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60+ Appreciation

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  • 60+ Appreciation

    I've read that almost all jobs hit 60 and then seem to find it very hard to get PT's and most quit because not enough PTs want this the same with the versatile-multi-purpose WAR? I wouldn't imagine so but can any High level WAR's know what it is like? Wouldn't like to raise it to 60 to find I am not wanted.
    Server: Siren
    San D'oria Rank 5
    Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
    Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
    Warrior AF COMPLETE
    Paladin AF 4/6

  • #2
    Nope. A good party will recognize the importance of a warrior. Play well, earn yourself a good reputation, and you'll have no problems with invites 60+. There are very few high level NA warriors, at least on my server, and I'd bet its the same as on yours. Don't worry too much about it now, war past 60 has great party value.


    • #3
      WAR according to the two 62+ friends I have (both WARs) get more appreciation than ever.

      Even then, you shouldn't worry, people say... (not I, haven't experienced it yet) THFs are useless 60+ but, my other 60+ THF friend gets plenty of invites.


      • #4
        Good to hear from a 62 DRK that even them, apprently uber damage dealers, appreciate a high-lvl WAR. It's great to hear that we still get many invites, often. Cya there soon guys.
        Server: Siren
        San D'oria Rank 5
        Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
        Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
        Warrior AF COMPLETE
        Paladin AF 4/6


        • #5
          Heh, actually 65 but I'm just too lazy to change my info.

          But as far as the original topic, some of the best PT's 60+ have a WAR in them. It's around this level that most DRKs stop bringing war sub, instead using thf for renkei. Without war sub, they will start doing less damage than they used to. In this instance, I'd have to say that WAR will outdamage DRK at these levels (aside from renkei). 60+ war in a pt is a very good thing, especially for the lvl 3 renkeis (as meimei mentioned, nin sub for blink is wonderful for darkness/light renkei) .

          One other thing I might mention... It's not the 60's you should worry about, it's really the 50's. I'd say you might have a hard time getting invites during the 50's, and it will just seem like foreeeeeeeeeeeeever. Right after the hell of genkai 1 (which can take weeks for the unlucky people), you have to go through genkai 2, 3, SEVERAL AF quests for yourself and others, AND level at the same time. It's really during the 50's when people start to get weeded out, so when you get there just try to hang in there.


          • #6
            Thanks, dude. Will do, i'll hang tight knowing I can pull through to being very wanted at 60+ and dealing nice damage!
            Server: Siren
            San D'oria Rank 5
            Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
            Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
            Warrior AF COMPLETE
            Paladin AF 4/6


            • #7
              all melee will have a hard time getting parties post 60 unless you are making one yerself or in a static party.

              it's especially hard for some of us that's already 70 since back then there's not much high lvl NAs and dont expect JPs to invite you unless yer a tank or mage.

              now it could be different since there's quite a lot of lvl60 NAs


              • #8
                I'd love to take a job like warrior all the way, but I just can't get over the bellydancer AF armor. I'm sure I could get over it or just find a different body piece to use, but why have a bellyshirt with your shoulders exposed? :sweat:
                SAM 74


                • #9
                  I have one word for you:


                  • #10
                    Haha, unique way to get rid of the names...

                    I have a thing about liking while sets of the same armor so that I match. Don't ask me why

                    I guess this is somewhat of a small improvement on the idea:
                    Attached Files
                    SAM 74


                    • #11
                      Hardly unique, considering I stole it wholesale from Faluzure, who has an excellent screenshot thread that you should definitely visit.

                      As for matching, well, I guess you get to wait until 69 for thickset + hauberk. Looks aside entirely, the stat bonuses on most WAR relic and AF are not particularly spectacular.


                      • #12
                        Ungh, the warrior AF looks really awful on males, especially the legs and armor.
                        "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"

                        " Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."

                        -Jack Handy


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by stabby
                          I have one word for you:
                          Unless of course your server is greedy and that costs about 2million gil
                          Retired, and glad. FFXI can burn in hell!


                          • #14
                            What, like on my server? Farming is key.


                            • #15
                              But while we're on the topic of desirability, how do WAR/MNK compare to MNK/WAR in the upper levels? Any opinions?

