....just like im not experienced in this game to YOU, you're not intelligent to ME.

    it's all relevant.
    IP: Logged
    New Post 05-29-04 09:30 PM
    Click Here to See the Profile for LoneWarriorNY Click here to Send LoneWarriorNY a Private Message Find more posts by LoneWarriorNY Add LoneWarriorNY to your buddy list User is online

  • #2
    To tell you where you went wrong.

    I always can swing my sword 4 times for every one swing on an axe...with counter and double attack now I sometimes LAND 5 hits for every 1 a g.axe holder can. Seriously... with those two new abilites at 25, i havent seen something hit as often as my war with a good delay like i said half the hits are CRITICALS... So, let's just say though for arguments sake i only do 15 dmg on avg with my sword (for argument's sake) and my axe does about 35 dmg per hit. Now already ive said i hit on avg 4 -6 shots for every one or two the g.axe does. 4x15=60 that's double the dmg in 6 battle moves. Plus, not only is it more dmg in 6 moves, ive also been the one who's hitting the enemy...not the g.axe, so I hold the aggro and my tp fills up really quick. This is fact guys, and not debatable. As for the sword att being higher than when i have my g.axe on...look dont know what to tell you but they're both lvled equally. I think what it is here, is it's hard to believe, which is sort of irrelevant, it's true Again though, i recognize equally the effectiveness of the 1h axe, the sword, the shield, and the g.axe...that's why I use em all. We're not taking into account boost, defender, berserk, warcry etc. At any time i want i can either have a higher def than any pld within 2 lvls of me, or a higher att than anybody job int he game within 2 lvls of me. (probably more than 2...ive gotten both att and def up to over 165 24/12..come on now...what else can do that) throw food into the mix and basically if you KNOW HOW TO PLAY AS A WAR, you can have the most versatile, powerful frontliner in the game. Using these tactics last night in kazham, twice pld's were booted from my party because they were pointless... they tried to tank, but the beast wanted ME...not him. well once that happens, what's the purpose of the pld? it cant do ANY dmg, so whats the point? When a pld is the tank, and the war isnt...there's 2 other styles that a war can fall back on...again, diversity is key to a frontliner...nothing other than war/mnk can alter it's weapons combos and stats anyway it wants like that, on the spot.
    Almost everything in there is wrong, it's condescending, and yet you try to make it sound like "the truth, so SAVE me LORD!".

    I always can swing my sword 4 times for every one swing on an axe...with counter and double attack now I sometimes LAND 5 hits for every 1 a g.axe holder can.
    False, yet you state it like truth/experienced fact.

    Plus, not only is it more dmg in 6 moves, ive also been the one who's hitting the enemy...not the g.axe, so I hold the aggro and my tp fills up really quick. This is fact guys, and not debatable
    Totally false, and you state it as an UNDEBATABLE fact.
    The reason why you see Gaxe as a subpar weapon is that your Gaxe skill is underlevelled like HELL, and thus you hit very weak and very seldom.

    Using these tactics last night in kazham, twice pld's were booted from my party because they were pointless... they tried to tank, but the beast wanted ME...not him. well once that happens, what's the purpose of the pld?
    Did you let them tank, or did you provoke, boost, provoke, boost all the time? At this level, you only see the beginning of the difference between pld and war. Pld starts doing slightly less dmg and TAKING slightly less dmg.

    At this point, with a good whm, I'm all for a war tank, esp a war/mnk since you are fighting mandragoras. Mandragoras are Monktype mobs, they hit twice per cycle, making 2 counter opportunities. Once you hit 32/33 and head for garliage or altepa you will see a much greater diff in damage taken by war/mnk and pld/war... as well as dmg given.

    It's not that we try to bash you, it's that with all those supposed 130+ iq points, you fail to see that you contradict yourself, bash ppl here and there, and won't listen to reason.

    it could have easily been replaced with "let's play chess" or let's "paint a picture"...
    Yeah, so why didn't you use that? By using yourself and the person who posted as "examples", you implicate actually physically hurting it, something your supposed iq should also be VERY sufficient to grasp. Stop the crap, it's not funny anymore. It stopped being funny with the "bannana heads".

    /disgusted LoneWolfNY
    (I don't feel well)


    • #3
      level your sub.


      Originally posted by SevIfrit
      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


      • #4
        The more experienced player are not boosting their egos by noob bashing like you say. You admit that you are less experienced, but your original post came off as complete flamebait, whether intended or not.

        Comments like "This is fact guys, and not debatable." << Does this sound like someone inexperienced posting, or maybe someone who thinks he knows a lot. Modesty goes a long way, and if everyone instantly jumped down your throat, there is likely a reason.

