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War/WHM for PLD?

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  • War/WHM for PLD?

    I am currently a 25WAR/9MNK but i"m looking to work up white mage up to level 15 or so. I want to be able to have some magic levels before I become a PLD. Is a WAR/WHM good enough to tank well? I'm usually the main tank in any party I join. I know though that curing would help me keep hate better... something my WAR/MNK is not as good at.

    any ideas?

    should I level up WHM but use WAR/MNK for groups right now?

  • #2
    I was a WAR/WHM and i've had no problem in PT's tanking, also the invites are very good. I was even yelled at once, " PALADINS SHOULD NEVER USE BERSERK!!!!" That guy's face was red after I told him that I wasn't a pld.
    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


    • #3
      The main problem is that you'll hardly have any mana unless you get a couple of astral rings. And by hardly any, I mean only a few Cure I's.

      Another problem is downtime. Unlike PLD, WARs WS are very much needed (Break series).


      • #4
        No! No! No!

        I'm sick and tired of Lv'ing my subjobs and then these moron WAR/WHMs come along and gimp my EXP... that's right, gimp it...

        If you want to chain your healing magic, stay MNK, and before you get the PLD quest Lv WHM to 5...

        I'm sick of the WAR/WHMs gimping my EXP, I want to get Lv'ing over with so I can get back to my main job.

        Especially is the WAR/WHM is Galkan... what are you going to do? Cure I yourself for 10 HP (because WHM is subbed and magic isn't Lv'ed high)... and then you run out, and lose TP for the chain because you have to rest?!

        Seriously... the world must be desperate if they are serious of inviting you... either that or we got a moron in the PT... and no, a WAR/WHM PT cannot do away with the WHM...


        • #5
          The main problem with War/whm is what has been said is that the MP, is just to low, now if you get some equipment that can boost your MP and keep it up you are good.

          Though to be honest. If you just want to boost your Sub level do it anyways getting ready for your PLD, what's the worse that is going to happen you have more CP's.

          Though I will not say, that it is a really bad combo, just there are a couple downsides mainly the loss of TP. Now as always if you can get a brd or a rdm to get some regen going on, you will be alright.

          One more thing, if you really want to do this, you call just get yourself some good food, and you should be good to go. It will cost a bit of gil though.

          Now as for the guy that says his Exp has been gimped, maybe you shold speak up while you are in your party and tell the war/whm to fix his/her stuff. It really isn't hard to get someone to realize they are messing up. (Though, for some reason. I have a feeling there is more to this story then you are telling.)

          [qoute] either that or we got a moron in the PT... [/qoute]

          Maybe that was just the party you were in. The person didn't know what they were doing.
          "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"

