Hello fellow adventurers...
I started a new character the other day ((Irujaru ~ Kujata)), and in slight contrast to my Mithra BLM/WHM, I decided to try a taru WAR. Well, after awhile I gave up on my dream of taking warrior all the way to 75, and I think Ive settled on what I want:
Ive gotten WAR to 14 as of now, and its gettin to be time to pick me a sub job. Here lies my problem... BLM/WAR Hmmm.... Ive been playin before NA release, and Im smart enough to know that BLM shouldnt sub WAR, even if just to 30. So my question to you is basically: WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Any sugjestions would be greatly apreciated! =)
>>Posted on BLM forum as well.... thought Id get 2 opinions ^^ <<
I started a new character the other day ((Irujaru ~ Kujata)), and in slight contrast to my Mithra BLM/WHM, I decided to try a taru WAR. Well, after awhile I gave up on my dream of taking warrior all the way to 75, and I think Ive settled on what I want:
Ive gotten WAR to 14 as of now, and its gettin to be time to pick me a sub job. Here lies my problem... BLM/WAR Hmmm.... Ive been playin before NA release, and Im smart enough to know that BLM shouldnt sub WAR, even if just to 30. So my question to you is basically: WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Any sugjestions would be greatly apreciated! =)
>>Posted on BLM forum as well.... thought Id get 2 opinions ^^ <<