        Now, for some reason, i doubt you'll take this post constructively. But why are you so angry?

        you know why, cause you're the big experienced asshole who's VERY proud of your experience in this game, and this is your way of showing that pride...shitting all over people who (one difference) had the game alot less longer than you.
        sorta like you were VERY proud of your experience in kazham, and this was your way of showing that pride...shitting all over the plds who had the job way longer than you.

        Equal and opposite reaction, what did you expect? For them to rollover and take it?

        As for what you were wrong and right about...

        Things you were right about.
        1. War can tank as well as pld in kazham.
        2. War can dish out as much dmg as any other melee in kazham.
        (with the exception of a well equipped thief imo, thf is major strong at this point, dmg wise)

        Things you were wrong about.
        1. Plds do dmg on par with warriors at this point, unless you are berserking, in which case you are NOT tanking.

        2. You'll soon find out that swords suck for warrior. It's worse for attacking, since Sturmwind WS is strong, red lotus blade is not.

        Anyways, goodluck with ur warrior, it's a great job, and it truly is what you think once u reach endgame. Midgame however, it is not what u think.


        • #5
          He needs to see how much damage Rampage, Mistral Axe and Raging Rush can do. None of the sword's WS even come close. orz
          WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
          Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
          No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
          Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
          Sandoria is gay.

          I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

          ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


          • #6
            What he really needs to see is a level 66+ dark knight or ranger hit, and a level 60+ paladin tank. Sorry if this comes across as flame but at level 26 you are just at a strong point as warrior. The other jobs will catch up soon and youll really have to start competing for party positions. You may notice this with many jobs, they have their strong and weak points, and generally even out in the end and all have their uses. But being only level 26 you hardly (this is where you think im being arrogant, but really im just being truthful) have the experience to make claims that warrior is better than any other melee class, youre not even half done yet.

            Its like half cooking two loaves of bread and saying one tastes better than the other. Theyre both dough mate, theyre both shit.

            Get to the gone!
            Under the gun!

            Last edited by Gatts on 06-06-06 at 06:66 AM


            • #7
              no, what he really needs to see is that he is a freaking idiot and that all his "facts" are complete utter BS. The VERY FIRST response to his post stated that pre-level 40, nothing really matters... its as if he is taking his observations from level 26 (wow!!) and passing them off as facts for later levels... omg, give me a break.

              And I'll say it again, anyone who thinks anything matters pre level 50, even level 40, should not really act like they know anything... seriously, almost ANY job combination can get to level 40 without being a clear WASTE OF SPACE. Past that level, however, you'll be such a EXP leech, that you won't get ANY pts even ones full of noobs looking for a 6th...

              Finally, there is nothing WRONG (per say) with WAR/MNK. Personally I leveled my WAR to 30 with a MNK sub. What I was saying (and having been SAYING TO YOU) for the past 12398712398 posts, is that WAR/MNK is not a specialist in ANYTHING. Sure they do good damage, but against a good, well-equiped, RNG, MNK, BLM, DRK you arent. And don't even THINK about tanking post-50 unless you have a nin-sub.


              • #8
                i had experience (at least i think) playing with a G. Axe wielding war with our skill chain we could half the monsters hp (he did over 50% of the damage doing 250 on sturm wind). and when i see sword wielders they dun do as much damage as you say


                • #9
                  are we talking about lv75 or lv25s?
                  lv25 War/Brd owns in PT OK!?
                  Bastok Rank 10
                  37WAR 37THF 37NIN 37RDM 37SAM 30MNK 30DRG 20BLM 20BST 20BRD
                  Spiral Hell, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, Decimation, Club200, Dagger200, Great Axe180


                  • #10
                    I'm almost gonna miss Lonewarrior. He was the most entertaining flame bait I've seen here in awhile. Too bad he was banned, ok maybe it wasn't too bad.

                    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Anaki
                      i had experience (at least i think) playing with a G. Axe wielding war with our skill chain we could half the monsters hp (he did over 50% of the damage doing 250 on sturm wind). and when i see sword wielders they dun do as much damage as you say

                      Wuz that meh Anaki? D:


                      P.S.: Most ever did on Sturmwind + SA was ~483 though


                      • #12
                        why is he still here? I'm really tired of seeing his dumbshit posts about "i'm smart! you're not! I hate everyone because they're mean to me!"

                        ... I don't believe anyone that types like he does has an IQ of over 60.


                        • #13
                          He's been banned, no point of having this thread alive.

                          Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                          Merits - 98
                          Goldsmith - 85.2

