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What should I buy!?

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  • What should I buy!?

    I've just spend 3 days farming, and finally have enough cash for all +1 gear at my Lv, I have just a little bit of cash left over.

    My other high Lv WAR said that WARs serve as pullers if there is no THF and NIN in the PT.

    Me knowing about the WAR's versatility I was planning on getting a ranged weapon because I realized I can fit the role of a puller, especially with NIN subbed.

    I have three choices, Boomerang, Bow, or, Crossbow.

    My LS mate said that Crossbows are wonderful for solo'ing with Bloody Bolts, but, you shouldn't use them for pulling. So, I was planning on bringing damaging bolts for pulling and Bloody Bolts for solo. Or, Corrosive Bolts to weaken defense early on.

    My other LS mate said that Boomerang is the most cost-efficient but, it has a shorter range. And shorter range means your pulls take a hit... but, I was unsure I was able to confirm this.

    Lastly the most damaging it seems, the regular bow. I can use Sleep arrows for solo, and use a high damage bow for pulling. But, compared to the Crossbow, this seems to be a higher range... and I heard WARs were better with Crossbows anyhow.

    I don't know if the info. about the range on the weapon was true, or, if WARs were better with Crossbows.

    I don't know, I need your help, thanks!

  • #2
    I recommend grabbing a Long Boomerang from your friendly local AH. +2 AGI cannot possibly hurt your tanking abilities, and it doesn't have the annoyance of other projectile weaponry (no need for ammo, an is unexpendable). Mine cost me all of 2500. Definitely a good buy.


    • #3
      I personally use a flame boomerang. Right when I hit the mob i hit dodge and run to the PT.


      • #4
        I pull with a boomerang and i rarely get hit when coming back to my group unless i have to make severals detours to dodge aggro mobs.

        If you want to skillup crossbow that bad, maybe you should wait at 40 for the IM gloves/boots that give +5 ranged acc each.
        war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


        • #5
          My friend said the Boomerangs have bad range compared to Crossbows, so, I though, "The further away from the mob... the better".

          I was also thinking of buying Acid Bolts with it.

          It couldn't hurt lowering the mobs defense and deal some damage making the whole PT's output better.

          And also, I can sub something useful during solo besides WHM for Bloody Bolts, but, I have found out... it is extremely expensive. I ran out of 99 arrows quick and it's around 4K for Acid Bolts, (like I have that money to spare trying to get all +1/+2 equips)

          I guess Lv'ing my Boomerang should be easier, and cheaper.

          Can anyone confirm about the range on a Crossbow being more than a Boomerang?


          • #6
            Purely for pulling purposes, just use a boomerang. Several reasons for this.
            1. Speed of the cast. It takes about 1.5secs for you to launch the boomerang. Crossbows and Reg bows take up to 5secs. Timing is everything for a PT and for you to not get aggroed from a spawning/moving mob near your target.
            2. No loss of ammo. In a very well run PT, you'll be pulling for a few hours. You'll run out of ammo quickly.
            3. Pullers never should worry about acutally hitting the mob. So getting a range weapon that does a lot of damage is useless. You'll miss 75% of the time anyways. Waste of ammo when you miss that much.
            4. Costs. Like I said. Waste of money spending on ammo in which you'll use so fast and hardly do any damage.

            There's nothing that annoys me more than seeing a NON Ranger using a Bow/xbow while in PT fighting an IT mob >.,<. You'll never freaking hit the damn thing!!!!! So stop it you noob!!!

            As for distance issues...the range of the boomerang is far enough where if you're pulling "seeing" mobs, it's outside of their field of vision. So you're safe
            WAR 75/THF 37/NIN 38/RNG 49
            Sandoria Rank 10
            ZM 12
            Smithing: 63
            Cloth: 60
            Alchemy: 60
            Cooking: 60
            Woodworking: 60
            Maat beaten in 3mins 51sec. The fight itself didn't last more than 12secs. Double Attack, Raging Rush, Raging Rush, Fragmentation, Double Attack= Dead Maat @.@

            NA PS2 beta tester. LVL55, Rank5 at end of beta.


            • #7
              well, if you cap the skill level, your chance of hitting an IT is pretty high. Not as much as ranger but it can do consierable damage. Boomerangs are perfect for pulling since they are cheap but if you have some cash, use status bolts like acid/venom/blind bolts for pulling. They won't hurt much if you miss but they will help pretty well if they hit, they can do as much damage as your normal Great Axe hit (good xbow).


              • #8
                Yeah, if I cap it I'd be able to hit, and giving the mob a "Weaken Defense" sure would help.


                • #9
                  btw buying +1gear for every levelwill get VERY expensive, having upto date gear is enough formost party's, +1 is just bonus
                  March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                  Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                  • #10
                    You can use bow just keep is capped it doesn't hurt lasting a day hitting weaker eniemes, most people use bommerang because it's cheap :sweat:
                    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                    Merits - 98
                    Goldsmith - 85.2


                    • #11
                      You never get hit while pulling with boomerang.

                      Just ctrl+d and wait for the little "click" - then spin around facing your group and wait 1 sec, then run forward.
                      75 Brd/Whm
                      Aurora - Bismarck


                      • #12
                        I started using a Boomerang. Any ideas on how to get it capped? It's lvl. 1 right now and im level 15.

                        Should I go outside of Windurst and throw it at Yagudo's, Crawlers, Goblins?

