I know a lot of you will start making the argument that WAR is a damage dealer later on. But really, can a WAR tank an HNM?
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Can a WAR tank an HNM?...
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Many people don't realize this, but, even though we have more Enmity+ on gear, PLDs are still better, the reason why PLD has less Enmity+ is because PLDs have more hate-control tools. They have Cures, Flash, all that magic jazz, 'Voke (if WAR subbed), Sentinel, Cover (even though this isn't hate gain, you still use to "get hate" in a sense).
What does WAR have? 'Voke... Warcry... uh, that's basically it... so, we need the more Enmity+, while PLDs, they don't need any Enmity+ gear at all because all their tools for hate is built in.
This is just a opinion, but, I do think it's the reason why WAR AF has all that Enmity+ on it. (This was brought up recently in my LS I said the above, they agreed, so...)
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try pting with a PLD and a WAR in the late 50's both with their AF up to date >_>"
we'd always start off our fight with tricking (a THF) onto the PLD, then he'd flash, voke, ect...but the WAR still kept pulling agro...
for one, with a Greataxe WAR's do 90-110 a hit usually. Break Weapon skills are hate magnets also. Not to mention he also havd to voke that mob at the start of the fight, and he used warcry. You gotta relize that +18 enmity is added to EVERYTHING a WAR does...a WAR eating fish meatkabobs, with a axe/shield could still do 20-30 dmg a hit (trashing what a PLD does) and tank quiet well.Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:
"Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)
"Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)
"But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)
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Some fights are even out from my opinion, I mean BLM's mp doesn't last forever. In the Long run pepole Use Dark Knight's and Monk's for physical damage dealers. You can say that Bamce Sylph.:sweat:Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
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Easy Hisdon... you don't need to be nasty and mean.
If a NIN/WAR can tank awesome agianst HNMs, and they don't have any Enmity+ gear and they don't deal much damage... plus, they don't have high DEF gear and high VIT... then WAR/NIN can do better.
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My LS leader is a 75 war for HNM, he subs nin and usually main tanks so it can definaltly be done.
Hisdon: I don't know what plds you pt with but, but unless there suck at aggro control or the other melee are actively trying to pull aggro at the start, there is no way a pld is going to lose hate just b/c of the emnity in war AF and what they hit for with Great Axe. Hell a good pld can hold aggro against sidewinder or ancient magic if given a little time to build up hate, those are both 1000+ damage on average so 100 damage from a Great Axe hit is nothing.Koenig Handschuhs: O
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Warriors are the best tanks for HNMs in the game. Ninja is good, but they die very easily once blink drops, whereas warriors don't die so easily.
Paladin is good as well, but they need to sub Ninja which means they lose provoke and that does horribly gimp them in hate keeping abilites, thus they'll need fuidama to keep the hate. Yes they have Flash and stuff, but that MP doesn't last forever when you're fighting something that'll take about 20-30 minutes to kill (or 3 hours for some HNMs..). And will mean the mages will get more hate, which means more of them logging out and more of them getting hate through healing.
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