I would like to know whitch is better for a mithra and witch one has better stats thank you!!
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but war/whm would have more mp, but no real offensive spells, although you get better cures and post 30 divine seal, where as rdm, you really miss out on most of the job defining spells, and have less mp, and no job abilities ever (under current level cap)
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Those are the two worst possible subs for WAR.
WAR/MNK... I'm sick and tired of Lv'ing subs and forced to PT with WAR/WHMs.
What are going to do with WHM sub? Throw a Cure out for 10 HP?
Because that's all you can do. And then, you rest and lose TP.
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In terms of bettering yourself and your PT this is what the subs give:
MNK gives you Boost, high VIT, high STR and high HP. Better for tanking, damage dealing, etc. It's what you're suppossed to do.
WHM gives... uhh, let's see... what can this sub give to a WAR that's beneficial to a PT... hmm, still thinking... nope, nothing, gives zero to your PT.
MNK should be the best sub, but, if you look to purposley gimp yourself because you want the PT to get less EXP then go WHM.
I'm sorry for the sarcasam, etc. but, I really can't stand the WAR/WHMs, unless they're doing something like solo... or, something... Other than that, WHM gives 0... And I don't like to suffer a loss of EXP.
And you don't need WHM sub to Cure yourself in order to not die. You should have a WHM or RDM (possibly) in the PT already. They do the Curing, not you.
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Yeah, WAR/MNK I'm gonna be that when i get my sub....
-Name: Rudo
-Race/Gender: Elvaan/Monk
-Jobs: WAR 30, MNK 13, BLM 8, WHM 7, DRG 33, BRD 1, RNG 3, NIN 1, SMN 1, SAM 3
-Citizenship: San D'oria
-Main Jobs: DRG/WAR
-Rank: 3
- Server: Sylph
-Linkshells: SpecOps, Paper Army
-Necessary quests done:
-Sub-job quest completed
-Chocobo quest completed
-Done Kahzam Key Airship quest
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/WHM is the only acception when solo'ing, but, we're talking about PTing here, or, at least, I think we're talking about PTing here, and if you actually read my post I said:
"WHM gives... uhh, let's see... what can this sub give to a WAR that's beneficial to a PT"
So, I obviously pointed out that /WHM is bad for a PT, because, I thought we were talking about PTing.
But, please, read my post. I know how good /WHM is for solo because, I experienced it. So, there is no need to correct me. And as you can see in my post I was referring to PTing which in that case /WHM bring -10. Actually making the PT worse.
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/whm is fine until 30 if you bring the gear to back it up, and keep it fully leveled. Mithra should have the mp to throw out a few decent (70-80pt) cure 2's. (Helps signficantly with hate on command)
You majorly lose with rdm, because the main thing you're getting out of that job is enfeebles, which work poorly at best as a subjob. (IE, don't plan on enfeebling anything even or better).
Just don't plan on using the mage sub past 30 if you go this route.
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ok thinks for the info...If you would like to join or just to find out about MithraPride please go to www.mithrapride.org (Imagination is more important than knowledge)
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