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Renkei lvl2 -> lvl1?

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  • Renkei lvl2 -> lvl1?

    I was in a PT last night with 3 NA's and 3 JP's, must say those 3 JP players had the system down. There was a Sam/War and Thf/Nin, were chaining Enpi -> Fastblade for the lvl 2 renkei (distortion i believe). I tryed to chain Raging Axe after them but couldnt get a chain to work.

    Can you chain a lvl 1 after a lvl 2 is achieved?

    Also, I am not a JP worshiper, just appreciate good players. The SAM and even the THF were tanking cuz i couldnt hold agro, they were doing massive damage. I didnt expect any less cuz they were rank 6 - 10 so they knew their way around. Didnt check their equipment but i was just amazed at how easy 200+ xp mobs were going down. PT'd with a full NA group shortly after with same pulls and we were having a considerably harder time with the same mobs.

    PT setups
    WAR/THF - me
    THF/NIN - JP
    SAM/WAR - JP
    RDM/BLM - JP
    BLM/WHM - NA
    WHM/THF - NA

    2nd - NA Group
    WAR/THF - ME

    Is SAM and THF just a really good combo in a PT or could it be gear? Honestly, I thought they had some 3rd party software goin for how fast we took down those mobs

    Anyway, was glad for the oppertunity to PT with a few JP players.


    If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

  • #2
    Re: Renkei lvl2 -> lvl1?

    Originally posted by Lunakat
    Can you chain a lvl 1 after a lvl 2 is achieved?


    • #3
      Could have been any number of factors that made your second group less effective. Biggest difference in a good PT and bad PT is the usage of Food. Melee types and consistently use meat/fish mithkabobs ( depending on role ) are always a lot more effective. I'm also assuming from your profile that no one in your second PT could Sneak Attack. The distortion damage as well as percent gain on MB is greatly affected by the higher damage output at the end of the chain from the thief.

      All in all I'm glad you got to see the huge difference a well coordinated PT can make while xping. I can't explain how pissed I get when I hear the phrase, " Skillchains don't do much" or "blah isnt important at our level/area".

      Any edge that you can gain just from a little extra effort can make a huge difference. I'm sure that all NA players will come to understand how important it is to work efficiently within the PT and contribute as much as possible. Then all this JP/NA nonsense can end ^^

      Higher-Echelon, Garuda


      • #4
        It must have been the sneak attacks w/ distortion that helped a lot. I can tell when a group is using good SC+MB combos, makes life much easier.

        That fist pt was great although i didnt feel like i was helping much cept when the mages needed a quick provoke, but then the sam or thf just got agro back.

        If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

