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  • Aggressor/Focus

    What are the exact effects of each of these? I'm curious.

    Also, wondering about Berserk/Aggressor and whether to stack them. I have been doing so, however, I wonder if perhaps using them independently is somehow more efficient?
    Nusayb, Galka, Fairy Server- 63WAR,
    70NIN, 37THF, 66MNK, 25DRG, 18RNG, 16SAM, etc. WAR AF Complete. NIN AF Complete. MNK AF Complete.

    ????, Hume Female, Fairy Server- 29BLM, 21WHM, 37THF, 32WAR, 31DRK, etc.

  • #2
    Both add a bonus to your accuracy. +5 on the Focus - unknown for Aggressor.

    Good to stack them if you need to kill fast - like chain #4-5.
    75 Brd/Whm
    Aurora - Bismarck


    • #3
      +5, like another Sniper ring. Hmm. Doesn't seem worth the loss of SA or dual wield/blink for me at my current level.

      I wonder if Agressor is a percentage-based ACC up, like Berserk and Defender are percentage-based?
      Nusayb, Galka, Fairy Server- 63WAR,
      70NIN, 37THF, 66MNK, 25DRG, 18RNG, 16SAM, etc. WAR AF Complete. NIN AF Complete. MNK AF Complete.

      ????, Hume Female, Fairy Server- 29BLM, 21WHM, 37THF, 32WAR, 31DRK, etc.


      • #4
        Actually Accuracy+5 can make a difference to a extent.

        I found Dual-Weilding axes to be decent.

        Almost as powerful as a G.Axe, but, w/weaker WPN skills, at least at my Lv.

        I've never been asked to bring a axe, I normally bring a G.Axe to chain, and to do Breaks to assit a chain, maybe it'll change when I Lv some, but, for now, that's what I've seen.

        Still have axe and other WPNs and subs capped though.

