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WAR planning on DRG help.

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  • WAR planning on DRG help.

    All right I plan on being a DRG when I get adv. job. I've been hearing that WAR should stick with Axe or GrtAxe. But I've also been hearing that DRG's aren't the best attackers in the world, and that Penta Thrust is practically a necessity. So I've been wondering, since these rumors, if I should ditch GrtAxe and/or Axe for a spear so I'll have some necessary skills as a DRG.

  • #2
    It's not hard to raise a single weapon level, espeicially when it has an "A" rating for the class, like Spear for the DRG. Use a GA/Axe for WAR, and Spear for DRG. You won't have any trouble capping it.


    • #3
      You should have plenty of time leveling up spear as DRG but buying Great axe and axe can be costly. Just buy spear. Also the WSs might help leveling go faster.


      • #4
        Well since the economy is outrageously frightening on Garuda, I bought a spear. It's faster than a GrtAxe would probably be, but I'm still a little bit interested with GrtAxe.


        • #5
          All right guys, thanks for your help anyways, but I'm switchin to THF, lol. I plan on bein a DRK instead and I might as well just get THF to 37 for that.


          • #6
            Might i just suggest getting WAR to 18 for your sub-job quest then going THF so you dont have to level a sub later?

            Warrior TP Warrior WS


            • #7
              ^ has a very good suggestion. Also, DRK 1-30, WAR is THE sub for any melee, so it'd help out when leveling DRK.


              • #8
                Okay. I haven't gotten a chance to play since I posted this and won't tonight either most likely, but I will. Thanks for the help guys.

