Would a WAR tanking be better with SwordorAxe/Shield, or a GAxe?
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WAR tanking
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great tanks use shields
it's common sense people...if u want more defense (ala a tank lol) use a shield...there's a reason EVERY paladin out there uses a shield...
in every party ive been in, I was the main tank with my short sword/tropical shield combo out in qufim, not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly.
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Re: great tanks use shields
Originally posted by LoneWarriorNY
it's common sense people...if u want more defense (ala a tank lol) use a shield...there's a reason EVERY paladin out there uses a shield...
in every party ive been in, I was the main tank with my short sword/tropical shield combo out in qufim, not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly.
2. Calling Galkas big and dumb is very mateur.
3. I tank with a great axe and have never died. What if I told you I was level 73?
4. Using only sword, or only great axe is poor form. Being able to use only one weapon because you can't see the values of the others means Warrior is not the job for you.
5. Great Axe does hold hate very well. Better than sword. Have fun doing 0 damage with defender and your sword while the next WAR can still do decent damage.
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Err..as nameless said.
Use both weapons and switch them out as you need to.
Axe dosn't stand out as a great weapon on it's own until higher levels."Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"
" Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."
-Jack Handy
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who said i didnt use both...we were debating which one was BETTER under the avg (as in common) circumstance.
again, as any intelligent poster would agree, ANY weapon combo can work well as long as u know how to play.
as far as saying shield isnt for defense it's for blocking attacks...wtf do you think blocking attacks is? offensive? ...jesus, you must be the one who was on cops last night living in the trailor park who threw eggs all over her husband because she ran out of cigarettes.
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Re: great tanks use shields
Originally posted by LoneWarriorNY
it's common sense people...if u want more defense (ala a tank lol) use a shield...there's a reason EVERY paladin out there uses a shield...
in every party ive been in, I was the main tank with my short sword/tropical shield combo out in qufim, not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly.
Wow, resorting to insults because I proved you wrong, nice.
/clicks report button.
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dude, you didnt prove me wrong about anything...
you're going to argue that a shield is basically worthless when in fact a defensive warrior (who will always tank 10x better than YOUR thf, or any mnk) should be carrying a sword/shld combo just like a pld...
second off you argue that a shield is not for defense...i never said it added defensive points, but it IS for defense and sure as hell isnt for offenselol...
third, whoever the fool was who said "swords are basically worthless for a warrior" obviously has NO idea what he's talking about. I'm elvaan and the sword is what I'm best with...I've tried axes and great axes and the bottom line is im better with a sword, and have outplayed (at least 10 nights in a row) all the monks ive played with, as well as any war using a g.axe or axe with no shield. You're welcome to argue it but fact is fact, and on my server very few wars choose to not use a shield. Maybe we have more common sense, but the proof is in the pudding. I have a higher attack and defense than anyone else I've seen my lvl (89 attack 114 defense without protect or boost) out in qufim yet.
The point here is what I've stated over and over: you can't say any of the combos are "useless" or "worthless" or "wrong" when you've never seen that individual person use them. But everything I've seen and heard has left me with the summation that a sword and shield combo is better for a defensive war than a big slow g.axe.
To address one last thing before I log off for the night...you can give me all the garbage u want about a swords' WS being weak...you're flat out wrong.
With the lower delay I have on my short sword (lvl 19, attack 13, delay 216, dex +2) i hit my full tp 3x as fast as ANYONE using a g.axe. So maybe one WS attack from a g.axe is a tad stronger, but in the course of 3 battles I will always deliver more dmg. I hit nearly as often as mnks do, and build much higher tp...that and tell me how a sword that adds dex +2 is worthless to a defensive war?
it's all opinion, and everyone's got one, but dont say a sword/shield combo is worthless when it could very easily be argued that a g.axe is worthless, but in actuallity either argument is wrong. It's about what's better for YOUR character.
Opinions aside though, anyone who says a sword is worthless to an elvaan war is either A) dumb (sorry, but that's all it comes down to) or B) ignorant to the fact that there's other races out there other than their cheesy mithra.
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The point here is what I've stated over and over: you can't say any of the combos are "useless" or "worthless" or "wrong"not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly
Secondly. I never said shield was bad, I said you don't use it for more defense, you use it to block attacks.
How can you outdamage someone witha great axe when your swords damage is what, 15?, the great axe at that level has a damage of 40 I believe (neckchopper). Combine that with food and berserk, I don't see how you outdamage them. And if you ate fishkabobs and defender your attack wouldn't be 80 it would be 20.
I never said sword and shield combo is worthless, I said that a lot of weapons should be used.
My current capped weapons as WAR - sword, great axe, axe, grapples, dagger, great sword, scythe.
WAR is a weapon specialist, all wepaons should be used.
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GA is cooler tho. %DRude, but not wrong. ;x
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Ok first off dont use Sword/Sheild at any level if your a warrior. Second, I would HIGHLY advise using a great axe while tanking.
While you do not get the ability to block with a shield, you get the parry ability which works really well with a 2 handed weapon. I have have tanked with both weapons and pre 50 (Im only 45) I would say go great axe without even thinking about it. You will probably parry almost as many times as a shield will block if your parry is up to par.
PLUS the great axe gives better damage, harder criticals, and better weapon skills. I have seen little need to pull out a 1h axe in 45 levels, but that will change, later on, when the 1h axe gets better weapon skills Im sure.
In conclusion, pre 50 my advise is to tank with great axe forget swords. Level your axe, but keep great axe as your main.
Good luck!
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Re: great tanks use shields
Originally posted by LoneWarriorNY
it's common sense people...if u want more defense (ala a tank lol) use a shield...there's a reason EVERY paladin out there uses a shield...
in every party ive been in, I was the main tank with my short sword/tropical shield combo out in qufim, not the big dumb galkan with the great axe...they usually wound up dead...honestly.
You should be using a 1-H axe and shield... and a great axe, both, like Nameless said... heck you should be using a TON of weapons... if not all. But, great axe and axe are the main.
Nameless you scared me though before when you said "PLDs don't use shields for defense they use it for blocking attacks"... seriously... it never dawned on me that blocking attacks wasn't defense because it is. The extra points of DEF and the blocking attacks is defense in general.
Wow, whoever said they outdamage a great axe, w/the sword quit now. The reason why I would say quit is because you're obviously playing w/a blindfold on and we obviously don't need people who who do that.
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The thing that I don't like about great axe for tanking is the long delay. If you miss, and miss again, there's a good chance that hate might be shifted.
Dual 1h axes or even single 1h axe allow you to deal steadier if lesser damage.
And LOL@the guy who said that he outdamages GAXE with his sword.Nusayb, Galka, Fairy Server- 63WAR,
70NIN, 37THF, 66MNK, 25DRG, 18RNG, 16SAM, etc. WAR AF Complete. NIN AF Complete. MNK AF Complete.
????, Hume Female, Fairy Server- 29BLM, 21WHM, 37THF, 32WAR, 31DRK, etc.
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