I'm currently a lvl 13 war and i've been loving every min of it. I was ready to take war all the way but recently I've been bored of it. I live in Bastok and my next Mission is when you travel to Windurst and San d'oria and do something there... idk what its called but its mission 6. I want to be around lvl 20 before I do that with a subjob. I start lvl'ing solo in the Highlands... seems kind of slow since i have to heal myself almsot after every fight. So I decide to party in the dunes. Every party I join or I try to get togather becomes a total wreck and they don't know what they're doing or they don't listen. So here I am a lvl 13 War about to switch to a new job and start over. Does every War get bored around this time? I just don't like how the lvl'ing system is in this FF. I've always enjoyed lvl'ing in all the other FF. I'm kind of undecided about what to do next.... Mage or War.... so many questions. :confused:
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Kind of Bored...
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Actually, I haven't been bored with Warrior so far at all. In fact, if I didn't love Monks so much, Warrior would be the class I'd take to 75.
The versatility is simply too enticing for me. I usually am the tank in a party, being a Galka, and I enjoy it. There are times however where we grab a Paladin, so I get to play a damage dealer role, with Berserk in full effect. The ability to fulfill these roles to great success at these levels is an awesome perk. Since I'm still in the lower realm of the game, Warriors not only tank amazing well, but also deal tremendous damage if wielding a Great Axe. Even throughout the game, you'll fulfill these roles with relative degrees of success. High level Warriors are said to be first-rate damage dealers, bring great utility to a group, and as a War/Nin, very, very, good tanks.
If you're groups are sucking, you should try putting together one of your own. Try and recruit people with subjobs or rank 3s to minimize the probability of a crappy Valkurm group. As a tank role, you'll often make or break the group yourself, so analyze yourself and see if you're fulfilling your own role as well: keeping the hate.
An unsubbed Warrior is not a very good hate-keeper because all you have is Provoke every 30seconds, and usually grouped with new BLMs who have no clue how to manage hate. Grab a Monk sub though, and watch hate stick like superglue at these levels.
Main Job(s): 75 MNK
Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
San d'Oria Rank: 10
Zilart Mission: 14
Promathia Mission: 1
Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.
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I expect you to be bored, if you are PTing... walking, NM hunting, walking, thinking, basically if you're doing anything related to the Konshtat Highlands... or, La Thenine Plateu, sometimes Tahrongi... be prepared to be bored, also, when thinking of these area, keep any sharp objects away to prevent killing of yourself or another.
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Unless you and all your party members are playing correctly you'll have a rough time in the dunes, which is often the case. Not to mention new players(mostly ps2 players being the new ones at the moment) often take a long time to 'really' pick up the game unless they've read about it before hand and know what to do.
There is still a server wide process occuring in which the newbs are being seperated from the noobs. The newbs are learning, they'll get better and they'll eventually become vets. And then there are noobs, mr and mrs know it alls they will just always suck and often times don't have the patience and give up.
Well since the game hasn't been out very for a long time, you're going to find and party with far more newbs and noobs.
For now you're going to have to bit your lip and perfect your tanking, you'll see a good group eventually, and as the earlier poster said, you must be tanking correctly also or you will bring down the party.
Believe me though, 3-6 months down the road, the quality of the average party will greatly increase in dunes,qufim,jungles, etc. No offense to the ps2ers, they're still new, but right before ps2 release it seemed the curse of the dunes party was uplifted and I was finding 'many' good dunes parties leveling several other jobs.ANYWAY BIG BEN THINK LIKE THIS ITS LIKE HEY GUYS WHY BE RACIST?? RACISM HURTS EVERYBODY ON INSIDE MAKE BIG BEN SADFACE ITS ALL ABOUT SKILLS CUZ WHEN BIG BEN HAD TO WORK ON FARM AS CHILD BEN HAD TO MAKE FARMING PT MADE OF ASIAN MAN BLACK MAN(THATS ME) MEXICAN MAN CHECHOSLOVAKIAN MAN AND IT WAS BEST FARMING PT EVER CAUSE ALL MEN HAD HQ SHOVELS AND TRACTORS AND KNOW HOW TO PLAY SO FARMING WAS QUITE GOOD
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war is a great job to take to lvl 30 for the advanced jobs. actually i like it so much that i just may take it all the way. a few cautions for you though.
war is tough to level up post 15 due to the fact that there are a billion of us lfg. after the dunes at around 20, you'll head to qufim and sit for xx minutes lookin at !'rs asking yourself "why would a group pick me over the other three 20lvl war/thf's?, yep, shoulda took red mage". but right at the time that you jump back on your chocobo to switch jobs and start leveling over, you get an invite. maybe im just impatient but average i sat for 30 mins easy lookin for group.
my suggestion, if you wanna hit lvl 20 and get your subjob fast, take a mnk or a mage class. rdm and blm are great for a group, blm's do much more damage than us wars and rdm's are wonderful for a group with their debuffs. Mnks get groups decently fast and rdm's & blm's are snatched up almost as fast as whms.
when you get your subjob you can hit war/rdm and solo up to lvl 15 with little problem.
lately i've been trying to group but takes so long that i will not group till lvl 15 now. dunes is doable at lvl 10 with a couple blm's and a good tank or 2.
also lvl mnk to 15 if ya can, sub mnk till war/mnk 30 for the best setup.
i had a number of friends that would static so it was a bit less painful for me.
good luck
LunakatIf this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!
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Geez, you only played the job to lvl13. Yeah, it will get boring competing with all the wars until lvl 30+. But thats when the game dynamics really start to change. War doesnt get too many abilities, but its what they can sub that makes it interesting, and allows them to do many things.
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If you get bored at lvl 13,then something is wrong with you. YOu dont get war abilities,the good ones,till lvl 30+,im thinking that some of you cant handle war and that its a sucky job,but when you go to jeuno to see those high lvl war/nin and look at there uberness you'll be like "OMG wtf" war/mnk/sam/nin are the best melee class in game. Taking war all the way is a good thing. Don't just go advanced because everyone else is,in that case,ull get high lvled and be stuck with no pts cause theres like 20 of the same job seeking at your lvl. Don't think of war as a bad job,right now im having fun with it as lvl 60+,and im hoping for it to get better :D. GREAT AXE TEH SEXY FOR JOO!
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Yea men, WAR is ubber in the versatile department.
I started the game as a WHM to "get subjob fast", but in the end i couldnt take it past 9...i just changed to WAR and in about 2 weeks i was completing my SJ quest, then i went back to the mage classes "cause i didnt want to wait for ever for a party". Turns out i ended up waiting more as a Mage (RDM 15, BLM 22, WHM 9 lol) than as a WAR. Since i picked up back my WAR career i got more ppl in my Friendlist.
Now that i got lvl 30 im gonna lvl up a NIN to sub it.
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