Don't know whether or not this post is relevant on this board, (probably not, but i'm at work at mo and cant remember my login details to get in the server forums) but I'm Just wondering if there is anyone on Garuda server that is willing to sell a couple of things I'm after (in game, for gil). What I'm looking for is mainly: Solid Greaves, Solid Finger Gauntlets and Faceguard +1. I would also like (gil permitting) to get hold of: Cassie Earring (x2 if poss.), Brass Ring +1 (x2 if poss.), Bronze Spear +1, Gust Claymore or Claymore +1. If anyone can help me out with this I would be most grateful, especially the first three items. If you can and would like to contact me, send me a mail or leave your name and times you are most likely to be on and I can try and get in contact with you (my ign is Rift). Thanks for any help in advance.
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Warrior items on Garuda
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Don't bother buying HQ equip at that level. Seriously. You'll level up so quick that it'll barely make a difference. On top of that, the mobs aren't that tough. Save yourself some headaches later on where you'd spend two weeks trying to get rid of it. Same deal with the Brass Rings. +6HP is nothing. Also, Cassie Earring is Rare, so you can only have one, and it's very expensive. I don't know the exact price, but it's probably over 200k... probably closer to 300k.
Just buy Scale and wait until level 14 to get either Balance Rings or Vitality Rings. Don't even bother with earrings until 21 when you can get Beetle +1.
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I didn't know those earings where that expensive, i just looked at the equipment chart and thought they would be nice to have. I couldn't find them at the AH in any of the three major cities so had no idea of price, but scince then a few people have told me how nuch they cost, hence i will be steering well clear of them. It's the same for the other stuff, i wasn't surre how much they went for (i tried the sales history on the AH but go no result) but the solid stuff looked the best for my level and a freind of mine gave me a solid boody and leg armour so i wanted to complete the set. Cheers for your advice anyway and i think i will just stick with what i have untill i level up a bit.Rift
Elvaan Lv 11 WAR
Garuda Server
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