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Upper Level Warriors' Roll

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  • Upper Level Warriors' Roll

    What is it? Pld's are the tanks. Whm heals. Blm nukes. Rdm and Brd provide mana regen and buffs/debuffs. Drk, Drg, Thf, Nin, Sam Mnk and Rng provide melee damage. Smn summons.

    I would guess War is one of the Melee damage dealers, but can we keep up with the likes of Drk w/Souleater and Thf sub or with Drg with Penta?

    Just curious.

  • #2
    More than often i get asked to tank simply because pld are rather rare, same with blink ninjas so group will settle for a war.

    For dmg dealing department, warrior can hold their own vs drg, rk and sam with berserk, double attack, aggressor and that's not counting your sj advantages.

    Drk with soul eater, if your main tank is bad and can't hold hate enought a drk won't be able to use soul eater effectively often.

    Dr with penta, penta is believed to be over rated right now, since accorgind to infos it lacks in accuracy vs IT mobs, so more than often you'll get 2-4 hits with it. Don't forget war get penta too but at lvl 51.

    Sam dmg is heavily reliant on sc, and war does take a bit of that role post 60 with war/sam.

    If you're concerned with big numbers, use thf sub and do SA/Sturmwind, this will rake big numbers, more than often you'll deal more dmg than drg DT, sam enpi and drk scythe ws.

    Vs pld, pld is a better tank for holding hate and since they gain defender at 50, war kinda lose it's edge vs them, so you have to make up with utility profiding more sc options than them or using great axe breaker ws.

    I say war as is place, but 40-55 seems to be the worst levels for them. They really shine post 60 with sam and nin subs.
    war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


    • #3
      I myself always get asked to tank aswell since theres never a pally around ><! Wars can also just hack away at the monster with lots of STR + boosts. Getting back to the topic tho, it can be easy to tank as a warrior like a pally, just need some good healing. like shann said with all of the warrior abilitys they can hold there ground damage wise. when i party in clawers nest i am either first or second damage wise and first r second in taking damage wise as well.


      • #4

        my fellow mithra war got it straight pretty much ^^

        War is the ALL-PURPOSE melee. Kinda like the rdm of melee..
        A very versatile class, specialized in many weapons.. particularly Axe and Great Axe.
        They are the only class that can switch from damage dealer to tank in an instant.
        IMO, they make better backup tank/dmg dealers than main tank.
        Why? War cannot hold hate as well as a pld or mitigate dmg as well as a nin... but when coupled with one of these they help so much... esp with a thf, as the thf can SA/TA anytime he wants.

        Damage wise... i outclass sam and drg now, because of weapon skills. Raging Rush and Rampage do huge dmg with great TP return, esp with enhanced double attack. Kings of dmg are rng and blm.. and mnk on bones. War dmg is somewhat less then mnk and drk... but unlike all dmg dealers, I dont mind getting aggro from dmg... esp with /nin


        • #5
          Think of a Rdm.Whm heals, Blm nuke.... Rdm is in between. They get the majority of the cool spells and some of thier own spells/abilities. People said rdm is for debuff since they have high enfeeble skill which I really think is overrated (A and B skill is not a big difference when you fight something 10levels above you). What people want are Gravity, Dispel, Convert and other enfeeble spells so Whm and Blm can concentrate on their job. Rdm might not be able to heal/buff party as good as Whm but they do it well when there is no Whm. They can not use heavy attack spells like Blm but they can do decent damage with their spells when there is no Blm.

          Same thing goes to Warrior, breaks are your best friends. If they need to get rid of that evil evasion/defence buff of a monster, you can use your breaks to cancel or reduce the effects. If they need a tank or a back up tank (for sneak/trick attack) you can do it. If they need a damage dealer, you can do it too. If you think a Drg or Drk can be back up tank then you should try it out and see some chaos battles. Unless they are really good drk/drg they will either cause chaos in sneak/trick times or will take a lot of damage and drain your mage's MP.

          What good about Warrior is you can pretty much sub anything you want without worrying about losing your great power. Drg/thf or drg/sam is losing berserk/double attack. Pld without War is losing Provoke. Drk/thf or Drk/blm will also lose tons of cool abilities. As a warrior you are gifted with some of the best offensive and defensive skills around. You can enhance those with your sub job, ie. /nin for defence, /thf for offence, /mnk for both, /whm ... for solo (!), /rng for accuracy bonus and more WS, /drk for pure power, /sam for massive TP build up.


          • #6
            We're the utility men.

            The RDM of melee.

            We can tank (even main) fairly well, and we deal great damage.

            At my Lv (which is currently 33) I out-damage the DRGs including the wyvern and I'm on par with the DRKs, now, when Double Attack is subbed, it dosen't kick in too often, with me, it kicks in often, and I can only imagine the WAR AF boots making it even better.

            Right now, I'm sort of a damage dealer and back-up tank. Now I know people are going to say, "n00b... the pld will have too much hate u dont need a backup!"

            I say, "OK, when you experience a PLD's freak d/c, and you all die, and the people get pissed and the PT disbands don't yell at me..." Or, I just say, "When the PLD freak d/c's or [insert reason why PLD can fail] and you don't have a back-up... you're dead... and the whole PT..." So, if you want to experience the EXP loss fine be my guess.

            Endless reasons why WARs are good, but, I got to go.... (Otherwise, I'd post 'em!)


            • #7
              Meh, it's all about the trust factor that the tank has. Remember, not all paladins are good. And not all warriors want to tank. Most of the players who've been around for a while can attest to this. I've partied w/ crappy tanking paladins and great paladins. I've been with warriors who can't hold hate (even with Sneak+Trick assistance) to save anyone, and others who actually outperform some paladins.

              I agree with what the others are saying, that Warrior is one of the most versatile classes in-game when it comes to melee. My DRK is still low level, but I'm always greatful to party with Warriors who know how to use provoke properly. My PLD is also low level still, but I'm grateful to the Warrior who can pick up my slack when BLM goes nuke-happy or a WHM won't let me use cures on myself. Although, I am angered at Warriors who use Provoke as a pulling tool when I party with them as my PLD. ^_^;;
              Carbuncle Server:
              Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
              Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)

