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  • war/nin=pld/war,nin/war??

    Ive got an almost complete static PT. We are getting setup for leveling at around 30. I will be the main tank but i wanna do some damage at the same time. so between war/nin, pld/war, and nin/war the first is most apealing to me, otherwise ill have to go pld :/

    --Is war/nin a good option for main tank from 30 to 75?

    --Can war/nin tank bcnm's?

    I have read the war/nin rocks!!! thread but theres not quite enough info to satisfy me.

    Thanks much
    If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

  • #2
    I'm a lvl62 mithra war/nin

    war is the only class that can deal damage and tank. You can fill the role in your PT as either... the versatililty of warrior is what makes them so appealing... they are also skilled in many weapons.. namely axe and great axe. I originally planned to be nin main... but found the costs and lack of damage to be too difficult. War/nin is the perfect solution.
    From lvl 24-50 i have been awesome as the main tank in my semi static PT with a rng/nin and brd/whm. Basically me and rng could bounce aggro with blink. rng dmg is insane.. they WILL get hate no matter what. A rng coupled with a blm will kill mobs so fast that i only blinked 6 hits whole fights at times.
    Post 50 ive found that pld will tank best.. as they get defender hold hate easier with cures and take less dmg than war, with mobs hitting harder and harder. Ive become better dmg dealer/backup tank/fuidama partner. Dual axes dmg will skyrocket once u get the 5-hit WS rampage at lvl55. I did almost 900 dmg on the shadow lord with 600 dmg distortion renkei omg...8-hit rampage :spin: .. i was tanking after that lol.
    Post 60, most agree war/sam is the best with G axe with shield break + raging rush. Axes come back into play with Mistral Axe at lvl 66, however. War/nin at lvl74 gets blink2.. making them amazing. Another thing to note... war AF adds +15 emnity, which makes mobs love you.. havent tanked much since getting it... but they will turn to me pretty often just from my dmg and emnity if im not tanking.

    What are your static members? Remember u can be tank or dmg dealer depending on whos LFG. Theres generally lots of pld on my server

    IMO war/nin is the best tank for BCNM40 Giddeus. Why? I blink flood, dont run out of MP and deal tons of dmg with with dual axe + dbl attack. With defender on, the mandra's barely hurt me and i can cast blink inbetween hits. But in BCNM u want to kill them as fast as possible... the brd's life is ticking away. Thats why rng is best dmg dealer, blm will run out of MP. Flaming Arrow->Raging Axe fusion chain (about 500+dmg) ensures that the mandra's will rip off the brd. BCNM40 has been a cake walk for me... war/nin rng whm whm brd blm.

    I hope this clears some things up for ya... granted I'm not uber high lvl yet... but I know i'll be a powerhouse at lvl74 war/nin.


    • #3
      It is a very positive response :D. I just want to be able to stick with my PT through out the game without too much trouble. Wouldnt wanna hit 50 and realize that i have to push nin or pld up to continue the PT.

      also been wondering. how is tanking with dual wielding viking axes? obviously your gonna get hit all the time but the +20 acc is so dam appealing.

      thanks much for the info

      If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


      • #4
        between war/nin and war/mnk for 40 to 50 i prefered war/mnk cause it was better at keeping hate since i was doing mostly pickup groups the setup would change each day.

        depends on your static pt setup, i would choose either one of those 2.

        for bcnm, i only got info about the lvl 40 one and war/nin would be a good tank for the mandra ones because you can blink the flood attack, otherwise there is no point in blink tanking vs mandragora type mob.

        blink wise, you'll be able to blink the 1st 6hits and after that unless you got someone to pull hate from you, you might have a hard time to recast utsusemi: ichi on yourself because of it's 4sec cast time.

        Dmg wise, war/nin and war/mnk are both similar, but since i often tank with def food + defender i like to use my great axe and shield break since the evade debuff does benefit to all melee in the group unlike 1h axe/sword ws that only do raw dmg.
        war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


        • #5
          I don't mind it at all.

          If you are the tank, you're going to be wearing your Defensive gear instead of Attack gear, so you will be fine. In most instances if you know beforehand that you will be tanking, you might want to sub Monk, it's much better defensively, then you won't have to worry about getting hit all the time :p
          - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
          Rank 6-1, Windurst
          Genkai 4 completed
          Attack Gear
          Tank Gear

          Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


          • #6

            My static pt is

            war/nin <me>
            drg/war or mnk/war

            i think we have the basics in order, just wanna keep up at the higher levels.

            also, would it be better to look for +eva gear or more def as a mithra war/nin?

            thanks again
            If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


            • #7
              More DEF. The main reason that Ninjas go with Evasion is because they have two blinks, so the chances of them getting hit are very rare (Most I've seen go with +offensive gear actually). WARs only have 1 pre-74 Utsusemi, so you'll be hit a lot and DEF is needed.

              WAR/NIN also becomes a lot better at hate holding post 30 with the elemental Ninjitsus. Unfortunetly they are the Ichi's (Long cast time :dead: ) but every little thing helps.

              Also, with /NIN you can go with Meat Mithkabobs instead of seafood, since you will be dodging several hits in the fight. Meat Mithkabobs and a Great Axe will be a lot better at holding hate.


              • #8
                Lunakat, you're missing the most important parts:

                2 sets of gear, 1 offensive and 1 for defensive.

