Go to Valkrum Dunes, Selbina, get on the boat to Mhaura (cost 200g, becaureful of pirates and Sea Horror), go through Buburimu Peninsula to Tahrongi Canyon, then head to Maze of Shakhrami and fight Maze Makers. It might be hard to find a party as a WAR, but it should be possible. Once you hit 15, go to Bastok Mines > Zeruhn Mines > Korroloka Tunnel and fight the worms there until 20ish. Skip Dunes all togeather.
I'd NEVER suggest Dunes to anybody. It's a complete and utter hell with horrible EXP and parties. I'm not sure how exactly it became the 'landmark' of leveling from 10-20, but it's a horrible place to level. Oh well, more worms for me.
I'd NEVER suggest Dunes to anybody. It's a complete and utter hell with horrible EXP and parties. I'm not sure how exactly it became the 'landmark' of leveling from 10-20, but it's a horrible place to level. Oh well, more worms for me.