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Money at higher levels

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  • Money at higher levels

    So I am a 21 war, subbing monk as of late. And i've talked to a few higher level wars about subbing ninja later on. Everything I hear is the same, it will cost a ton of gil, and gil is the thing I always seem to have the least of.

    Which brings me to my question, at higher levels, is it easier to make money ? Is there something im missing here? People tell me they have spent almost 1 mil. gil on their nin sub. And I struggle just to pull out 20k gil for every plat ore I find.


  • #2
    yeah it's pretty easy and brainless to get gil at higher levels, truth be told you can get away with spending very little gil on your NIN.

    I've gone from 1-34 on my NIN sub and only used up 5 stacks of shihei (20k), most of the time because someone else is a PLD in the party. I had that much cash initially, and most of the gear for NIN I was already using on my MNK

    as far as the other ninjutsu goes, I used hyoton to raise my ninjutsu skill and tonko to travel.

    in conclusion

    1) Do not worry about "making gil" gil can be made at any level.

    2) Level NIN for yourself before asking others to give you values
    A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


    • #3
      There are more options avaliable when you are high lvl, as for difficulty at earnng gil, I am poor from 1 -> 50 lol so you can guess the rest...

      Like Sasarai said, you can earn gil even at lv1, just depend whether you want to do it or not. Me for one prefer running around town mindlessly for no reason at all, instead of hunting for cash lol....

      As for NIN sub, you will probably expect to spend around 4 stacks of Shihei in a party normally? depending on your server price, it might varies.... but yes, NIN eats money fast


      • #4
        Think of it this way, go fishing on full moons and sell your moat carps, no farming involved, very little fishing expenses to start with, heck you can even farm king ranperre's tomb at low levels such as 30.

        Composite rod and sabiki rig has got me 2k while waiting for a party in kazham from quus and bastore sardines. This is time I put to use while it could have been spent doing nothing. My friend who could farm but doesn't want to has made enough cash to buy phalanx (150k) in less than a week. He could farm faster (rdm) but he made it from fishing (his skill is 43 now though)

        I am a firm believer if that if you're really lazy, fishing is the way to go.
        A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


        • #5
          What if your real lazy and found fishing to be boring?

          I think I rather round around and slap mobs up. It's slow, but more entertaining.


          • #6
            I just hit 24 the other day and now am starting to farm to get chain. I did try mining and got a Plat. ore my first few hours, problem is it wont sell =p .

            Put it up for about 25k gil and right as I do so prices droped to about 23 - 22


            • #7
              Simple, be the lowest price


              • #8
                Um... if fishing is too boring... well there isn't much else you can do while LFG you know. Until higher levels, people will mostly search in their area for someone to pt with so either you want to lv and stay in the area for a pt to invite you, or you get very very few pt invites to kazam when you are hanging out in windurst even with your lfg flag on.

                And while hanging out in areas that can potentially have people invite you, well there just isn't much to do. Some spots don't even offer fishing (garliage, crawler's nest) so um.... buy a gameboy?

                Face it, the only "non-boring", "super easy", "instantly get rich" way to get gil would be to buy it from online merchants. In wich case you might just have to pick up an even more boring job at the local quickie mart to make real wold money to buy gil with....

                (can't understand why ppl do this still, (personally I'd rather use the real world money to buy myself a MP3 player, or get a girlfriend.... in wich case I'd probably quit FF >:D wmahahahahaha))
                75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                • #9
                  Or you could trick/convince her to play with you!

                  Play together, stay together. +1 for common interests.
                  Carbuncle Server:
                  Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
                  Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


                  • #10
                    Where do you find gamer chicks these days? DnD conventions?

