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Keeping hate

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  • Keeping hate

    Currently a lv29 WAR. All my stats are at the bottom of my sig. I'm in a party with a WHM, RDM and BRD. Were all in a LS, trying to catch my sis (RDM) to our other lv40 jobs. I'm going to level up WAR till 40, then stop. It's us 4 and usually 2 other dmg dealers we can pick up. We've tried inviting PLD's before, but they tend to suck. So much for getting to use berserk. So, I'm always tanking. Do mind it at all, It's fun. I'm having problems keeping hate though. I'm subbing DRG right now, planning on switching to THF at 30. I have originally been using a sword and shield, but the dmg I do is horrible. I have it maxed, but THF's still outdamage me per regular attack. So i switched to polearm (also maxed for this job/level). I have been doing much more dmg, which keeps hate better. With 2 mages and a BRD i have no problem keeping my HP up. All I have is provoke and jump for hate gaining abilities. I usually saved my TP for grabbing hate off the THF when he did his SA renki's off the DRG. But when the THF was doing 200 dmg Fast Blades and another 150 for the sc, I couldn't pull it off him. They were JP rank 5, so they had good equipment to do good dmg. When I hit 30, i'll prolly sub THF and save SA for when someone else grabs hate, but I'm not sure how well that will work out. Another problem is I never got Great Axe up any. I spent 1 day, and got it to 30, but i still have some ways. I also tried leveling up MNK, but it was a pain with all the PS2 n00bs (no offence to them), not to mension I really hates it. Anyways, I would like to know If anyone has some suggestions for me, I would be apreciated.

    Oh ya, my equipment.

    weapon: lv24 and 30 polearms and the lv30 centauren G Axe, boomberang if i need to pull
    body, head, legs feet: iron/chain and centauren for 30
    hands: Hume RSE
    back: wolf mantel +1
    neck: spike necklass
    waist: warrior's belt
    rings: 2 balance
    Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
    BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

    Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

    Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums

  • #2
    hmm, some stuff i had been using to hold hate...

    Boost every 15s between the Provokes.

    G Axe. Man, when this sucker connects, they sure do hate you more.

    but yes, i've had problems keeping hate with some PTs too. Tho when those thf's lvl to 30 and get trick, your job will be so much easier.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      I hit lvl 33 war/monk last night. Leveling in alteppa i was able to hold hate better than the paladin that just left the group. My trick is this I am the one pulling and i pull with provoke when i get back i can usually provoke again then when my provoke in 15 seconds macro kicks in i boost then voke again when its time to voke. With the damage i do and consistantly voking i do not lose agro. I use 1 handed axe and great axe and no other weapons.
      Also do not sub dragoon its useless
      I got glad bags with enemies
      cut up so they remember me
      soaked em in henessy so their relatives remember me


      • #4
        When you're WAR hits 30... sub a 15 THF and make sure you got a Great Axe.

        What you're gonna do is Provoke whenever you can. If you do this, you shouldn't have too much trouble holding hate.

        Then, when you have 100% TP make someone else tank for about 3 secs... even if it's a DRK (3 secs of DRK tank isn't that bad if you've seen it). Then, walk behind the sucker and do this macro:

        /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
        /wait 1
        /ws "Sturmwind" <t>
        /p <Sturmwind> (<Sneak Attack>) >>> <t>

        OK, now, the DRK has only been tanking for under 5 seconds so it's not a big deal nor will he be taking much damage, though it helps if he dosen't use abilities and/or you have another "tanker" type class in the PT. But, after you let that macro loose, don't worry about holding hate... Also, when you hit 35... Warcry, every 5 mins... enourmous hate.

        If you still can't hold hate with a Sneak'ed Sturmwind, then you're mages are nuking way too fast, etc.

        You're tanking ability takes a bit of a hit with THF sub (compared to NIN, MNK, SAM, etc.) but, if you have high DEF, +VIT equip with Fish Cheif/Mith-kabobs, you shouldn't have that much of a problem, and if your mages have high MP (Taru...) and/or juices then you're find w/o a PLD. But, I find /THF is excellent for keeping hate... better than the other for keeping hate. (Sneak'ed Sturmwind... wow...)

        I still reccomend you find a smart PLD, they are better at tanking and keeping hate, but, you can do without them...


        • #5
          Cause as much damage as you can in the littlest amount of time, use whatever you can. Provoke every 30 seconds, it helps. I kept a giant off of a whm that used a divine seal cureIII. Now healing causes a lot of hate, but that giant was sure pissed off at me that day.
          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


          • #6
            Another thing about /thf sub is steal generates hate. But i really dont bother with tat sub. Monk has more abilities to hold hate than thief, also thief doesnt do as much damage as monk.

