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WAR tanking

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ZQM

    But a 50 damage Red Lotus Blade is a lot better thena 150 damage Raging Axe, what you talkin' 'bout?
    Raging Axe looks cool!
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #32
      Two Battle Axes+1:

      Outdamage 2 handed weapon skills (including 2-hitters and bows) with a Raging Axe:

      Somethings money can't buy, for dealing damage use an axe.



      • #33
        Re: great tanks use shields

        Originally posted by LoneWarriorNY
        it's common sense people...if u want more defense (ala a tank lol) use a shield...there's a reason EVERY paladin out there uses a shield...

        in every party ive been in, I was the main tank with my short sword/tropical shield combo out in qufim, not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly.
        The funny thing is, WE ARENT PALADINS! Paladins have good shields and they tank all the time so they use the sword/shield combo. Warriors on the other hand do tank all the time but when they do great axe is fine to keep the hate. Axe does too but not as well.


        • #34
          To lonewarrior,

          At yr lvl its still very early in the game to really see the full potential & distinct roles each job can play. At Qufim even my monk act as a tank most of the times when the newer WAR can't hold aggro. It'll be interesting to see if you can still hold to your view that shield/sword combo is a workable tanking option & you can outtank a PLD using that when you reach 30+ lvls & start lvling in CN.

          I used sword/shield combo and polearm till lvl 20 (coz SE gave WAR a sword to start so i figured it is the main weapon ) I briefly used a light axe borrowed from a LS mate but stopped once i outlvled the axe. I started using a G.sword at lvl 20 and a G.axe at lvl 25, and never looked back at sword again since then. My best sword is still a +1 Bee Spatha so you can see how long it has been since i last touched a sword

          My current weapons for XP PT is a G.Axe & Polearm since they are the only 2 i managed to stay capped or near cap. My G.sword & 1H Axe lags by abt 10 lvls so I don't use them but i do lvl them when i have the chance (mission, quest, etc) just to prevent the gap from widening too far. Why Polearm? Cause it can start Distortion which is the SC of choice from 30+ lvl - 50 in CN. Normally a THF or DRK will close it since their dmg output is higher so using Polearm gives me the option of starting it if no one else in the PT could.

          If I have to tank, I normally use G.axe but I'll use Polearm too if the PT required me to start Distortion. As a WAR, we should keep our weapon options open & be as versatile as possible.


          • #35
            but some of you really need to stop acting like you know EVERYTHING about the game
            its not that, its just that most of us are past the sword/ sheild thing, some thing you "level out" of as you go.

            but i tank WELL...plan on staying as tank, with modest dmg dealing, at war/mnk...gonna take that all the way.
            I doubt your going to get any invites at higher leves using a sword/sheild.


            • #36
              i appreciate all of your posts...and they have been 26war/12mnk now im starting to see some differences with the g.axe vs the sword/shield combo ...

              but the one thing that bothers ZQM...

              you're going to sit and say im using a weapon cause i dont have enough gil? How TF do you know? I farm gil pretty much how "nameless" says he does, and in similar places...if i want to go make 10,000 gil in an hour and a half, i can. It has nothing to do with money, has to do with im still learning...

              stop pretending like you're're the only one on this board (excluding the pld boards...eghhh...what a crew..cant say ANYTHING) who acts like also put the other posts in all caps on my other topic with font 50 because you're a big deal...

              how bout this one...i live in New live around the area, why dont we do some boxing together, i been doing that about 12 years now how bout i knock ya out cold for 3 minutes and then scream and make fun of you because it was the first time you were ever in a fight? see my point? relax dude, and stop pretending you're better than me because you know more about a g.axe on final You've just had the game more , no less.


              • #37
                LOL trying to set up a "rumble" with someone offline? easy toughguy.

                And having the game longer usually equals more experience. Knowledge is power.

                Originally posted by SevIfrit
                we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


                • #38
                  I couldn't get enough of this guy on the paladin boards, so I'm paying a visit to the warrior boards. (Hey rawland)

                  I'm just going to list the stupid things Lonewarrior has said so far:

                  *How are you going to tell an elvaan warrior not to use swords?
                  Race has nothing to do with weapons.

                  *I hit 4 times with my sword for every one hit of the warrior with a great axe.
                  Short Sword (No Flame Sword Mr. 10k an hour?): 13 Dmg 226 Delay (.057)
                  Moth Axe (Neckchopper anyone?): 32 Dmg 480 Delay (.066)
                  You'll do 2 hits for every one great axe hit, SOMETIMES 3. The great axe will do more damage over time (Note the number in the parantheses) and will DEMOLISH you on double attacks, counters, and most weapon skills. (Great axe gets what, 10-12 TP back compared to sword's 6? Not to mention the skill of your gaxe, when capped, will be higher than your sword's, more damage)

                  *Paladins only do one thing, hold aggro, that's it.
                  And we do it better than anyone else. Why would the party want someone who is ok at a lot of things when they can get someone who is awesome at one thing? A war can tank *ok* and can do *ok* damage (More than ok if you used a gaxe). Now, why would they want you when they got a Paladin who is an *awesome* tank and a Drk or Rng doing *awesome* damage? Warrior is a great job, but it'll never be the best at anything.

                  *Come find me and let's box
                  Self explanatory.

                  *Various other comments about how we (In real life, because obviously he knows us all in real life) are pathetic, lined nicely with "lol"s and so on.
                  My penis is bigger than yours.

                  *No weapon is bad as long as you know how to use it.
                  By golly you're right, I'm going to start using a spear now. I know how to use it, so it's going to rule! /sarcasm off

                  Lonewarrior needs mental help.
                  Retired from FFXI. Playing WoW Beta.


                  • #39
                    look go look at what i posted on the pld not going to sit and argue with fucking assholes like this...

                    you totally misunderstood what i wrote, and im not putting the whole bit in here again, u wanna read it, it's on the pld boards.

                    you'll also learn what i meant about the "let's box" could have easily been replaced with "let's play chess" or let's "paint a picture"...the point is that you and I both (anyone) would call the painter, boxer, chess player who had 2 years experience an ASSHOLE for jumping all over the newer guy because he's made observations that to you , are inaccurate . they're inaccurate to YOU because you know more....why not just (like a few people did on here) post a msg for me explaining what im wrong about, what im right about, and what i need to know now to help in the future? know why, cause you're the big experienced asshole who's VERY proud of your experience in this game, and this is your way of showing that pride...shitting all over people who (one difference) had the game alot less longer than you. go to the pld boards...more there....and i put my own apology there, but it doesnt apply to you morons on here who really (this is the best part) think you're very bright people. You may be, but my experience in life is I'm usually one of the brighter ones in any circle (not bragging or anything, but truth is truth) so unless this board attracts only people with an IQ above 130....just like im not experienced in this game to YOU, you're not intelligent to ME.

                    it's all relevant.


                    • #40
                      News flash, I've had this game three and a half weeks. So I believe you have had it longer than me. There goes your whole point. And no need to tell us about your intelligence, we can tell how smart you are by your crappy grammar and punctuation.
                      Retired from FFXI. Playing WoW Beta.


                      • #41
                        Guys cut it out :dead: I will give no warnings to nobody since everyone had a smart comment to add to each other so I'll close the topic before it gets out of hand.
                        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                        Merits - 98
                        Goldsmith - 85.2

