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57-73 tanking

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  • #16
    warrior use sword? not in my PT not till im done with xp atleast. you can use sword for something else just not sword in xp PTs, i seen enough noobs using sword up till lv50 and say "shit my axe and great axe skills are zero"
    Bastok Rank 10
    37WAR 37THF 37NIN 37RDM 37SAM 30MNK 30DRG 20BLM 20BST 20BRD
    Spiral Hell, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, Decimation, Club200, Dagger200, Great Axe180


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nameless
      So you plan to use the gluttony sword to level 73?

      I honestly don't understand what is so funny. How is using gluttony and another 1h Axe a bad idea? I honeslty dont see what is wrong with that.


      • #18
        i've partied with a war/nin in the mid 60's and they do fine. u jus have to make sure the warrior isnt too low a lvl compared to the mobs and the party. at lvl 61 a warrior should not tank in labrynth of onzozo toramas will tare u apart. u probably would have to wait till lvl 63-64 to tank effectively there.
        74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
        my monk
        my nin


        • #19
          As a 64 WAR I still find myself tanking pretty often and with the right party setup and mobs I do fine with tanking with a Great Axe.I see WARs main point of tanking is to take advantage of how much damage they can throw out to keep hate.While NINs is Evading,Debuffs,Shurikens(not too many use ;/) and keeping Blink up and PLD with being buffed with VIT and Defense equip and spreading out abilities.

          Now the problem that alot of people find is keeping hate from a RNG around these levels.My solution for this is to renki along with the RNG with my Great Axe and have a THF or someone with THF subbed to throw hate on me. Sidewinder > Raging Rush seems to work pretty well so far.
          WAR AF2
          1.Dynamis - Jeuno
          Warriors Mufflers[o]
          2.Dynamis - Windurst
          Warrior's Mask[x]
          3.Dynamis - Xarcabard
          Warrior's Lorica[x]
          4.Dynamis - Beaucedine
          Warrior's Cuisses[x]
          5.Dynamis - San d'Oria
          Warrior's Calligae[x]


          • #20
            Im having trouble deciding on a job to play.
            So far Im having lots of fun with Ninja, but spending most of my time making gil to actually get gil to play it which isnt to fun(currently saving up for Emp Hairpin and all the other 24-30 EQ)

            I love tanking, but not with a Warrior, would a War with either Thf, Mnk or Nin sub be able to make it high lvl without tanking much, and as a dmg dealer & back up tank?
            I really have no interest at all tanking as a Warrior(I do love tanking with a Ninja though, and a Paladin is fun too)
            Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
            Ninja - 75
            Paladin - 44
            Warrior - 39
            Thief - 37
            Samurai - 32
            Ranger - 25
            Monk - 24
            Beast Master - 20
            Black Mage - 20
            Whm - 14


            • #21
              Nothing wrong in using an axe in main hand and a sword in off hand. Stat boosts of sword are generally nice. The +7 vit on the gluttony is nice for defending. My view when tanking however, is to go offensive, and kill the mob faster. Nin sub helps. ^^ War isnt that good tanking over longer periods of time. Rng and Blm usually do the trick.

              No matter what, a well equiped rng will generally steal hate with Sidewinder. I rather have the rng close Fragmentation with it for huge dmg. This isnt a problem if the rng has nin sub, and after MB (if the mob is still alive) the mob will be dead. Even after this, I've found that a good Rampage will give me back the hate. Yup, dual axes keep hate better than G axe, and solo Rampage = your own Fuidama.


              • #22
                Originally posted by TokeN

                I honestly don't understand what is so funny. How is using gluttony and another 1h Axe a bad idea? I honeslty dont see what is wrong with that.
                Sorry, I was away for a week.

                Why is it funny? This isn't self explanitory? Ok.

                First of all, you're using a sword that is almost 20 levels below what you are, at 74, your damage will be top notch.

                Second, it's a sword.

                Third, hmm, you want vit with /NIN, wtf? You sub NIN so you don't take any damage at all, that 7 vit isn't why you're subbing NIN.

                It's useless as far as I can see.


                • #23
                  Your name is Nameless?

                  More like Clueless

                  - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                  Rank 6-1, Windurst
                  Genkai 4 completed
                  Attack Gear
                  Tank Gear

                  Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                  • #24
                    If you have /nin sub you should be able to dodge hits with blink... so it's better off going with attack gear, but it's still good having a 7+ VIT sword unless you get your blink interrupted :sweat:
                    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                    Merits - 98
                    Goldsmith - 85.2


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sourjirou
                      at lvl 61 a warrior should not tank in labrynth of onzozo toramas will tare u apart. u probably would have to wait till lvl 63-64 to tank effectively there.
                      I was tanking them just fine last night as a level 61 War using a Great Axe.
                      【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】

