im trying to decide on a good sub class but i can't decide on what i want its between either a pally samurai or ninja. ne tips on helping me to come to a decision. also i like to tank but having supporting spells would be nice
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sub class
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If you're looking for a sub for your war, you should sub mnk under lvl 30. Post lvl 30, sub thf if you're going damage dealer, and mnk or nin if you want to tank. If subbing mnk, you would want a greataxe and if nin you would want to wield duel axes.
PLD sub is worthless, for any job really. SAM sub is worthless again until maybe lvl 60, which IMO is worthless as well as meditate only gives you 60 TP, instead of 100. If you want to tank, no support spells for you. If you want a damage dealer, no support spells for you. Support is a different area of jobs, such as RDM, BRD, SMN, NIN(debateable).WAR 60, PLD 48, THF 36, SAM 33, NIN 30, DRK 24, MNK 20, RNG 10, BLM 8, WHM 1, RDM 1, BRD 1, DRG 1, BST 1, SMN 1
San D'Oria Rank 6
PLD AF 1/6
WAR AF 6/6
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I think you are confused about what a subjob is.
You probably want your job to be PLD NIN or SAM...
If you want to tank, PLD is the real choice, NIN can tank as well, but it takes a lot more skill and money.
So, you need to level warrior up to level 19, then level monk to 15, switch back to warrior with monk subbed and get that to 30; from there you can choose an advanced job or stick to warrior. If you do decide to stick with warrior, go back and level monk up to 37."Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"
" Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."
-Jack Handy
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