                4 subjobs should to be leveled along the way:
                MNK (for tanking)
                NIN (for offensive or pulling)
                THF (for fuidama and Treasure Hunter)
                SAM (for Meditate and TP store)
                - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                Rank 6-1, Windurst
                Genkai 4 completed
                Attack Gear
                Tank Gear

                Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                • #9
                  Bigokk, he's the tank in a static party, so /THF is thrown out. See his level (and how long it'll take to get to 60)? There goes /SAM.

                  So it comes down to /NIN and /MNK, which is what he wants to know.


                  • #10
                    He's still going to want those other jobs available and ready for use.

                    Treasure Hunter for NM farming, Genkai1 etc

                    I think static parties are a bad idea, you could go through the game the whole way to 75 without knowing jack about the game, which would be unfortunate.
                    - 62 WAR - 36 PAL - 36 NIN - 30 DRK - 30 MNK - 25 WHM - 22 RNG - 20 SAM - 20 THF -
                    Rank 6-1, Windurst
                    Genkai 4 completed
                    Attack Gear
                    Tank Gear

                    Calling some one a "waste of oxygen": 8 warning points.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bigokk McGock
                      He's still going to want those other jobs available and ready for use.

                      Treasure Hunter for NM farming, Genkai1 etc.
                      He's asking about exp sessions though. :spin:


                      • #12
                        thanks for all of the advice, i will be looking into different gear at higher levels. ill probably stick with mostly /nin cuz i like to explore the game and have a hard time keeping subs lvl'd like the rest of my group. and right now it sux trying to lvl past 20 cuz of the lack of experianced players in the lower zones (took 3 nights to lvl thf from 12 to 15 cuz of bad pt's).

                        part of the reason i am very happy with the static is cuz we want to find new areas of the game, not the same old dunes -> qufim -> Yutang -> Yhot-> etc...

                        I enjoy war and I think it would be nice for people to know that there might be an alternative tank for higher levels.

                        thanks again
                        If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


                        • #13
                          Lets see, Viking Axe is a great weapon... I still use it in my off hand when i find myself whiffing too much -_-; Dual Wielding them at lvl 48 will be awesome dmg, but will lower your evade a quite a bit. With a high dmg PT it should be ok when tanking. I normally opted with one high dmg axe in main for WS and viking in off.

                          Yes, every good war should have a set of defensive and offensive gear.
                          I macro mine to Defender and Berserk respectively.
                          ex. /equip Ear1 "Assault Earring"
                          When tanking, its best to wear +VIT or +DEF equip, even as mithra u wont evade many hits from an IT. Shield Earrings are nice, at lvl36 i changed these to +2 AGI Wing Earrings.
                          In attack mode, wear +atk -eva earrings, +acc stuff is most important (wear these even when tanking). As mithra i wear +str rings for dmg, as we have enough dex to go around.

                          Tanking as war/nin can be tricky. You'll want to cast blink as often as possible, as it creates hate and doesnt erase hate when u absorb hits. You can always absorb the 1st 6 hits of a mob, but after that it is hard to recast without being interrupted because of the 4sec cast time. Have your mages blind/paralyze/slow the mob! If you are getting too hurt, have the mnk/drg voke it off for recast. On certain mobs I am able recast easily, such as crabs and beetles. The trick to recast as often as possible is try to cast such that the mob hits u b4 20% or after 80% of cast time. Basically cast as the mob motions to hit you. Also watch for mob buffing its self or casting magic, u will have time to cast during this. Blm stun will also help to get the cast off. ^^

                          Your static PT of war rng thf mnk/drg blm whm will work very well in early lvls, but you might find yourselves having more downtime then u'd like later on. This is because the lack of a support class, namely rdm or brd. You do have very high dmg, however. rng mnk and blm will own anything. Thf will help keep the hate on you. I think it will still work.
                          Rdm and brd have mp regen abilities and backup healing. rdm and brd both have dispel abilites that can take shields off a mob. Rdm has high enfeeble skill, and brd can slow the mob by a lot with songs. Brd has songs to increase atk and acc of melee. This makes tanking so much easier and allows for much less downtime. ... my thoughts.

                          I static with a pld rng brd ... our best setup is war pld rng brd blm rdm. = never downtime with ballad, refresh and convert.


                          • #14
                            I'm planning to be a war/nin and i have question to ask. Since i get dual wield, i can hold 2 weapons right? Well, i'm actually thinking of use an axe and a sword, since this allows me access to 2 diff sets of ws. Could i have opinions on this? Like the pros and cons... I woudn't mind switching to 2 axes if I there are too many cons... Thanks...
                            Nukemaru - 35 WHM, 30 BLM
                            Sevalle - 23 PLD, 37 WAR, 23 MNK, 12 BRD (deleted)


                            • #15
                              -- Slighty O/T (my end goal is WAR/NIN too though )

                              I'd really like to hear from a high level warrior if Samurai is an absolute must. I fear it is, heh.. maybe I am in denial. I understand its usage, I know parties might ask for it. I just see a lot of high level Warriors subbing Thief when partied up so I'm hoping either Sam or Thf will be good for the non-main tank role.

                              Right now I got the Monk & Thief ready for 60 and I am working on Ninja. But to do Samurai too, hmm..

                              -- End O/T
                              Beckx of Bastok - Rank 9
                              41 Chef / 35 Fisherman

