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Sub-Jobs... need help.

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  • Sub-Jobs... need help.

    I heard NIN is useless unless you're 74 (main). Same thing w/SAM when your main is 60.

    So, I was thinking, what is a good sub? Is the NIN and SAM subs being useless true?

    I really want to stick to only Lv'ing a couple of subs to it's max... (to 37) I do not want to Lv, five different subs to 37, it will take too long.

    Pre-60 I heard MNK was best for tanking, and for dealing damage, I don't think I'm Lv'ing my THF any longer either, dosen't seem as useful compared to other subs at least.

    Anyway, can you guys help me out?

  • #2
    Ideal Sub Jobs for a Warrior are Monk, Samurai, Ninja and Thief. Of crouse two of these are useful till 60. Monk and Thief are both good sub jobs for a Warrior, heck all these jobs are till in 75 as a warrior. From my personal experience Monk is a better sub job for warrior but that doesn't mean you don't level thief keep it fully leveled the more sub jobs you have the better chances of a party. Many people know the Sub job reasons for a warrior.

    Monk: All around job for warrior it can deal damage with berserk+Focus+Arggrsor and you'll have hig HP if you get, also if you want to tank you can throw in a Defender+Dodge and the counters flow in naturaly.

    Thief: A Back up attacker It doesn't have it's real uses till 30+ when you can Sneak Attack+Sturmwind and deal heavy damage, when thief subbed you'll get some evasion and it would never hurt farming as a thief also . Most Warriors sub Thief at 75 also and put on Hauberk and become a attacking monster with Trick+Sneak ---> Tank

    Samurai: This sub doesn't have it's uses till lvl 60+. If you don't got a bard in the party you can do Mediate+Sheild Break so it can lower the monsters evasion thus landing more hits to the enemy and that doesn't hurt at all you are basically a damage dealer and tank at this level with third eye kicking in at times.

    Ninja: One of the best tanking subs. But I personaly do this sub working till 74 for just one level . But you will be useful in HNM fights. You can stack your Ustiemetei's and still have that raw eminty from a warrior to keep hate. At lower levels this is a hard sub job make sure to have evason gear because your blink can get interrurpted fairly easy.

    So in my opinion warrior goes like this... well for me.

    Warrior to 1-59 - Thief or Monk
    Warrior to 60-73 Thief, Monk and Samurai
    Warrior to 74-75 - Thief, Monk, Samurai and Ninja

    I started over and I'm going warrior once again and I want to have Thief, Monk, Samurai and Nina fully leveled ^^d
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #3
      /NIN isn't too shabby even at lower levels once you get Utsusemi. You can take 6 initial hits without taking any damage - until Lv37, you're arguably a better "blinktank" than a NIN main who doesn't have Utsusemi: Ni yet.

      The biggest problem I've seen with WAR/NINs is holding hate though.


      • #4
        /NIN is a viable sub from level 20. At level 20 with two Battle Axes +1, I was dealing more damage then the dragoon (though he might have had piss-poor equipment). At level 24, you get the first blink. Correct me if I'm wrong, but WARs and PLDs still have the same DEF until 30 when PLD gets another passive DEF up? So I personally thing WAR/NIN > PLD-NIN 24-30, keeping hate with raw damage (At the start of the fight, you can click on Berserk until your 6 shadows [if timed right] are gone to give that extra 'umph' in the begining). 30-37, WAR/NIN is still good but PLD's now have more DEF. At 37, NIN's get the second blink so they take over in that role, and PLD's get Flash making their hate-keeping ability even better.


        • #5
          talking about WAR/NIN pre 30 is invalid since you're not a real warrior (starting out from square one)
          A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


          • #6
            WAR/MNK has the most offensive stat out of all the recommended WAR subs.. boost can get you instant hate(about the same as a normal physical attack's hate), focus and dodge can get you better attacking and tanker power...

            WAR/THF isn't good until you are 30(which you are, according to your profile)... problem with WAR/THF is your basic stat isn't that great, your attack will be weaker than warriors with other sub, although, you can earn some hate with your steal, and sneak attack is good to earn hate... but sneak attack isn't full powered as sub.. >_>;

            WAR/NIN isn't useful til.. you are lv26 WAR at least, or you won't get your utusemi ichi, at this point up to 37, WAR/NIN can replace NIN/WAR, as I was told...problem with WAR/NIN is, I heard Utsusemi is nerfed when subbed, never tested it myself, since my NIN is about for earning hate, which is probably true, as a real NIN, you have ninjutsu to earn hate, but with sub NIN, you earn hate solely by provoke...

            WAR/SAM is useless til you are 60, because with just plain store TP, the help isn't much, and the stat bonus from SAM isn't that good compare to MNK or others... but after 60, you get meditate, and as I was told, WAR becomes main attacker after 60, so you would probably prefer having SAM for meditate


            • #7
              I suggest WAR/THF 30-60. Paladins usually do the role of tank and thief sub can still tank as well. All u need is an equip change and boiled crabs/fishkabob. Noone can get the hate off with Warcry/provoke/steal etc. I also have someone else pull so I can SA it off them for even more hate. SA + Sturmwind is a great way to get ur hate back as well..


              • #8
                I was figuring leveling up warrior up to 18 to get the subjob quest, then level up monk up to 20, then level up thief to 20, then working my warrior to 40, and on. Is that a good plan for me?
                I can't play yet....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CalmDawg
                  I was figuring leveling up warrior up to 18 to get the subjob quest, then level up monk up to 20, then level up thief to 20, then working my warrior to 40, and on. Is that a good plan for me?

                  Yes it's the best thing to do keeping both thief and monk fully level'ed for subbing and you can always put your EXP message like this.. this is what I use.

                  @2,000 (|Japanese I don't understand|)
                  (|English|)+(|Japanese|) (|Party|) OK!
                  (|Axe|)+(|Great Axe|) OK! SJ: THF MNK
                  Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                  Merits - 98
                  Goldsmith - 85.2


                  • #10
                    Too bad rico doesn't have a subjob and he can't sub MNK

                    Anyway, I spent today leveling my MNK sub.

                    SAM: 2 ><;;


                    • #11
                      I plan on having all 4 leveled, and whm for soloing/questing/helping where you need sneak.

                      MNK/SAM/NIN can almost all use the same gear if you think $$$ is an issue. (I do)

                      THF is pretty easy to handle.

                      If you really think leveling all 4 subjobs is a hassle when you can be capable of getting 10+ levels for 1-30 on a weekend, you're crazy.
                      A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


                      • #12
                        This is a bit of a relief; I was afraid my WAR/MNK career was about to be cut short...

                        Question, and just out of curiosity: how would a WAR/DRK fare? I'm not too keen on spell-casting, but could this combo do well? Reasons for/against?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cma
                          This is a bit of a relief; I was afraid my WAR/MNK career was about to be cut short...

                          Question, and just out of curiosity: how would a WAR/DRK fare? I'm not too keen on spell-casting, but could this combo do well? Reasons for/against?
                          Most advanced jobs do not generally do as well as basic jobs in a support role. Obviously, there are exceptions, but for the most part, this is true.
                          SAM 74


                          • #14
                            subbing DRK gives you too little MP...
                            And also, your spells would only be half your level....


                            • #15
                              'Twas what I expected (re: DRK sub). Thanks for the advice!

